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RC Weapon Rework


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RC Weapon Rework Suggestion
Credits: @Swigss @Pencil


Description: Essentially this is suggesting the addition of explosives to the Republic Commandos 'Demolitions' classes. (Delta Squad : Scorch , Foxtrot Group : Technician , Omega Squad : Darman) As well as changes to the classes such as Fi, Darman, EOD, Sev and the Leader Classes.


**Delta Squad : Scorch**

-Remove DC-17M Shotgun

-Add Detpacks (weapon_swrc_det)

**Delta Squad : Sev**

-Change pistol to DC-17

Extended (rw_sw_dc17ext)

**Delta Squad : Boss*

*-Add DC-17M Shotgun (tfa_dc17m_shotgun)


**Foxtrot Group : Technician**

-Remove DC-17M Shotgun

-Add Detpacks (weapon_swrc_det )

**Foxtrot Group : EOD**

-Change pistol to DC-17Extended (rw_sw_dc17ext)

**Foxtrot Group : Gregor**

-Add DC-17M Shotgun (tfa_dc17m_shotgun)


**Omega Squad : Darman**

-Remove DC-17M Sniper

-Add DC-17M Anti-Armor (tfa_swch_dc17m_at)

-Add DC-17MBR (tfa_swch_dc17m_br)

**Omega Squad : Fi**

-Change pistol to DC-17Extended (rw_sw_dc17ext)

-Remove DC-17MBR and DC-17M Shotgun (tfa_swch_dc17m_br and tfa_dc17m_shotgun)

-Add DC-17M Sniper (tfa_swch_dc17m_sn)

**Omega Squad : Niner**

-Add DC-17M Shotgun ( tfa_dc17m_shotgun )


Reasoning: Seeing as how the Groups are each progressive in their availability (Free,T1,T2) I'm suggesting a progressive system between the groups for this suggestion. Delta and foxtrot receiving detpacks and Omega receiving the DC-17M Anti-Armor. The reason why foxtrot doesn't go up in an explosive level is because it is a group that allows you to form your own character rather than a named character like Delta and Omega. Regarding the changes to the Sniper and Commander classes this is to simply keep these two classes enjoyable and viable in multi scenarios when compared to their counterparts. Medic has a BR and medkit, while Commander classes were bare, basically a downgrade weaponry wise, this will allow the commander to have a reliable backup gun that will be transferred from their explosive members. Regarding the sniper changes, it is simply to give the snipers a reliable backup that allows them to fill in a secondary role, but mainly focus on their sniping role. What I mean by that is the sniper in its current state has a 5 shot sniper and 8 shot pistol. The current sidearm is low capacity, slow reload as it has to recharge, and medium damage. It keeps the sniper rather locked into its choices for engagement as it can only pump out reliable dps from a safe distance. With the suggested pistol it would allow our sniper class to be slightly more viable to move with the rest of the squad as it has a backup gun with more rounds though notably not nearly as strong as the rest of the group. This is simply to allow the sniper to have a backup weapon it can rely on to quickly switch between(it should be noted that from testing, the current pistol doesn't recharge when put away, meaning you have to have it out if you want a backup gun after you used it leading to a lot of downtime for a sniper).


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm thinking most of this looks good. I know I mentioned in TS convo with @Pencil that I would give a base dc17m_br for all RC classes, but i'm actually starting to prefer each class gets their specialized weapon and a DC-17 pistol as their secondary, as suggested here. Also, I am unsure about the Detpaks (sry, even tho I suggested that).

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