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D Rose's Staff Application


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Guys, please comment something other than 

54 minutes ago, Thazziee said:

+1 Cool guy, and should be a great staff member. - Valor

This doesn't really help us determine weather they would be a good addition to the staff team or not, we need meaningful and informative feedback 

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Gonna be a + 1 from me. I remember when we were first PPS, then SSP together. You were always chill, always willing to help, and I cant remember a time where I did not enjoy being around you. Very well spoken and mannered, level headed. You're always willing to listen to both sides of a story. Glad SSO Took you in, you will learn a lot there. You're very mature. I can't imagine anyone giving you a - 1. Thank you for being a part of the great community of GG MRP and trying to make it better for everyone. Good luck on your application. I hope you get in, you'd make a great addition without a doubt! Have a good one mate! See ya as trial mod hopefully soon.


-- 2GA KST Maddiebear

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On 10/14/2019 at 7:36 PM, DRose said:

How do you plan on benefiting our server?

My response here is going to be similar to my response on another application. Your answer to this question is more of a retelling of your experiences as staff on another game but without any explanation to what types of skills you may have gained from it, and how they could be useful on a Gmod server. I've never had any interactions with you so I'm in no place to judge you based on that and as such I won't.


Based on the application however:

I don't see anything wrong with it aside from how you answered the big question. Saying you're going to do something that is a goal but not a specific plan of action is not the same as explaining how that will benefit the server. Granted this doesn't has to be as deep as I am making it because: 1, it is a Gmod server; 2, you're applying to be a trial-moderator, which is no guarantee that you'll be in any higher position that has enough power to make a major benefit to the server (ie. tmods aren't able to act in the same way managers and superadmins are); and 3, not only have I never had a conversation with you, you don't have any negative reputation that I know of which gives you an advantage that other people might not have.

It isn't right of me to -1 someone else's application even if my tone is supposed to be neutral, so I have to do the same to yours. -1, in your particular case the only thing that I feel would change my response would be more of a proper answer to the main question. In the end though, you may likely be accepted into the staff team as it's coming close to when an official response is needed and the overall response to your application is positive.

Best of luck.

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