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MilitaryRP Management Team
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Everything posted by Fonza

  1. DENIED Unfortunately, after deliberation with the MilitaryRP Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons: Usage of AI for an application. Lack of activity within the community. Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 3 weeks.
  2. +1 BillyBob is a very nice fella, seems to care a lot about the server.
  3. Good work everyone! Happy holidays to everyone!
  4. +1 Having completely new people on the team is always a plus as it gives the GMs a new perspective from someone else with good ideas!
  5. Accepted Due to this warn providing context leading to a fix, this appeal will be accepted. HOWEVER For anyone that has a Crouch-Jump warn before this appeal was posted, it will still abide by previous rules regarding Crouch-Jumping.
  6. Accepted After a lengthy review of the evidence provided, it has been decided that this warn will be removed. There was reasonable cause for the shooter to be killed within the confines of our ROE. I hate to be that guy but a reminder seems necessary. Support should be shown via reactions, not comments. If you’re commenting, it’s to bring new info to the conversation.
  7. Accepted You will be unbanned from the server as it seemed that our staff member may have jumped the gun. He will be spoken to about this issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  8. Denied "Only one suggestion may be posted per thread, master suggestion threads with multiple unique ideas are prohibited. Simply post multiple threads." We will be cracking down more on "Mega-Suggestions" You can post these 2 suggestions separately.
  9. Denied All the issues listed can be solved in-game or brought up with staff considering donor factions can't overrule regular players.
  10. Denied Suggestion can be applied if you speak to the faction leaders. Also please refrain from adding several forms of suggestions in one suggestion. This may be considered a "Mega-Suggestion" and will be instantly denied in the future.
  11. Accepted As the individual handling this issue, Emery does not strike me as the person to just MRDM so to me the story seems true. While this is a more personal reason, there are many other ways you could have MRDMd to become a detriment to the server. Stabbing 4 guys wildly isn’t necessarily a “detriment”. However, please be more mindful in the future as to who you leave your PC open to. also sorry for the bad formatting, I’m on my phone. @Fonzaplease lock and move
  12. Accepted The idea of the drones entering some aspect of the server seems fun, we will explore this further.
  13. Accepted (kinda) We see what you're going for by making the armory a bit more accessible. We might not add in what you put, but it will be discussed in further detail with the executive team.
  14. Accepted With the current addition of the shields in play, adding them to be a bit more accessible might spice up gameplay for newer players.
  15. Denied After a discussion, we've decided not to implement this to the server as it may bring upon metagaming would discourage player interaction without them knowing if their comms are compromised. Secure channels are easy for new players to grasp, there's really no reason to complicate it further.
  16. +1 Good intentions for the server. He was an admin when I was an admin not too long ago so he knows his stuff. It's also a rank transfer, so it's not like he's coming out of the blue with this, he HAS been around.
  17. Denied Main reason being that these bans were from 2 years ago, we host hundreds of players that still have warns from 2-3 years ago, if we start letting them get removed now, it'll cause some issues. Also if you are worried about it effecting your staff application, just be upfront about your warns and I can assure you people will look past it.
  18. Fonza

    [MRP] Fresh Air

    Accepted MOTD has needed an update for the longest time, I'll be sure to look this over, format it so that it looks good for players, then have the executive team look it over. I cannot guarantee that everything listed here will be implemented, but from a personal standpoint, I don't see an issue with what you're suggesting. (also this suggestion has been up for quite some time) @Fonza lock and move loser
  19. Fonza

