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Droid Dispenser Entities


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This could honestly be used in so many different ways. IMO one of the ideas that would or could linger from this if it were to be accepted, would be to set these dispensers up inside either the training room or the citidel. So in theory it could allow players to always feel as if they can always be practicing if per say not alot of players are on. I am quite of the fan of certain things like this in servers to 1. Allow more players to practice when need be 2. Allow GM's to have faster and more immersive interactions on how they are to setup either defensive droids or droids on the offensive. An


example of this could be when we are on the venator and we are being attacked, instead of starting out an offensive by spawning in droids with a tool gun (which still has its perks and is still affective in many ways) it can start out as a surprising starter attack to the men on board (surprising in the use that you have stated).

Regardless I am a huge fan of this and would love to see something like this being added to help a possible fluency on the server. Warranting a +1 from me!

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This would be really dope to have. Would allow for droid spawns to make more sense after the initial wave of spawning so some players aren't surprised by a sudden spawn of droids from a place they just cleared.

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