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[MilitaryRP] Server Rules

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GarnetGaming MilitaryRP Rules
Updated August 23rd 2024

General Rules 

  • DO NOT RANDOM DEATHMATCH (RDM). Don’t shoot players without proper reason. 



    • Do not use info from your past life unless it was written or shared before your death.

    • The knowledge of one character is NOT shared with any other characters you have unless discovered in character/roleplay.


    • This applies to all in-game chat and Garnet Gaming mediums.


    • Do not target other players on any platform related to Garnet Gaming. Doing so will result in appropriate punishment at the discretion of staff.

      • Harassment is prohibited within the game and extends to any out-of-character (OOC) platforms related to Garnet Gaming, including but not limited to Discord, social media, forums, and any other communication channels.

    • This includes but is not limited to bullying, threats, spreading false information, doxxing, and any form of abuse that targets individuals.


    • FailRP is the term applied to actions that are not realistic in a well-roleplayed Military scenario. This includes “Bunny Hopping”.

      • FearRP will be enforced in roleplay situations and the rule can be found below under Miscellaneous Rules.


    • Vigilantism: The situation in which one acts as an administrator when a player has violated the rules or punishes another player for their rule-breaking.

      • Players are allowed to act within their in-character capacity in terms of punishment and self-defense.


    • The use of OOC/Advert chat to display unwanted messages sent in bulk, rather than one every once in a while (5 minutes minimum), is unacceptable. 

      • Spamming SWEPs & items as an annoyance to other players is also counted as spam and is unacceptable.

      • You may not spam buttons, chat, voice, or any other sound or effect that may be proven to be an annoyance to fellow players.


    • Impersonating is changing your name to resemble that of another player in an attempt to act like them or hurt their reputation.

    • Attempting to go “undercover” through roleplay is allowed.


    • Spamming admin chat (!asay) and filing false reports are not tolerated.


    • This will result in the punishment being directed at who baited the player. 

      • Example: A player maliciously telling a new player he is allowed to kill someone when he in fact is not.


    • No forcing interactions or creating unrealistic scenarios to give yourself an advantage in RP.

    • Roleplay must have multiple (at least 2) outcomes.


    • Do not use information that was gained out of character, in RP.


    • Exploiting of any kind is not permitted. This included the server mechanics and add-ons. 

    • Players may not use client-sided addons in any way that gives them a competitive advantage.

      • The ONLY approved client-side addons are crosshairs!


    • Loop-holing or attempting to loophole a rule is prohibited. Any confusion with the rules should be brought up to an Administrator (or higher) for clarification.


    • Do not intentionally use your vehicle to kill other players. The player must do everything to avoid killing or harming other players while in a car. 

    • Jumping in front of a driving vehicle or baiting a VDM is against the rules and will result in a FailRP warning.


    • You may not purposefully defibrillate the opposing force during Conflict.

Rules of Engagement  

  • If a friendly was attacked/injured/killed, and the action was perceived in character, you can detain or engage the aggressor.

    • US/RU may NOT KOS armed civilians unless the above parameters are satisfied.

  • CIV’s may force US/RU personnel to leave their Home/Workplace. If the Militants do not comply with the request, the Civilian may engage.

    • If the Home/Workplace is occupied by multiple Civilians, they may ALL engage the Militants so long as they know of the engagement through IC means.

    • Note: CIVs engaging in criminal activity have a higher likelihood of being subject to PKs.

  • MILs may not enter forcibly enter CIV Homes unless they have reasonable suspicion of:

    • a) The building being used to house war criminals / enemies of the country

    • b) The building being used to conduct business detrimental to their country

  • Military personnel can warn Civilians and opposing countries to distance (roughly 50m) themselves from the walls of their F.O.B. If they don't comply within 10 seconds, they can be arrested by authorized personnel (whoever comes equipped with cuffs/restraints) and questioned. If the civilian or enemy has already been warned to leave the area and they try to “reset the 10 seconds”, then they can also be arrested and questioned.

  • Military v Military RoE will change based on tension levels:

    • Peacetime - Militants may only engage based on the Golden RoE.

    • Rising Tensions - Militants can engage if they have witnessed hostile acts.

    • High Tensions - Militants are KOS with a weapon out and off of safety.

    • Conflict - Militants are KOS once they have exited their F.O.B.

