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Kendal last won the day on January 9 2021

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About Kendal

  • Birthday 12/06/1997

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  1. Everything is water and bridge ozzy. You did a finer job keeping the community afloat than I ever did/could. my personal feelings aside that is all that matters with your position. Great manager, great member of the community as a whole. It's a shame we didn't get along when you first came back, and it took some time trying to approach you to try and help pushing for change in the community. Even though you knew how my time as an executive went, and were critical of me back then, you still considered my opinions and we talked a ton when Garnet accepted me back into staff. For a brief moment I thought I had made good friends with two people I used to hate (you and Jake), and like we would make a damned good team for the community. Lake Tahoe is absolutely wonderful, I used to go there with my grandfather before he passed. I'm glad that going there helped you come to realizations in your real life. God knows I felt those same things. I guess it's a certain point when you finally realize adulthood has caught up with ya, and that life has passed you by. Everyone you knew has moved on but you're still holding on for dear life to the things that keep you from moving on and dealing with real life. At least thats what it was for me. Much love Ozzy, my DM's are always open to you man. I consider us better friends than you may think
  2. Gonna disagree based on this statement alone. Much easier to headglitch if u dont even have to show a single pixel before peeking out. Gonna self snitch here but it was WAY easier to headglitch when all I had to do was hide with my head out of sight entirely in third person, and only peak after I know an enemy is running through my sightline. -1 As an edit to add onto the rest of the post With br0ken saying he'd like crouch jumping unbanned that just removes all desire for me to imagine that those you spoke to about this suggestion didn't agree based on "countering headglitching", but they were more inclined to agree since they'd like to freely exploit for easier kills during war. I made a big push for the removal of crouch jumping during my time as an executive due to the horrendous nature of combat it encourages. And seeing that the current team of executives is currently pushing for the server to once again be more RP oriented, third person and crouch jump exploiting are laughably left behind as exploits that helped push RP away from GGMRP in the first place.
  3. I love seeing all the events going on for MRP. Finally got a good GM team and staff team to back it up. 

  4. +1 Bishopil is a real one. And also the dude took SWRP super seriously when I was playing for the short time I did. Say what you will about his MRP track record, but in SWRP he put in work.
  5. Not the biggest fan of 80's rock, but genesis fuckin slaps

  6. Kendal

    Military Police

    MP for event purposes is fine in my eyes so long as the members have a firm grasp on RP and don't act stupid during events. However MP as an all-time faction would be a nightmare and I hope if this idea comes to be that it isn't turned into an all time faction later down the line.
  7. If I wasn't couch surfin rn to survive, I'd be playing GG again with all the dope ass updates brickman has pushed out. :T

  8. When is Sans 2 coming out?????

    Have you heard of sans 2?

    Where can I get a copy?

    Will you change your sans then to better match sans 2 characters? Maybe the 2nd sans as a pfp?

  9. Idk man. A lot of people seem to think that map rotation and player engagement/retention/accessibility co-exist. I tend to agree. I think rather than doing yet another map swap, Nutter should just update the current one with changes that might keep players engaged, while allowing new players to feel at home in a familiar yet everchanging environment. Not to mention consistent rotation has usually meant tweaks to the next map need to be made due to changes in many different updates garnet applies to various things while the players are on any given map (think weapon tweaks, added factions, roleplayability, etc.) which in turn sucks more dev time for the actual important shit traded for mind numbingly dull hours in hammer. Im all for tweaking the current map, but rotations haven't played out all too well imo
  10. I remember you sending me something like this back when we were trying to pin shit down together. Glad to see you back to it with a good team behind you. A lot of the MRP ideas are exciting so, hopefully we can see some iteration of those things.
  11. I was trying to do more RP shit when I had frogmen, I hope you can get that shit going right Tora. It ain't easy when half the server pop doesn't care about it.
  12. Kendal

    Duglas Appeal

    Not the place to be reflective on your past mistakes. I swear more and more I see vets coming back, playing for a bit, getting cynical about current rules or "the state of the server", doing some dumb shit to get permed, failing to appeal their ban within a reasonable time span, and then "regretting" their decision and creating an apology appeal waaaaay long after the fact. What frustrates me about these appeals isn't even the offense itself, it's the callous behavior followed by a ban you went out of your way to get, which you now think should be lifted because "I've changed guys! I've put a lot of work into myself and my behavior!" Same shit vizii had been on and off of, he didn't get a pass, why should you? I mean, I've talked to Vizii plenty following his com ban, and he's adamant that he has love for the server and wants to come back and help, but he doesn't get a pass there. -1 for sure.
  13. Bruh I've never ever seen someone get a 2 pack with that gun let alone 4. Sheeeesh.
  14. Its pretty common knowledge on the server at this point that simply talking about shit in TS doesn't get anything done, regardless of if word gets back to the Executives or not. Making a forum thread about it essentially has the ability to centralize all those complaints or feedback into a thread where executives can comb over it rather than just listen to people in TS. Going around in TeamSpeak asking peoples opinions on shit had to be my least favorite responsibility as manager. Idk whos leading DF rn, but if it's Ozzy I'm not 100% surprised given what happened with seals and their activity.
  15. I honestly wish I'd completely dropped this community from my mind just so I didn't have the idea to come back to the forums just to see this.


    We weren't good friends, had a lot of beef at times, and even when we did get friendly during my most recent stint on mrp, I still had some resentment for our past. But I'll die on a hill proclaiming that you single handedly made viva's vega what it was. I really wish I knew you outside of the community to say things about you that aren't related to this community.

    I know for a fact you were ride or die for your friends (my main beef with you back then). And I know a ton of people are sad. I remember you giving the community a firm goodbye, and the thought never crossed my mind that it would actually be a final goodbye. I'm so accustomed to seeing old players return. 

    I'm sorry for being a dick to you when I was, I'm sorry things didn't go well for you in life. And I desperately hope things are better wherever you are now.

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