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jaren the redeemed (aka jaren the big memer)

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hey guys, i know a lot of you might have noticed me on the server recently. well, i was around during 2021, and 2022. in like november of 2021 after joining the community in june of that year i left and took a break for awhile. upon joining the community i quickly spedrun to 100+ hours played and became a staff member, having garnered support from @xFish a couple other people. after a bunch of mumbo jumbo that we can skip over, i eventually resigned from staff out of anger at proggy for something i wont speak on here but you can easily look into yourself. not long after, i did something that got me permabanned by proggy and alas i disappeared for a couple years. (if you want to know what i did, the appeal was accepted not too long ago so look yourself.)


if you remember me, come by and say hello cause i'm dying to hear from my old friends. if you don't, i'm a friendly guy and i can be easy to get along with as long as your not toxic or a bad person. i go by jaren the redeemed now and thats my alias for the foreseeable future.

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