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  1. Chase > User yo evity u missing something
  2. Real question is : Why is he staff in the first place?
  3. Yeah you cool asf but my opinion still stays. You a little bit too mingey even for me. -1
  5. To be fair, the staff team always gets called out for "misconduct" or "being useless" basically in every era of Garnet. From personal experience, if you are a active staff member trying to fix the server you often get called out for overstepping but if you take a step back people say that you don't do shit. I somewhat see what Kendall is trying to do by cracking down on more people and being more strict. Does blunt forum replies imply that he is abusing powers? Not necessarily but the staff team is used to being attacked and I know someone eventually on this thread will say "Omg the old staff team was better" the player base scrutinizes every staff team because they enforce the rules. A great example is how Phantom is viewed now as a Great SA while during his active days he was criticized harshly for doing his job :/. If you ever got to a high position in the staff team you'll understand what I'm talking about or should be able to. I haven't been back but Garnet stated if the staff team suspects they can ban for hacking even though a lot of the staff team does gather proof. This post won't do anything because the staff team is fine. Kendall is obviously trying to be more like a Phantom executive rather than a laid back one like Gildarts or Branch. Soo if you don't like it you can leave because he gonna be there for a while.
  6. One day in the Fall of 2018 I decided to open up Gmod. I click on GG and ended up spending a good chunk of my life in 2019 dedicated to this server. I honestly thought the community will die because Garnet at the time when I joined kinda of gave up. Thanks Garnet for bringing life to your community. Even though I'm not part of it anymore I wish y'all good luck.
  7. Wtf I literally said I didn't want you to apply again as long as I'm accepting apps........ I don't know why you change your last name.
  8. Is there an option to upgrade your kit?
  9. Draggy2

    Matoi's App

    6 years with only 89 hours? Also your formatting is messed up.
  10. I did try to do shit when I was more active but I usually get shut down by people saying I'm going for a power grab when I'm only an Admin trying to help implement things, Admin don't really have any real authority over anything and the lack of a Manager isn't helping. The current admins on help a lot with the actual maintaining part with the server rather than implement new ideas as like what I said before being known as the "power grab admin" won't help you. I don't want to call out Gildarts but it really hard to reach him for clarification of the rules and the admins basically have to make a guess on that, which causes more confusion. Basically we have no upperstaff, all the divisions are also temporarily staff with no division leaders with me and Aidan mostly doing the blunt work but we can't make any changes to the divisions.
  11. @every staff member on MRP currently y'all are one of most active staff team I seen.Not only did you guys do sits, I see more interaction with the staff and the playerbase. And rarely any delay in sits these days. I hope y'all continue to do this. I'm proud of y'all. Shout to @Gildarts to actually giving me a chance. I hope you don't resign.
  12. My apologies the phone site doesn't have signatures
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