    Civilian RP

    -1 Might spiral into a DarkRP with Military stuff on the side. If you want to play as a civilian, just play on Taliban without drawing a gun.
  20. +1 Looks neat, probably could use a bit of workshopping on the DEFCON part, but overall a positive impact.
  21. -1 Personally not a big fan of giving primary weapons to medical classes. There seems to be a reason that primary + med classes are behind a paywall. (Also having it so that all T1 classes can infiltrate can imbalance disguised raids)
  22. In-game name: P-135 ENG WO1 9901 Vulture (Fonza) Age: 20 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:89934512 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST Playtime?: 879:10:24 Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes Referral(s): Garnet Past experiences as a Game Master: Head Game Master on Garnet Gaming Star Wars RP, Ran a few events on GGMRP, run Star Wars themed tabletop games on weekends. Why should we choose you over other applicants? I believe that I should be chosen because I host a great amount of experience both in Gmod and in Storytelling/GMing. I know how to use the tools I'm given to the fullest extent, even creating some dupes that lasted long after I left HGM. The events that I helped assist and host spoke for themselves, as one of the main GMs hosting the Butchellio events (at the time was largely regarded as one of the best campaigns during its time). I've utilized tools that helped pave the way for other events, such as the fog tool, falling rocks during mountain events, or "crashing" the Venator into a planet and then switching to a map with a crashed Venator. As of late, some of the events seem to be drifting further and further away from PassiveRP that I want to bring back. There are goals that I want to set for myself if I do become gamemaster. Some of those goals may be how I set up an event, something like "Have everyone's Battalion do their special trick, or run an event without anyone having to fire a single shot. I think there's infinite ways you can go about doing an event, but it matters what you put into it. In my opinion, almost every event should have a named antagonist that is being built up, introduced, or killed. I am a firm believer that a hero can make a great story, but a villain makes a memorable one. I hope that I can prove that philosophy correct by sharing my stories with the server. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server?: Nope How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: At the moment, I have a decent amount of time to play the server (I would be dual staffing but can find gaps to join back and forth) In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: A Gamemaster should bring fun and exciting incidents to the server, which don't always need to be justified by an enemy, rather could be justified by the environment. A gamemaster should understand the fundamentals of a story, such as Man-Vs-Man, or Man-Vs-Environment, or Man-Vs-Society. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: For starters, I would like to start providing issues through the base, in a more realistic sense the base needs to be cared for as well as a car is seen by a mechanic if acting up. Whether that be a rupture in the coupling for the lighting, or a gas leak from corroded piping, not everything needs to be jumping out to kill the troopers every second of the day. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: I assisted with the potential creations of the R&D branch of the GAR. I've taken the role of "Scribe" and write down all findings and creations for other players to explore in future events. R&D's purpose is for GMs to get a freebee for creating a cool new thing for people to look into. While I wasn't the one to come up with R&D (Shout out to Elias), it would be an excellent tool for GMs to use to create a sense of purpose to people who did the research on a previous mission. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Krimson Sons: The GAR are called off-world to deal with a large riot, with civilians running around, trying to loot, and attacking at random forcing the GAR to pick certain fights while trying to maintain peace. Out of all of the chaos, a woman in distress claims that “The Krimson Sons” who reside underground are calling all the shots and have agents that are actively inciting these issues. Depending on where the GAR are talking to this person, the civilian may be killed or knocked unconscious giving in to some MEDRP. Once they get this piece of information, the GAR are to make it to his base and make it clear that there will be no conflict. The idea behind this event is to create a string of events where they have run-ins with the Krimson Sons and everytime they “Catch” him, they can’t pin anything to him and are forced by Republic Law to let him go. This would be the first mission, many more should follow. Operation Moth Lamp: Anakin Skywalker has gone missing! After a small investigation by the Sentinels/CID, they can see that it was a Force Sensitive that had abducted him. The Jedi deduce that Count Dooku is behind this and launch a search and rescue party to find the Jedi Knight. They come across a CIS space station