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StS Sheep Ban Appeal


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In-game name: StS Sheep
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199013467209/
Staff members in-game name: Awpman
Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): IDK, just says Cornelius' steam id.  
Date & Time of incident: 2023-09-05 - 23:00:12
Timezone: EST
Ban Reason: NITRP and LTAP
How long were you banned for?: 07-00:00
Proof of Ban: https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans/index.php?page=1 I cant get a screenshot on here for some reason
What happened? (include any proof):

Last night I was based with fellow StS members behind the waterfall. I was with StS Recon, StS Admaxis, and 3D Korn to name a couple. Admaxis and I were on the surface doing a boxing roleplay where he was fighting and I was his coach, right in the street (I have two clips that back this happening and the time) We got raided once by someone and defended it, then later we were raided again by HG Wub. I go down there and get killed, and I committed NLR once just to claim money in my printers, which I shouldn't have done. But when I went down there again, I didn't do any damage to the raiders and had zero effect in them dying. HG Wub came back after the raid saying he was gonna get me banned (i thought one case of NLR isn't a ban, but a jail or warn) so I decided to stay on for around 10 MORE MINUTES so it wouldn't be considered LTAP, but it was late and I had to get up early so I wasn't gonna wait around all night. Then I wake up this morning while getting banned for NITRP (I learned it meant No Intention to RP) and LTAP. I don't understand the NITRP at all. I was on the server in the waterfall base all day from around 1 PM EST to when I got off at 11-12 PM EST. You can ask Lala Lady, who gave me her printers earlier in the day and AFKed in our base. Also you can ask 3D Korn, who based with me for the majority of the time. I farmed printers this whole day as well. You can also ask ajbedhead and raD torq, who I saw countless times throughout the day and can vouch for me basing, and roleplaying. I asked them for a tour of their base as well, and they gave me it with no issues. Also I was doing boxing roleplay with Admaxis roughly 5-10 MINUTES BEFORE THE RAID STARTED, which contradicts this whole NITRP situation that was brought up. And plus anyone who knows me and has played with me, knows that I participate in the server and don't break that rule. Now for the LTAP, I don't know what the specific time is. I stayed on an extra 10 minutes to make sure that wasn't an issue. But I can't stay on all night waiting. I hope this ban can get appealed because it's truly wrong, and I wasn't even able to be on to tell my side of the story. I think it's wrong when all I committed was one case of NLR and this happens. I don't think it's fair and just at all. Thank you, and below is the clips of me walking Admaxis to the ring and him knocking out GN Criteria, which proves me roleplaying at that day and time. I




Edited by thesheepXL
Fixing staff member
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you'll be unbanned in-game, this was a misunderstanding on our half it seems.

It isn't FDA if you go through the keypads during the raid.

It isn't LTAP to leave the game while someone is getting their base raided , BUT it is failrp if they re-join within a certain time period.

As for the NLR you already know you're in the wrong. Please don't do it again, your ban will be removed 🙂 See ya back in-game.


@stretchy @Korn plz lock n move


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