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zeraxumi staff application


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In game name: zeraxumi

Age: 19

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:107715525

Warns: 0

Timezone: Central European Standard Time.

Playtime: | zeraxumi has played for 26:54:22.. Although i feel like i should have more hours because i joined the server two years ago.

Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a mic: Yes.

Do you have the ability to record: Yes.

Referall(s): Vincent 🙂

Past experience as Staff: Vip-Mod on this server (GarnetGaming), but i no longer have it because of server reset (assuming). PROOF: https://imgur.com/gallery/GHZ2R9z

Why should we choose you over other applicants: Ahh, my favorite question lol. I feel like you guys should choose me because I read the rules and agree with them one hundred percent. I feel like the server needs more staff due to the high rate of minges that come to the server throughout the day. Since my time zone is different from everyone else, I am normally on at a much later time. I am currently in school right now studying mythology but I do have a lot of free time on my hands. That being said I probably will be on more towards the night time and sometimes throughout the day. I also feel like I have learned a lot over the years and matured more (thus my age). I used to be Vip-Mod (as stated before) at age 16 and took the role serious, but I do feel like I've matured more and I have a better understanding on what it means to be a Moderator. 

The server could use a gal like me because I'm loyal, trustworthy, honest, and reliable. I don't pick sides or choose favorites meaning If one of my friends were to join the server and fuck around (excuse my language), I would treat them like everybody else. I would take the sit very serious and If I like they deserve a certain punishment, they will get that punishment. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!! I also notice that a lot of the assholes (excuse my language once again lol) seem to get on at night  and I would be there to stop any type of bad behavior that goes on. Now If you decide to check out my steam profile, It is shared with my 9 year old brother who doesn't play GMOD whatsoever. I wanted to throw that in just in case you guys were wondering at all. I know my hours are a bit short but as I said before I have been on the server for quite sometime and believe there was a server reset at some point 😞 and I don't want you guys to think because of my playtime, I don't know what I'm doing when in fact I do . I think GMOD Darkrp Is the best game mode on GMOD and don't want minges ruining It for others. I've always loved Garnet Gaming.. I mean the community is hilarious and very relate-able, I could literally type all day about It but I'll spare my fingers lol. I would like to let whoever Is reading this know that I promise to be a great Moderator and achieve greatness and excellence. I would love to grow and maybe promote In the future if given the option!! I would also like to apologize for my horrific sentence structure, my English is shit 😕

Have you ever been banned or punished: Nope.

Have you made any previous apps: No.

How much time do you have to contribute to the role: As stated before I have a lot of free time. I have 2 classes during the day and then I'm practically free. I will be on this server any chance I get (which will be quite often).

If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? Glad you guys asked this question. I like draw or write any type of poetry I can. I'm kind of a nerd when It comes to stuff like that. I don't really do much else.

Did you read the staff rules: zeraxumi.. 

Thank you for taking the time to read :3 Hope all is well 🙂 If you feel like i missed anything or need to improve anything, please let me know! Thank you again!!



Edited by zeraxumi
added proof of bought items
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