Miscellaneous Rules

  • FearRP 

    • Players must genuinely portray fear in life-threatening scenarios, such as when facing someone with a weapon or other serious dangers.  

      • If a player points a gun at your character and you immediately attempt to fight back without a clear tactical advantage, reasoning, or justification, it violates FearRP.

    • In a life-threatening situation, your character should respond with fear and concern for their life by:

      • Following reasonable demands (e.g., surrendering, dropping weapons).

      • Displaying appropriate emotions (e.g., nervousness, pleading for their life).

      • Avoiding unrealistic or risky actions (e.g., trying to disarm an armed attacker without a clear advantage).

    • Scenarios requiring FearRP:

      • Being held at gunpoint or threatened with a deadly weapon.

      • Facing a significant threat from a more powerful or numerous adversary.

      • Situations where your character's life is in immediate danger.

    • Exemptions:

      • FearRP does not apply if your character has a clear and realistic opportunity to escape or neutralize the threat without endangering themselves further.

      • Special circumstances where your character is inherently fearless or suicidal (must be pre-approved by staff and fit within the role-playing context).

      • FearRP is NOT IN PLAY during Conflict

  • Denial of Tryout. 

    • Leadership of a given faction who are hosting tryouts hold every right to deny you from joining their faction. Their reasoning may be based on anything from your in-game statistics (kill-death) as well as your attitude in 3rd party OOC networks. 

      • Eg. Your attitude in game and on Discord is childish, therefore you may not join MARSOC.

  • Character Descriptions

    • Character Descriptions must not contain any information that is not relevant to how someone would perceive your character.

  • Sub-factions & Branches. 

    • You may not create your own faction or anything that sets yourself apart from others.

      • Factions created by gamemasters are only for RP purposes and may only be used when an event is hosted. 

      • Civilians may start their own groups. If the roleplay becomes fleshed out and is executed well, Management will look at turning the group into a full-fledged Civilian Faction.

  • Names

    • Names must be reasonable based on your character's allegiance. ie: no Russian’s should be named Joseph Biden

    • Clan tags are not permitted on the server.

    • The only allowable characters in an RP name are the keys on an English keyboard. 

      • Eg. A-Z, 0-9, hyphens, etc.

    • Minge/Explicit RP Names that would break server rules are also not allowed. 

    • You may not use a name that one would immediately identify as famous, whether it is fiction or nonfiction. No Derek Jeters, Vladimir Putins, Arthur Morgans, etc.

  • Spawn/Base Camping.

    • Killing any players located within their base during Wartime/Conflict will be considered Base Camping.

      • You will be verbally warned if you are new. Subsequent infractions will be met with real warnings.

  • Crouch Jumping

    • Crouch jumping is not allowed in combat scenarios unless necessary to perform a maneuver. 

      • Eg. clearing an obstacle, reaching a ledge, etc.

Kidnapping Rules

  • You must be an E-4+ accompanied by at least 2 others in order to kidnap an enemy that is by themselves and not in a reasonable line of vision of their friendlies. These 2 members must have their weapons out OR be posing an obvious threat.


    • You may only hold them for up to 15 minutes unless both parties come to an agreement.  

    • You may kidnap ANY amount of people so long as the kidnapper to kidnappee ratio is 3:1.

Chat Rules

  • Advertisement Misuse

    • The Advertisement chat may only be used to deliver important in-character information or server announcements.

  • Links in chat 

    • Posting links that are not associated with the Garnet Forums, in-game material, and/or faction Google documents in chat is strictly prohibited. Doing so will result in a warning for a non-GG link or a ban for advertisement should it be in support (with the intention of having our players join) of another GMOD Community. 

  • Toxicity 

    • Keep toxicity and arguments to a minimum or take it to PMs. Should you fail to do so, you may find yourself being warned for toxicity, muted, or banned.

Faction Rules and Information

  • Self Promotion 

    • Do not attempt to give yourself a rank, qualification, or faction you have not earned.

  • Do not issue Qualifications or change someone’s Faction unless they have earned it

  • Claims 

    • You may Faction Broadcast a claim to any location on the map with the exception of the opposing country’s F.O.B. and occupied Civilian structures.

      • Unauthorized players must FIRST be warned via voice or text chat to leave your claim before they are detained/engaged.


      • This can result in escalating tensions, potentially even a Conflict.

