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Theta2 last won the day on August 28 2021

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  1. yo you ever just look at a stop sign and wonder why people needed to put that mofo up like what did he haf to do in order to make a lw to put that sign up. dude was going like 90 in a 45 for no reason +1
  2. I met proggy within my first 2 weeks of playing DRP and I never really got to know him much until I joined DaB clan and then him along everyone else had a blast running around having the greatest of times. This dude hits me up to be active more and I feel so bad that I keep failing to do so ;w; Proggy > Bob Ross Proggy da most wholesome motherfucker u ever seen He needs to play more RoA tho, I need to show him off to my non drp friends
  3. ._. Uh, I'm really tired so I'll nitpick the next one BUT. Do /playtime to get your exact playtime and as rohan said, u needa get some hours in again to get a fresh review. There's been many major and minor rules added in the span of 2 years! -1
  4. shit, now i gotta get tested... O_O
  5. I mean at this point if the only reason why this is getting enforced is if someone reports it out of spite it should just be no longer a rule
  6. Theta2


    yeah but, garnet still gets profit when someone else buys the credits n stuff With Garnet getting absolutely no money for a rando perma crate its gonna need to be a lot of effort for garnet to be losing money *edit* Now that I think about it, is it easy to program a crate that can check whether or not u have a perma or not so that it will filter out the ones you already have? It would be bad to spend 30 mil on a crate and get a db that u already got
  7. how was my tutorial not easy to follow, i said press ur flashlight bind and voila
  8. I'm not gonna read this but why tf did this dude even need to reapply. +10000000
  9. A smart enough group of people will tell their friends to shoot each other to flood damage logs (Why do I know this? Because as a former minge I have told people to do that for me, it's a problem.) +1
  10. attend another rivals tournament so that I can see big boy proggy tryharding again

    1. Theta2


      Or or or, do another kragg compliation

    2. Proggy


      Havent played Rivals in like a month but I might enter more stuff soon. 

      Been playing Guilty Gear:Strive, CS:GO and Apex a little, but mainly getting Rust admin clips.

      I need premiere lol

  11. So since I'm back in school and bored as shit is it time i start nitpicking staff apps as an inactive shit?

    1. Fetn


      @Theta2 thats all i do

  12. Ayo man u didn't have to be like that
  13. about the hacker man thing, i was the one who first found that video, also aligned steamid's with times and all that

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