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[SWRP] Jedi Initiate Auto Whitelist


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Description: I'm proposing that a system be added so that when someone donates for Elite or Titan that they get an auto Whitelist to Jedi Initiate.

Reasoning: It would make things a little smoother when whitelisting, you wouldn't have to wait for someone to whitelist you after you donate, and also the people that would have to whitelist then wouldn't have whitelist for it every time someone donates. Besides Jedi Initiate doesn't have a weapon that can do any harm to anyone.

Any additional Information: Not needed

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Just now, AparhTurtle said:

-1, There's a reason it doesn't auto whitelist, its a training class before Padawan. The only way to get on the initiate class is by phantom setting them and doing a training

Mi amigo, the class (if you read the class description) has nothing. Its literally just a citizen class. So why would you want to restrict it? Phantom is active, but wont be active 24/7. If someone were needing to do tryouts but phantom isnt on. it simply doesn't make sense why you shouldn't be auto wl for initiate.

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3 minutes ago, AparhTurtle said:

-1, There's a reason it doesn't auto whitelist, its a training class before Padawan. The only way to get on the initiate class is by phantom setting them and doing a training

The Initiate class is essentially youngling. There's no training you need to be an initiate. 

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