that’s on Status 1. The GAR are able to sneak aboard and quietly but quickly fight their way with little resistance. The GAR finds that Anakin, despite being unarmed, was able to fight his own way back to the clones. Unfortunately, they had walked right into a trap! The hangar doors seal shut, everyone is locked out from everyone else, and droids seem to be coming from out of nowhere! It's up to the Navy to figure out how to unlock this floating rock and escape! Operation Icarus: A report from another Battlegroup has come in, it seems that the CIS have made a weapon of mass destruction, something that can level one side of a planet with a single shot. This intel is given to RANCOR and conjures a plan to take it out by utilizing the entire 34th. The large weapon resides near a large CIS FOB. Upon landing, the Clones must take over one of the smaller FOBs and secure a quick position. They are put against the clock and must shut down the large weapon using control panels scattered throughout the map. They will be working against the clock so splitting up and covering more ground may be the best course of action. Possibility of failure is real and will have to deal with the fallout. The Golden Holocrons: More of a campaign idea, but the idea of the Jedi seeking out these new artifacts and studying what they are and what they do. They would find nothing until a strange individual shows up who isn’t affiliated with any group. He arrives with what seems to be a humanoid group in heavy armor who give the GAR a helluva time, taking FOBs, attempting to sack the generator, and even attempting to kill the Admiral. The Jedi are deployed and the figure moves to take what golden holocrons they have at the moment. After the long battle, once the holocrons are secured, the 34th chases them down to get what they came for. While on the Venator, the hostile force, instead of fleeing, they turn around and start an assault to throw them off. The 34th crash land onto one of the researching planets and come to find out that the Golden Holocrons that they were in possession of hold great power, enough to cause a massive imbalance to the Galaxy, and with that on the table, the 34th and Jedi are left to search for these Galaxy ending boxes. Lighting Issues: A very simple on-world, where the lights are down on Anaxes Base. As the Engineers are looking into it, they deduce that a team is needed to fix the generator forcing the 34th to leave the base while the offsite team makes its way into the base to fix the issue. The 34th are forced to have a field day outside the base with cadences, training, or some other activities of the sort. The Clones could also host a “laser tag” training where its team based and if you’re hit you put your weapon away and step off as you are “out”. The idea for this event is to appreciate the outside of the base every now and then.
  23. I’ll reformat this later if I remember, my take on basecamping is as simple as faction leaders growing chest hair and disciplining your guys for pushing up off OBJ and killing newer players that have no clue what’s going on. All you’ve gotta do is tell them to stop (verbal), if they don’t listen you give them an in-game punishment (demotion/strike), if the problem persists with that person, you remove them as they aren’t a quality player and contribute nothing positive to the server. Telling an 11B PVT or Tali CSC that it’s a “skill issue” or to “cope” is as easy as them disconnecting from the server and playing something else. If your defense is that the player that’s doing it is an E-1 and no punishment can be given, you’re just wrong. Keep said person occupied after war with PT or Jail Time for disobeying orders. Granted they might not mind it, but it would help reinforce that something will always be done to prevent future basecamping. I think it’s very important to realize that this isn’t CoD. Spawncamping is much easier since you don’t have to hear the other side bitch about it. However, you’re playing with a community that we all share and try to have fun on and we see each other on a daily basis. Being rude or showing unsportsmanlike conduct should be something leaders should be aware of and acting on. I don’t necessarily think that Papamid’s suggestion is great, but rather it’s becoming such an issue for some players that they’re just trying to find a good solution before we lose the interest of the newer players coming in. Basically, faction leaders should be the ones to step up and take responsibility by enforcing a new “anti-Basecamp” faction rule.
  24. Denied After reviewing the evidence, it was quite clear that you did in fact RDM. We cannot start taking away warns because the other party asked for the warn to be taken away after the sit. @Fonza please lock and move.
  25. Hello Hellfire, if you could follow the correct format for your appeal, the staff team can collect all evidence needed to review your unban. In-game name:SteamID (https://steamid.io/):Staff members in-game name:Staff members SteamID (/id (name):Date & Time of incident:Timezone:Ban Reason:How long were you banned for?:Proof of Ban:What happened? (include any proof):Why should your ban be removed?:
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