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Ban Appeal - Kidder797


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in-game name: Kidder797
SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199277549658/
Staff members in-game name: Derpza
Staff members SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/id/86394323
Date & Time of incident: Yesterday at about 1:20PM (EST)
Timezone: Eastern Time 
Ban Reason: Mass RDM / Leaving when teleported to roof for confrontation (This one isn't listed but yeah it was dumb of me to do)
How long were you banned for?: about 20.5 Days
Proof of Ban:  https://ibb.co/qpCp92s (thats the image link ^w^)
What happened? (include any proof): First thing was a warning for prop blocking some other kid's money printers which was a jerk move on my part (Prop Blocking wasn't mentioned in the ban btw). Then basically, second I killed this guy 4 times his name was MrMoustache. Three of the times were on purpose and one was crossfire. Obviously because I'm stupid I said all of them were crossfires. Next, I was brought to the roof a second time and I don't even know who reported me because I immediately left the game. You can ask Derpza about all this and he will verify I was a lying douchebag. 


What I am hoping to get out of this ban: I'm hoping I can at least get any form of a ban decrease because I actually had time into that server and yes I understand if I liked the server I shouldn't have abused my guns. But I understand completely that what I did was extremely wrong and annoying. Even if I don't get anything outta this I appreciate the time and effort you guys put into the server.

Anyways to whatever moderator or whoever reads this I hope you have a good day/night idk. 

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  • DarkRP Administration Team
4 minutes ago, kidder797 said:

I didn't know that im kinda new to this darkrp thing.

You're gonna be told regardless that an appeal isn't a the place for an apology and your ban will remain. After all you did admit to killing someone 3 times then leaving. They will probably say its on you to read the rules but we will have to wait for @Derpza's evidence

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  • DarkRP Management Team

After careful review of your appeal and the events pertaining/leading up to your ban. We regretfully inform you that your request for an appeal of your ban has been denied at this time.
I contacted Derpza and recovered an entire clip of the sit, which showed all of the logs and statements you made.
Unfortunately, appeals are intended for false bans, not for apologies. While I appreciate your honesty and willingness to take responsibility for what you've done, I am afraid we can't give you any sort of reduction or pardon here.

Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.

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