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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

[MRP] Weekly Parkour Challenge [CANCELLED]


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Over the next few weeks I will be releasing a weekly challenge. In each challenge, your goal will be to get from some point A to another point B with no specified route. The catch is that each challenge will have unique constraints to force you to find an unorthodox route.



While each challenge will have unique constraints, there are some rules that will be applied to every challenge.

1. No fall damage

2. No use of tool assistance (i.e. macros, no-clip)

3. No boosting (i.e. boxes, other players) {Chaining jumps (A.K.A. double jumps) do not count as boosting and are allowed}

4. No sitting (Alt+E or in vehicles)

5. Runs must be done on the server not on a map copy

6. You cannot discuss routes or solutions to challenges until I have posted the solution. This includes posting videos, talking in discord, talking in game, or any other form of communication.
7. No use of speed boosts (i.e. ghillie, holding flashes)

Failure to follow rules 1-5, 7, or a challenge constraint will invalidate the submission. Failure to follow rule 6 will result in disqualification from the competition.



You will be awarded points for submission based on 4 criteria. Only valid submissions will receive points. 

Placement) The first ten submissions will receive extra points in this category

Time) The ten fastest submissions will receive extra points in this category

Continuity) Runs may be submitted with splices however each splice will result in less bonus points from this category.

Challenge) You may add additional constraints to make your run more challenging but receive extra points. Some extra constraints may make challenges impossible, it is up to you to decide which to add and which to avoid. Finally, if an additional constraint is already part of a challenge’s default constraints, you will not be awarded extra points for it. Additional constraints may be viewed here.

The live leaderboard can be viewed here.



You will record and submit your runs to this google form or contact me in-game to record your run for you. Here is an explanation of submission criteria.

Discord ID) Your Discord ID. (Ex. Toyto#3535)

Name) Your in game name (do not include rank, MOS, codenames, or pseudonyms)

Run Video/File) You will have the option of posting your run online and sharing that link or giving the video file. The video must contain a singular run or a singular spliced run. Compilations of attempts with a valid run mixed in will be denied, simply stop and start your recording between runs.

Additional Constraints Used) See the Challenge section of points


Challenge Postings

Challenges will be posted to YouTube and can be viewed from this post. You may also find hints here if I feel not enough people are finding solutions to a given challenge. Additionally, after a challenge has ended (a week has passed), submissions will be closed for that challenge and I will post both my solution to the challenge as well as a folder of all valid runs.


Keep in mind that "Start Location" simply refers to the area. "Start Bounds" is where you should physically start your runs at.




[EASY] Week 1 Challenge

Week 1 Solution Submissions

Note: Since week 1 is easy, I highly recommend using multiple additional constraints to earn extra points.



[MEDIUM] Week 2 Challenge

Week 2 Solution



 [EASY] Week 3 Challenge

Week 3 Solution



 [MEDIUM] Week 4 Challenge

Week 4 Solution



 [HARD] Week 5 Challenge

Week 5 Solution



 [VERY HARD] Week 6 Challenge

Week 6 Solution



 [HARD] Week 7 Challenge

Week 7 Solution



 [VERY HARD] Week 8 Challenge

Week 8 Solution


(Future Weeks TBD)


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Reward Update

The GM/Admin team has graciously offered to award challenge completions with a money bag. This bag contains 10k-20k in-game dollars. After a challenge has been submitted and verified by me, I will send them your info for you to receive your reward. 

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