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iPLAYGAMES Cover-Up + 3 False bans

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Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]:  T.Admin
Your in-game name: El Nino Loco
Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:0:499174634
In-game name of reportee: IPL4YG4AMES
SteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:98470489
Date & Time of incident: Last night, 1:46 AM
Timezone: Eastern Standard
What happened? (include any proof): Starting  out, my friend Vapeing (Waylong Jennings,) got banned for LTAP while on the server. I PMed IPLAYGAMES saying you banned a guy while he was ON the server. Shortly thereafter, I got banned for NITRP and LTAP when I had not left the server for 2 hours prior to my ban. I screenshotted the ban list at Garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans so I could report it last night. My other friend, Queer Quantum, Told IPLAY that I would be reporting him, then he got banned for Propblock + Ltap while on the server once again. Then I look and my Ban had been UPDATED by IPLAY to cover up his mistake. Both me and Waylon got our bans changed to cover up his abuse. He made no effort to bring us to a sit, and blatantly abused us just to cover up what he did.






He should not be allowed to have the power to cover up his mistakes if he is going to misuse it.


Waylon said he was going to report him too so we will wait for that.

Edited by El_Nino_Loco
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Just now, eXg IPL4YG4MES said:

So I'm going to find out whether or not I had a sit, but for right now. You're really saying it's abuse for fixing my mistakes?

i was printing in my base. I didnt even NITRP, and I never ltapped. 

You fixed it after my friend said you were being reported for it, clearly want to cover up your abuse

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your video (if it even exists) will show you banned both me and waylon for absolutely no reason, and with no sit. You didnt even attempt to bring us, once you had our ID's if we even committed any offenses, you should have tried to teleport instead of just banning outright. Ill bet you didnt even check your leave and rejoining logs. 

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1 minute ago, eXg IPL4YG4MES said:

@Trap He supplied a few screenshots that contributed to the NITRP ban. I even told him if you appealed he would show them, so he has them.

even if he has screenshots you never brought me to a sit or anything. you just banned me for leaving...? where is the logic in that?

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3 minutes ago, br0ken- said:

I just wanna point out that you banned Waylon for propblock + LTAP then updated it to NLR + LTAP, I am really confused on how you messed that up seeing they are both completely different 

There was another report on him that got him a longer ban time. 

Edited by eXg IPL4YG4MES
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9 minutes ago, eXg IPL4YG4MES said:

There was another report on him that got him a longer ban time. Waylon Jennings left the server before the report was made, which made his name appear as "DISCONNECTED PLAYER" and that's why I added LTAP to his ban. Then after the ban showing his name I checked connections and saw he left and rejoined the server. https://imgur.com/KXrSFKN  That's why I FIXED it.

Your screenshot- there is no way that was 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM because you banned him at 12:45 for the first time.  He could not have reconnected past 1:00 if he was banned at 12. This must be screenshots from a different day or earlier in the day.


ADDITIONALLY: This proves NLR....how?

You have yet to prove that he NLRed or propblocked. Just that he left and rejoined. At the time of the screenshot his last log was CONNECTED, meaning he was on the server at the time of the screenshot ( They go chronologically from oldest up to the newest. )

The time this thing happened was between 11:00 PM and 2:00 AM (MIDNIGHT TO MORNING), Your screenshot has to be either another day or the time period of 11:00 AM-2:00 PM (MORNING TO NOON)

Edited by El_Nino_Loco
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Here's the summary:

I don't remember back enough on this and unfortunately do not have evidence on the ltap, in my defense it was a crazy night and I had banned a lot of people. You can unban waylon and I'm sorry for that man.

As for Nino Loco, that NITRP was justified:




Two propblocks and these screenshots have dove raiding his base and he was building during the raid. That's Propblock X2 and Failrp.

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