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Echo's Staff Application


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General Information

Name: 1stSFODD JOPT Echo (was 11B DS SGM Drake)

Age: 17

Total time on the server: | 1stSFODD JOPT Echo has played for 130:51:04.

Do you own a microphone: Yes

Referrals: Chris Branch, Ruin, Delphin Owens, Trip, Shrood, Cypher, Jasmin

Staff History: None.

Country of Residence: United States of America

Essay Portion

Past experiences staffing?

I went from T-Mod to Head Admin on a popular DarkRP server called PresidentialRP and staffed on that server for about 3 months before resigning.

How do you plan on benefiting our server? (100 words minimum):

I believe I would benefit GarnetGaming with my leadership skills and professionalism. Through many months of being a Super/Head Admin on a DarkRP server I have learned the in's and out's of ULX, as well as many different logs. I have built up a tolerance to minges as well, and are much more suited to put up with and deal with them as needed. I find that GG's staff are of another caliber when it comes to taking care of problems, and it is prevalent when I report someone and my sit is taken almost instantly,I want to be a part of that experience and to show the new and even the older players that we care about their experience on the server. Overall, my goal is to give back to the community that has been nothing but kind to me over the past few months and becoming a staff member would help me fulfill that goal of mine.

Edited by t3rr0r
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You already have me on referrals but I will explain why. My interactions with you have been nothing but positive. Something about your personality stands out from the others, and I know if you get this spot you would cherish it. If you achieve this spot I know you wont only do it right, but far and beyond. Goodluck! +1

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