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Eggdog's Appeal


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In-game name: Eggdog
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:460146865
Staff members in-game name:  [Garnet]Gotham
Staff members SteamID (/id (name): STEAM_0:0:40868607
Date & Time of incident: 2019-07-19 - 21:24:37
Timezone: EST
Ban Reason: "Doxing"
How long were you banned for?: Premaban
Proof of Ban: https://garnetgaming.net/militaryrp/bans/?steamid=STEAM_0%3A0%3A460146865
What happened? (include any proof):  I gave out my own phone number and was banned for that even though, I thought I made it clear it was my number.
Why should your ban be removed?: It is not considered doxing when I'm giving out my own phone number. I made it clear several times while Gotham was online. Others like Scout, Naas, and Iglasesicus (sorry for the misspelling.) Had done the same and didn't get banned. Hence why I think it should be removed.

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4 minutes ago, br0ken- said:


If you end up getting unbanned, I hope you don't do stupid shit like this cuz you don't know what people can do over the Internet, If you get unbanned, any sort of this behavior can get you banned again. 

Yeah for everyone's sake even if it is your own phone dont risk it

Edited by ScoutScouter
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You are so stupid. Why are you giving out your number? Regardless it isn't doxing but more of a stupid thing to do cause people can find information using your number. 


+1 for the unban but like what br0ken said don't do shit like that people can do bad shit with that info.

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 Advanced issues found
1 hour ago, br0ken- said:

any sort of this behaviour can get you banned again. 

How? It isn't like he's breaking any server rules, yes it's lowkey retarded to give out your number but it isn't a bannable offense is it? As long as it's your own number I don't really see an issue or a proper reason on why they should be banned.


As long as it's his own number and he willingly gave it out, then I +1 this ban appeal personally.

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Even if it was your own phone number, you practically gave away where you live and shit. We're telling you not to do it again for safety reasons. I understand if you give it to close players online, but don't just hand it out, as Draggy said, people can find out weird shit with it. 

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I understand that anyone can say "oh, it's my phone number" (the person sharing the number, or anyone who is connected at the time) but I don't feel this warranted a ban. This is definitely an extreme response, regardless of what Eggdog has done to the safety of himself, family, and/or his information. I don't understand why you'd ban someone for willingly sharing this stuff, doesn't matter what their age is or anything, he wasn't scammed or tricked into giving out this type of information and did it because he seemingly wanted to. Now I could see how its potentially seen as advertising but even then that's a far stretch.

Unless there is evidence showing that this isn't Eggdog's number and is a random number or the potential number of another player, I think that he should be unbanned. And I understand for the sake of being respectful not showing the evidence to the community but I hope that if there is any sort of evidence that it isn't "classified" like all of those hacking bans from recent, because I don't want to see a trend of "we have evidence but can't show that to you".


I was unaware that this was in OOC rather than some form of private conversation. That changes things big time. Although my view still stands and I don't believe a ban should have been placed, so I can understand why it may have warranted a ban. Regardless of my opinion this is up to Eggdog and Gildarts but I'm more on the neutral side rather than my original +1 to Eggdog being unbanned.

Edited by Fier
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You shouldn’t have been banned for it but it’s fucking common sense not to give out your phone number to strangers online, especially if you’re a minor. You just put yourself at risk. 

I can confirm that the number is indeed Eggdog’s and will post the evidence of it staff request it.

EDIT: Given the evidence from Gotham and Gildarts better defining the term doxxing to us, on top of this very stupid thing Eggdog did. I have decided to stay neutral on this, if this accepted the ban shouldnt be removed but lowered to a couple months.

Edited by Jesus
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To which obviously, he did it again after I did a general warning in OOC per Gildarts request.

Prewritten response;
I stand by my ban 100%. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that this even happend in the first place. Furthermore, I'm sorry that I'm acting more as a parent than
apparently you've ever had. I won't make general claims about everyone's childhood, but most people have already been drilled into to not leak your personal information
online. Of course, this is not black and white. I myself have added a few members of this community on more than one of my social media, however, there is a key difference.
Do it in private. By doing it in private, you are responsible for who you give it out to. Doxing yourself/others in OOC makes the server the platform for minors who apparently
don't know any better to give out their personal information. And I don't know if you've read the news recently, but it looks like that might not be the best idea(This was about the e-girl). Part of the staff's
responsibility is to make the server a safe place. Regardless of us doing our best, it doesn't change the fact that anyone with any intentions can join the server. Please,
as a general statement, make conscious decisions when it comes to protecting yourself on the internet.

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14 minutes ago, {GG}otham said:


To which obviously, he did it again after I did a general warning in OOC per Gildarts request.

Prewritten response;
I stand by my ban 100% Furthermore, I'm sorry that I'm acting more as a parent than
apparently you've ever had. I won't make general claims about everyone's childhood,

My one question is why did you put it under doxxing if he didnt doxx?

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Guest Gildarts

I had told him and another GG member to stop handing out their numbers and information. They are underage. One of them being 13. The community does not need this. 
Also the definition of doxing:

search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.

The information does not have to be about someone else. Its A PARTICULAR INDIVIDUAL. 

The definition for Individual is:

single; separate.

Thus meaning you CAN dox  yourself. Which if you think I'm going to allow such a thing though the whole community you'll be dissapointed. I could careless if you told 1 or 2 people. But oocing it and telling everyone on teamspeak is not happening.
Not only do you put yourself at risk, you put your own family at risk if someone were to swat you; or even show up to your house. Everyone knows I don't fuck with this shit ESP, with girls or underage persons. 
If I DO choose to unban you. I don't even want to hear you talk about any other form of communication other than GG official servers because quite frankly when I tell people to stop multiple times and you don't. You have lost the trust of me and the community.
You may think its funny, but seriously you can have real world consequence. You have no idea who your actually giving your information out to. I will Debate on this but don't expect to be unbanned. If you wish to write a actual apology, and why  you should not give out your personal information. Then at that point I will unban you. I want a actual essay that has time put into it. Not 4 sentences.

With that said. I expect no one else to do this.

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24 minutes ago, {GG}otham said:


To which obviously, he did it again after I did a general warning in OOC per Gildarts request.

Prewritten response;
I stand by my ban 100%. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that this even happend in the first place. Furthermore, I'm sorry that I'm acting more as a parent than
apparently, you've ever had. I won't make general claims about everyone's childhood, but most people have already been drilled into to not leak your personal information
online. Of course, this is not black and white. I myself have added a few members of this community on more than one of my social media, however, there is a key difference.
Do it in private. By doing it in private, you are responsible for who you give it out to. Doxing yourself/others in OOC makes the server the platform for minors who apparently
don't know any better to give out their personal information. And I don't know if you've read the news recently, but it looks like that might not be the best idea(This was about the e-girl). Part of the staff's
responsibility is to make the server a safe place. Regardless of us doing our best, it doesn't change the fact that anyone with any intentions can join the server. Please,
as a general statement, make conscious decisions when it comes to protecting yourself on the internet.

Okk 1. I was alt-tabbed in Ts. 

2. Why do you feel the need to insult my family I didn't bring in the fact you have a drinking problem. There was no reason to insult me or my family but you still went to do a personal attack on me. I think this says a lot about you


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