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DLN DIDDY Player Report


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  • DarkRP Administration Team

Who are you reporting?: Player Report

Your in-game name: zbt

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54235978

In-game name of reportee: DLN DIDDY

SteamID of reportee: STEAM_0:1:124476306

Date & Time of incident: 12/5/2024 6:30 AM

Timezone: CDT

What happened? (include any proof)Diddy and I used to be friends before a drama broke out between mine an another regulars discord server over a month ago now, which he was subsequently banned from my discord as a result from the drama finishing and any beef (except for his apparently) being squashed. Since then, he has made numerous attempts to berate me and my real life circumstances for absolutely no identifiable reason. Today, he has basically been following me around doing whatever he can to get me reported. Around the time specified above, I placed a prop at the casino's doors and jokingly demanded people gamble for their freedom. Most of the players escaped through the window and I deleted the prop but Diddy went ahead and reported me for it. Of course, I don't expect to be let go on behavior like this especially considering how many were involved. However, he also went ahead and reported me previously for ARDM and tried to get me in trouble for instigating combat before him even though he shot first and missed. Whie I don't have a clip of that incident, I do have plenty of evidence of him harrassing me after being jailed for the aforementioned Propblock:




The above screenshot was his response to the question of why I was jailed. Naturally, this is uncalled for regardless of how false the statement is. In typical Diddy fashion, it doesn't end here. I had to mute him earlier today because of the extent of his verbal rants of trash talk. I don't have a clip of that however, but he spent the next minute or two berating me to these random players before deciding to mug me fresh off of his mug cooldown just after continuing to talk trash, despite the fact he had already had me jailed and was harassing me in the jail.





I don't think I need to go into detail about why this behavior is absolutely unacceptable, especially from a previous staff member. Diddy has clearly shown that he does not have a desire to improve the way he speaks to people on or off server considering the recent drama where he blatantly went to another ex-staff's social media to berate them as well. Diddy recently caught a mass RDM ban as well which should paint the image to any readers just the extent this guy does not care about his status as a player or how he impacts others.




Edited by zbt_
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One of my friends invited zbt to my discord yesterday so we could squash the beef. Instead the second zbt joined all he had was hateful things to say about me and to tell me i won't ever be anything in life. Today I was simply just playing the game and reported a player who kept messing with me. Zbt was basing with dan and when I went to go buy printers from dan. zbt came and raided the base he was just in for the simple fact that he wanted to kill me https://streamable.com/nac9e4

He also attempted to rdm me and when I made a report on it he got a verbal warning for it. I understand it is up to the staff member but why should he get verbal warnings for things when he is a whole admin on the server.https://streamable.com/8hcq1j

Last but not least I was walking around with the majority of the active players online and zbt prop blocked us all in and when i reported it he started being disrespectful and even said he was gonna do it again. I understand staff members make mistakes but what type of staff member says they gonna repeat the offense.




Zbt is a minge and although he wants to make this false report on me saying I'm old staff he is actually a admin here and no admin should be acting like this treating players with hatred. He also wants to bring up I texted a player on social media when that person went on my Instagram and showed every all my private information so whatever picture he is trying to paint he needs to look in the mirror at himself because as i said he came into my discord server with just negative things to say about me. When I see staff members trolling and being a minge they need to take accountability and zbt doesn't exhibit that at all. 

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


Thank you for your report. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your report.

Please note: Withholding information, dishonesty, or otherwise attempting to portray anything outside of the facts, will result in a denial of your report and possible disciplinary action on your account.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

After reviewing your player report on DLN DIDDY with @Gildarts it is clear to me that this is outside drama that was brought into the game. You both have shown videos and sent in stuff regarding the matter at hand. Looking into them I can see you both have not stayed away from each other after stating that you were. There is a lot of things to take into account but I have come to the conclusion that it is best that you guys leave the drama at home and not let it into the server. 

I will not be punishing anyone at this time. Instead I'm going to tell you both @zbt_ @malikst3r to stay away from each other, it's in your best interest. If either of you start any problems with one another on the server the outcome will not be pretty. Please keep outside drama outside Garnet servers. Mute each other in game, block each other on all platforms, and if you want to squash the beef you guy can inbox me at anytime and I will gladly help out with that.

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