The Garnut GarnetGaming 51 Posted December 8, 2019 The Garnut Share Posted December 8, 2019 Disclaimer: it is your responsibility to read and abide by our server rules, failure to do so may result in a punishment. These rules apply to all forum sections/discords unless stated otherwise Community Guidelines Below you will find a list of all Community Guidelines, these are rules that do not vary depending on environment and must be followed regardless of setting: Discord Rules The language spoken within the Discord is strictly English All content posted must be PG, gore and pornographic material is strictly forbidden Members of the community must respect one another at all times, even at times with conflicting interests. Hostile behavior is strictly forbidden Do not share links associated with other gaming communities (safe links are associated with Steam). The trade of personal information is strictly forbidden Post messages in the correct categories - content posted in incorrect sections consistently may lead to punishment All categories are titled appropriately for your ease-of-use Do not spam (spamming is the repeat of an action that would disrupt one's experience on our Discord Do not impersonate other users or create multiple alternate aliases (1 account per person) Do not loophole the rules or otherwise find gaps in the rules as to justify inappropriate behavior Forums Rules The language spoken within the forums is strictly English (foreign languages can only be used in PMs) All content posted must be PG, gore and pornographic material is strictly forbidden Members of the community must respect one another at all times, even at times with conflicting interests. Hostile behavior is strictly forbidden Do not harass other users of the community, or otherwise post content that would induce drama. Forum reactions must be used in a constructive manner, IE: agreeing with a suggestion Do not share links associated with other gaming communities (safe links are associated with Steam). The trade of personal information is strictly forbidden outside of PMs (social media/phone numbers) Use your common sense when using the forums, creating topics, or appropriating your posts/responses. Post content in the correct thread - content posted in incorrect sections consistently may lead to punishment Do not use misleading titles (titles that would provoke attention to your thread) outside of Shitpost Central Do not post repeatedly for the sole purpose of bumping up your post count (if over 50% of your contributions are found on The Playground, your post count will be halved) Reputation Farming, or trading reputation with another member of the community may result in the resetting of both your post count and reputation. Messages shorter than 20-30 characters may be considered 'Spam' Commenting on threads that were last active more than 2 weeks ago is considered 'Necroposting' Do not spam (spamming is the repeat of an action that would disrupt one's experience on our forums (IE: Forum PMs/ Replies/Reactions) Do not impersonate other users or create multiple alternate aliases (1 account per IP or per person) Do not Backseat Moderate (IE: quoting somebody to let them know they had broken a rule/will be banned) simply use the report feature. Do not loophole the rules or otherwise find gaps in the rules as to justify inappropriate behavior Ban Appeal/Suggestion/Report Rules When responding to a report/appeal thread you must be directly involved to the situation, or have relevant information that could sway the final decision Ideally introduce your response with a +1 or -1, otherwise, simply state the piece of information you feel may be helpful to the appeal You may not argue another user's response/rating, however, you may post constructive criticism in your post to the opposing views as to convey them to edit their own post. Lying or fabricating information will result in a permanent ban. (e.g. Use of photoshop for screenshots, or fake logs.) 5 2 1 Link to comment
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