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Alternative to bodyGroupr addon


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So, as many of us know, the current bodyGroupr that can be found on many servers had a backdoor placed into the addon, having it be removed from the Steam workshop and now only accessible through a third party site. I was really bummed after hearing this, because in all honesty it was one of the best addons that the workshop had to offer, especially for SWRP. So, I decided to go rummage through the Steam workshop and found the current most-popular alternative to bodyGroupr, and it is called Wardrobe I believe.


This addon is a closet you place down (I assume can also be colored invisible if it does not fit into bunks) and can be placed in every bunk. I believe the bodygroup saves once you disconnect, but I could be wrong. I tried this out in Singleplayer Sandbox and it seemed to do the job just fine. Very similar to the last addon, just cannot be accessed through the C menu anymore. 


This next one is extremely more popular on the Workshop. It is a toolgun option to change the bodygroups of other players and yourself. Works as I can see through the Singleplayer Sandbox, have yet to see this one used in servers yet. 

Both are great alternatives, and I believe myself and a good chunk of the SWRP community would love something like this to be added as soon as possible so we can customize our looks, as all of our models comes with a TON of bodygroups as is, we just can't access them. 

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