    • A faction has a claim until they unclaim it. 

    • Players must have a reason for the claim such as Tryouts, training, events, etc. 

    • If people are already on the claim at the time of it being called, you must give them 30 seconds to dismiss the premises. 

    • People needing claims for tryouts take priority, regardless of the order they were claimed. 

      • EXCEPTION: CIVs have priority for claiming the homes on any map.

  • Faction Leaders 

    • The appointment of a new faction leader must be approved by server management. 

      • To officially resign and hand the faction to another player, administrators must be notified of the event and approve of the new leader.

  • Promotions

    • Warrant Officer and Junior Officer Ranks (CWOs, WOs, OCdts, KSTs, MLTs) will have a minimum of 7 days between promotions.

    • Officer promotions will have a minimum of 14 days between promotions.

  • Demotions 

    • In order for a demotion to take place, you must have valid reasoning to back yourself up whether the reasoning is in-character or out-of-character.

  • Documents 

    • Altering documents without permission/valid reasoning is strictly forbidden, and may be considered sabotage. 

      • Doing so will result in a 1-week ban and permanent blacklist from that faction.

  • Bias 

    • You must treat all members of your faction equally, regardless of their age or sex. If excessive biased behavior is picked up on, it may result in your immediate demotion. 

    • All tryouts must be held to the same standard. The entire tryout must be the same for all applicants.

      • The existing faction must test each applicant consistently in the same way. The tryout must have clear passing guidelines that are the same for every applicant.

    • Competent tryout leaders may deny the right of someone to try out for their faction if it is followed with logical and sound reasoning. See Denial of Tryout under Miscellaneous Rules.

  • Playing on a Qualification or Faction you have not earned, unless it is for training, is prohibited.

  • In order to tryout for a Special Forces Faction, you must hold the paygrade of E-3+.

  • Discord 

    • Abuse of any permissions granted by rank or position in an official MRP Discord will result in a 1-week ban.

Raiding Rules

  • You must be an  E-5+, with at least one other player, to start a raid. 

    • Attackers have 1 life and defenders have unlimited.

  • Rules while a raid is active

    • All targets in the enemy base are fair game during a raid, including those in buildings. 

    • Intentional spawn camp of the enemy is not allowed. 

      • You may not shoot into the spawn rooms. 

    • Defenders firing back while outside of the base are subject to being shot and killed.

  • You may not participate in a raid as an attacker if you have not rendered in the base by the time the first enemy dies, you may hide behind an object so long as your client renders.

    • In the event you are out of render, you may serve as artillery in a raid so long as you have access to rocket launchers, grenade launchers, or other such explosive-type weapons.

  • Disguise Rules

    • TBD

  • Raid Rescue

    • A E-5+ and above may initiate a Raid Rescue

    • You may “Raid Rescue” if you know someone is kidnapped through Roleplay and know their location through RP. 

    • You may only participate in 1 Raid Rescue per kidnapping.

    • You may Raid Rescue at any location.

    • During a Raid Rescue, the kidnapped player may not be intentionally killed by either side.

      • NOT ALLOWED: “We shot him so he wouldn’t spill our secrets!!”

Vehicle Rules

  • You may carjack another player's car during Peacetime or Conflict

  • Car Usage

    • To be allowed to requisition a car, you must any of the following:

      • E-4+

      • Part of leadership (Battalion or Faction)

      • An NCO showing the map to Recruits/Privates

      • Received permission from a SNCO, Warrant Officer, Officer, or General.

Conflict Rules 

  • Players may swap for balance

    • Their contributions will only be recognized by the country they played the majority of the Conflict with.

  • Should you find yourself within the enemy base during Conflict, you will be warned for FailRP and promptly respawned.

  • Do not Precap. All MILITANT players must be within their respective base walls before the Conflict starts.

    • Blocking entrances of objectives during Conflict is FailRP; this includes cars/ammo boxes.

PTE Rules

  • Permission-To-Enter (PTE) can only be granted by an E-7+ or the highest ranking individual and is void upon death.

    • Acts of aggression by the player with PTE can void his/her PTE. The severity of the reciprocation by the host nation will be correlated to the severity of the act of aggression,

  • If PTE is revoked, you must allow them 30 seconds to leave the base.


Edited by AlexConway
Updated Per Ozzy
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