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Battering Ram Minge prevention


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8 hours ago, Exzap said:

Removing/changing the battering ram wouldn't help matters much and would remove a large portion of the RP element from the Police/CP jobs for those who don't misuse it.

Like I've said so many times now, we have /report for a reason and it's up to the users to type it to get our support with false warrants (and anything else, false warrants in this case specifically).


You realize this is a suggestion for a better, more RP-friendly battering ram, right? 

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12 hours ago, Iron_Fetus33 said:

People can take measure to prevent this. You can weld props to each other. Not needed. 


I don't believe anyone should be forced to weld all their props to prevent something that can be changed or fixed, the Battering ram that the first player posted added a lot more to the rp aspect, as well as a Model, and in order for the weld thing to work, you would have to weld every single prop together as if you were gonna dupe your base, and as Dupe isn't working atm, it's hella painful to do it everytime

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1 hour ago, Picky said:

I don't believe anyone should be forced to weld all their props to prevent something that can be changed or fixed, the Battering ram that the first player posted added a lot more to the rp aspect, as well as a Model, and in order for the weld thing to work, you would have to weld every single prop together as if you were gonna dupe your base, and as Dupe isn't working atm, it's hella painful to do it everytime

Not really. Takes like 2 mins to spam your entire base. I was raiding someone today and they welded their props. I had to go through the fading doors and if made it much more difficult. It just doesn't need to be fixed. It adds another way to get in. 

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On 5/4/2019 at 9:14 AM, Iron_Fetus33 said:

Not really. Takes like 2 mins to spam your entire base. I was raiding someone today and they welded their props. I had to go through the fading doors and if made it much more difficult. It just doesn't need to be fixed. It adds another way to get in. 

It does need to be fixed.. it is too easy for minges to abuse it, and most players don't think about welding their base after they build it.

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I'm not sure you guys understand. The suggestion isn't removing the battering ram, it's just making it harder to abuse. Since there is no advanced dupe on the server, getting your base broken by one renegade cop it's a big issue. I've seen people comment that it's the staff's responsibility to fix this, but let me ask you this: how can you stop something that hasn't happened yet? Just by looking at a warrant doesn't instantly show that it's false. Keep in mind you have to factor in the time it takes for the person to make a report, the time it takes to accept the report, the time it takes you to tp and freeze the cop, and any other things that could potentially take up time. After all this, there's a very high chance that the base is destroyed to some extent, if not to a point of no repair. For the people -1ing, I don't understand your reasoning. You say staff should take care of these things, but notoriously in the past they have been dealt with too late or not at all. This suggestion is beneficial because it makes only fading doors breakable, meaning the base isn't destroyed and the cops can still get insider in under 7 seconds. I really believe you guys should re evaluate your responses, as all this does is cause more issues for staff and players instead of fixing them.

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6 hours ago, eXg-Buddha said:

Bad response, bad response.

But it is. If people have the option to prevent this then they should take that extra step in building the base. Just ignoring the weld tool is asking for a cop to break down your base. 

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1 hour ago, Iron_Fetus33 said:

But it is. If people have the option to prevent this then they should take that extra step in building the base. Just ignoring the weld tool is asking for a cop to break down your base. 

Again like I said in a previous post, these suggestions are to make it easier for players to not be disrupted in their gameplay. You also have to remember that not everyone knows about and how to use this tool. You are missing the point of the suggestions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This needs to be bumped. This happened to me and National today and it was horrible. The police false warranted, breaking the roof, sides, insides and backdoors of our base. This resulted in all our printers being blown up as well as random players being able to slip through our walls. It broke a lot of the base and it took quite a while to fix. Random props start bugging out and sometimes entire sections of the base need removing. Police should not have that power in my opinion. Police have the upper hand in raids because they can instantly bust down fading doors, which is an extreme advantage over raiders as they A) make less noise and B) don't have the wait 10 seconds for a VIP keypad to crack. Police don't need to have the ability to break props and cause not damage than necessary. Not even VIP classes or custom classes decked to the max, which are around 400+ dollars by the way, cannot do as much damage as a class which requires an extremely low level and doesn't even require VIP. The easiest way to counter mingy cops is to either raise the level or make it so police can't batter props, only fading doors. The problem with raising the level cap is that it kind of ruins the bank robber job and minges can simply grind for a couple of hours. The mayor is level 50, and that only takes a couple of hours to get to if you do it right. This change would not only reduce the amount of mingy cops, not only ease the jobs of staff member on the lookout for these cops, but improve player quality of life. Please reconsider this suggestion as it will greatly benefit the server.

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Absolutely -1. The disadvantages of the police is the reason for the battering ram being so powerful. If you hide your printers you shouldn't have an issue with this. As for false warrants it is as simple as placing a report. cmon.

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