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Someone_Somewhere's new year's resolutions.


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1. Get a job I don't care where or the pay I just want a job.

2. Travel somewhere preferably with mountains.

3. Go get any form of exercise at least four times a week.

4. Gain weight I have a really good metabolism so it's going to hard.

5. Catch a PB Flathead Catfish.

6. Go camping more often.

7. Be off social media often.

8. Send more time with family.

9. Try not to get banned.

10. Find more hobbies.



This are Someone_Somewhere's new year's resolutions.

I will keep updates every on the 1st of every month.

Happy New Year!



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Lots of skinny people think they have a high metabolism. Use a metabolic calculator to find your daily caloric intake and adjust your diet so you're in surplus. Exercise will also burn calories so you'll have to account for that. When I'd bulk, I'd aim for 1000 calories above my daily intake + exercise and it worked pretty well. Hell it's easy to make a 600-1000 calorie shake every morning with whole milk, bananas, peanut butter, whey, steel cut oats, flax seed, and whatever else you want to toss in. 

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7 minutes ago, 1998Corolla said:

Lots of skinny people think they have a high metabolism. Use a metabolic calculator to find your daily caloric intake and adjust your diet so you're in surplus. Exercise will also burn calories so you'll have to account for that. When I'd bulk, I'd aim for 1000 calories above my daily intake + exercise and it worked pretty well. Hell it's easy to make a 600-1000 calorie shake every morning with whole milk, bananas, peanut butter, whey, steel cut oats, flax seed, and whatever else you want to toss in. 

Thank you for this info

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  • Forums Moderator

I like those goals, simple and achievable. I think that's where so many people go wrong (myself included) by setting overly tough challenges. Good luck mate, I think you'll nail them! 🙂

I haven't set myself any goals, in fact I actually forgot it was New Years Eve, until someone set off a random firework! Happy New Year!

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