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Draco staff app v2


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In-game name : 18D SSG Draco or Draco

Age: 15

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99345297

Warns: 4 from 2+ months ago

Timezone : CST

Playtime : 18D SSG Draco has played for 437:45:54.

Do you have access to TS: Yes 

Do you have a mic: Yes

Ability to record Gmod: Yes

Referrals: @Larry_The_Potato, @DRose, @TridentCramer

Past staffing: I was staff on a high pop DRP server back in the day 

How do you plan on benefiting the server. 

I believe that I can be a good fit to the staff team because of my past staffing experience on Gmod DarkRP because the servers are very close related in the rules for staff and for the players as well.  I also found myself very calm and collected in dealing with staff sits not leaning towards a person that I knew or favored. My play time has been lacking lately but I will get it up and playing more.  I am usually on until 9-12pm CST but more so on the weekends.   

I have played on both sides in server and have gotten to know many people and try my best to communicate to them as much as I can keeping up with what is going on. Before going to Green Berets I played SSO and really got to enjoy talking with Ru and currently am really enjoying talking and working with US and RU to help better the server. Me having played both RU and US displays that I do not have a particular bias towards one side .

Throughout my time on this server I have grown as a person making many friendships and very few enemies. I plan on staying in the community for a long time and developing more friendships and closer ones that I already have.  I also have very few problems if someone asks me to do anything on the server that pertains to benefiting the server in anyway.  Those are a few reasons why I would be a good fit for staff.

Have you been banned or punished on GG MRP:  I was kicked for warn cap 

Have you been previously made a staff application: Yes back in October 2019 

Time contribution: I can contribute 2-6 hours depending on the day

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