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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Permanent Weapons


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Description: Essentially, what this is suggesting is an addon where it allows players to buy weapons, such as a Westar, permanently. Now some might argue that this would take the purpose of Requisitions away, however to counter this, these permanent weapons could be more expensive than weapons from Requisitions (so something like $30,000-$50,000).

Now the pros of this would be:

• Gives an incentive for players to do quests and other missions for money.

• Allows players to use new weapons they may have not been able to use before, which will put more use to the wide variety of weapons we have available.

• This will significantly improve the economy as you could trade/sell/auction off weapons for others.

However, the cons of this would be:

• Some may argue this takes away the purpose of Requisitions.

• Some may also say this will take away the purpose of weapons that donators get.

• Some may argue that this will make different loadouts battalions have “useless”.

However, there can be a solution to all of these.

• These weapons would be permanent, meaning they should be more expensive. The contrast between this and Requisitions is that we sell weapons that are temporary.

• For donator weapons, you unlock a weapon, such as Dual DC-17, however some classes already have this (such as 501st XO), so perhaps making it so that the weapons donators get have a slight damage buff, and something signifying they are donator weapons and that they bought them with store credits?

• For the argument about battalion loadouts, some classes/battalions have special items, such as a Wrist Flamethrower, Sniper, Jetpack, or a Z-6. The weapons that make a class what it is should be kept, however the other weapons such as something like a DC-15s that every battalion has be removed from the WL to make room for permanent weapons, and perhaps only allowing 1 permanent primary, and 1 permanent secondary to be equipped at a time? So essentially this would create a system where you can customize your primary, and secondary, however keep your specialized weapons, such as a sniper a 41st may have. To keep the purpose of specialization specific weapons, perhaps refrain from selling those weapons on the permanent weapon shop? Example: not selling the sniper 41st have as their special weapon that makes them stand out from the rest, or not selling the Z-6 so the “Heavy” class can stand out from the rest and keep its purpose.


Even though it may seem like it will put specialized roles into a bad place, there can be a lot of good things to come from this, such as the economy improving.

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Honestly, adding in any sort of perma weapons would completely destroy any sort of balancing that this server would have.

Most people that could afford/are interested in the idea are people who have been playing for a while. If this were to drop as an update, you’d see Commanders that, mind you, already have 4 primaries and 2 secondaries, on the field using a Westar, which is one of the more powerful blasters in the game at the moment.

Also if it were to be implemented, it would probably hit the donation store before its a thing you can buy in game with in game money, if anything it would be a temp buy, say 50,000 for an hour use.

Theres better ways to create incentives for getting money. Maybe you have it so you can force 1 level up if you pay X amount of money. That way new and old players can work for a similar goal.

1 hour ago, snowkitkat said:

Allows players to use new weapons they may have not been able to use before, which will put more use to the wide variety of weapons we have available

This is by definition Requisition’s job. Buying a permanent weapon isn’t “testing out” to see if you like it or not, you’re stuck with it as it saying in the name “permanent”.

While adding perma weapons seems harmless as well, realize that all blasters use the same ammo. So even if the perma weapons you suggest, if some large mag weapon get put in that category, people will buy that weapon, and use it to stock up their other blasters. (Example being if my perma weapon is a DC-15A and I stock up to 300 rounds of ammo, I’ll switch to my sniper that can hold 6 rounds and only gets ammo up to 48, but now that the DC-15A is around, I’ll be able to have 300 rounds for my sniper.)


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We will be adding a system like DRP where they will be able to buy certain weapons for like 2 hours of usage, or be able to be a droideka until death but none of them will be permanent. It would have no benefit on the economy, or on the server itself by these weapons being permanent.

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