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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Homast

  1. @NutterPlease for the love of god, Take Forums mod away from me. It's starting to spill into my actual emails and I haven't done anything round here for a long time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The King of Rohan

      The King of Rohan

      swear there was a option to turn off email notifications 

    3. PraetorDon


      With great power comes great responsibility!

    4. aidanpoppas123


      @eli_ cough cough zachman cough cough

  2. Marines 2 Electric Boogaloo
  3. I'm going to lock this for sake of keeping it shorter, In the meantime, I'm Pinging the appropriate people to handle the appeal. @Tora1 (You're the Highest ranking MRP individual at the moment l m a o)
  4. 2 Different Servers though with different people who are able to punish for infractions. I see where you're going with it, and I agree with the fact that it should be punished on TS as well, But given that Staff powers aren't given out as much on TS as on MRP, there tends to be also less punishment given out.
  5. No but you know that Racism isn't allowed correct? You know the rest of the server rules correct? This is one of those loophole scenarios that are specified in the rules page as being... against the rules....
  6. 2020-12-13 - 21:01:45 sir gey(STEAM_0:1:553689784) Millerjerm(STEAM_0:1:165910294) 19-03:14 Racism that, is a MARSOC WO who was on Reserves by the name of Buck. Actions in Teamspeak are handled in Teamspeak, Actions in the MRP server, are handled on the MRP server. Hence why Vlone isn't banned from TS
  7. That literally holds no meaning. No reason to be using the word regardless of Chat type. For 2 months now he's been witch hunting his group of friends? Gythem was still manager 2 months ago, Why not talk to him? who had equal say in the affairs of the Staff team? Also, to add onto this, Experienced players should know better should they not?
  8. You were still privvy to the contents of the report before they were publicized.
  9. -1 Literally takes no effort NOT to say the word. There's no reason to be saying it in chat in any capacity. That's another thing, While he may not be the SA anymore for the time being, The Appeals rules still apply, This appeal being for an incident that happened over a month prior. You witheld information about cheating knowingly, only to seemingly use it when Ozzy was done with the way you were acting on forums I guess? Can we expect to see a Zachman report anytime soon?
  10. Industrial lookin thicc ngl Garnet. I'm liking the balance of Open area and Closed Quarters, Hopefully when it goes live, People who play will say the same
  11. Homast


    which would then defeat the purpose of the elections altogether. The systems in place currently are working better than Elections would. With Elections, it would become a popularity thing, instead of who the best fit is. You would have problem players at the top of the faction and then they'll form their cliques and we'll end up with the shitstorm that we had in July/August. At which point, Staff will step in and do what should have been done in the first place and place somebody reasonable in power. Why put the possibility of something going wrong into the equation?
  12. Not only does he have Garnet Chan Padoru, But he also has Ina Padoru.
    My Man... 🙂 

  13. Sure thing, I'll post em on here later tonight
  14. Blizzard & CDPR: Yo, You want a job my guy? In all reality, Something I'd like to see in the industrial zone, though you've said it's still underway, is a Building SIMILAR to company from Siberia and whichever Taiga map it was. Key differences I'd like to see though, More rooms like the Garage with the Shelves, And then a loading bay area, 2 stories like the Original Company, but with more offices on the top floor, and having the top floor cover the entire building, instead of just the perimeter of the building. Overall, Looking nice Garnet, Despite me not playing and my input not really being as valuable at the time being, I like the approach you're taking to it
  15. +1 Not only does this seem like a VERY simple thing to set up, but it also allows HR division staff to do their jobs across the community without having to use their own private channel, or having to tell someone to frick off every 5 minutes. Make it so that Executives and HR tagged staff memebers can access these channels and badda bing badda boom, you got yourself an easy and isolated training area. (Also make it so that these staff tags could drag into the channel but like... that's a given)
  16. Timing out is due to Slow internet speeds, Though Disconnecting and REconnecting like you are, is caused by hiccups in your internet. Tell mom and dad to restart the router.
  17. Thing is, I'm no longer an MRP Admin. Congratulations, You're so deluded that you think I'm actually going around punishing you for being dumb. Your Sense of Self importance is greater than your sense of troubleshooting, Perhaps restart your Steam yes?
  18. Heya Jamari.

    I'm trying to cash in on the recent trend of posting onto your profile as well!
    Can I get reddit Karma?

    1. Theta2


      heres ur reddit karma

  19. that's some sick timing with that beat drop ngl good montage, I rate 5/7
  20. Just wanted to come and say, You'd know that Suggestions are accepted Well before they're implemented, and update logs are done as well not too long before hand as well...

    Or at least, You should have given the fact you were a paid manager. 😏

    1. Chewy


      Haven't checked messages for a year apparently, but as a counter-point: your point hinges on my having been a paid manager.

      I was never once paid, nor have any of the Rust Managers after me been paid as they were told they would be. But yeah, the problem has definitely been the ownership and not the people hired by him.

  21. My work schedule is absolutely shite rn, Can hardly run the 1 campaign i am running. But I'd be down to be a sorta, Re-Occuring Guest kinda like the one girl in Critical Role.
  22. Nobody has seen you in TS for a long time. How would you know that? Y'all talk in Discord PMs?
  23. It's clear your response is emotionally motivated, And That's cool and all... But that's literally the rules as written. Use critical thinking and read the rules page. He wasn't banned because of Bias, he was banned because he was being an immature child, And I don't think any response except for yours and Fetns radiate Bias, They're simply trying to keep the rules enforced. Topshot was unbanned through a ban wave for his hacking, and then appealed his toxicity ban. Xploding was banned for 2 reasons, He can appeal to us for toxicity, Which is fine and all, He can reform personality-wise, But his ban for the Mass will most probably stay.
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