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HollenFeuers GameMaster Application


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In-game name:HollenFeuer
SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:542028867
Warns:I plead the 5th
Playtime? (Paste your /playtime [Name]): 196:37:53 was higher but i was banned for a year before i appealed
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes
Referral(s): [What Gamemaster recommended you to apply?] N/A
Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional]
Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs]

Well I don't think I should be chosen over other applicants I think it should be everyone gets a fair chance (I'm better) and mods have to look over and agree and disagree upon who should be gamemaster or not but if I had to give an actual answer I say more like I would be on helping those who need help and making events fun for most people and if need get rid of minges who aren't contributing to the event.

Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details Yes, Perma banned in this server actually the details are on recent posts and I promise to not do it again

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:Well I have to deal with school still (I know Garnet player in school? Impossible) so thats gonna take some time away from 8 am to 4 pm PST but other than that nothing should be in the way.

In your own words, what  are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: What I think the responsibilities are is that you should contribute to the server help those in need of help like if they are doing trainings and need a role swapped or a class given and make fun events for all not just for one side but for all and make Garnet server a fun place for newcomer's aswell and a place they can continue to come back to.

Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: How I would contribute is by making events making fun events some old some new and try out some of my own now I would ask permission and help from other GMs so I don't get in there way if they need to do their own type of event

Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas designed for only your side to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] For AFG I can do like an event raid where they save a leader from the US I don't know if this server is pre Osama's death or AD but that's 1 I guess I don't think that's really unique, I can do on the US side a event raid where they try to find the information on the whereabouts of AFGs leaders and maybe like an AFG drag race where they race as goats and something that I can do is help out with fixing the Backrooms or trying to atleast and do the best I can do to help out everyone in the server

Please list and explain 3 unique global event idea designed for the entire server to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]

I can try some type of like Infected you know from the call of duty games I don't know how I will do it but I can figure that out in the long run. I would like to do some type of gun game event but that would be pretty difficult to set up, or a fight club like a 1v1 fists only and winner gets like a $10000 prize

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