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Lifting of Blacklist on 2GA - Vladikoff


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When did the punishment occur?:

Approx: 5pm PST, 17-07-2018


Warn/Ban Reason:

No clear reason stated ( reason may contain: META, Minge, Disrespect – as commented by unknowing officers )


Who was involved?:

Person in charge of blacklist: ZedDxeD
Admin supervising the blacklist: Yax


Why should your appeal be accepted?:

Short version: These are false claims, which all aren’t backed up with neither actual action or evidence - possibly fueled by incompetence and personal dislike – Which is why the Blacklist should be lifted.

Actual version: The things that I have been able to gather, connecting to my permanent blacklisting from the 2GA, here states Meta-gaming, Behavior of Minge, and disrespect towards higherups. (these are the comments and believes that I have been able to collect from 2GA, V, SSO and GRU Officers.)

To all these claims, I can assign a single sentence that would explain it perfectly: “Absolutely and complete nonsense..!”.

 - Meta-claims:

Lets first of just clarify what “meta” is (here the simple version): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metagaming_(role-playing_games) – which basically states: “Any use of outside knowledge, to improve your own gameplay”, in its short terms. Now… I know the Garnet-server has a one-of-a-kind-rule regarding Meta-gaming, which basically switched the actual meaning, hereby changing it to “IC in OOC is punishable (by definition not meta), while OOC can be used in IC (which by definition is meta)”. (ex: (OOC used in IC) Getting PTS strikes/warnings for using OOC-chat (out of character chat) in an IC (In character) situations, such as DB. – and ex: (IC used in OOC) Get warned for putting IC info in OOC chat). Ok – now that we have cleared out the actual meaning of META and the Garnet meaning of META, lets head to the issue:

I have received rumors that my blacklist has been linked with META-gaming, which is absurd, as I never meta game, as I have a full understanding of what Meta-gaming is. (I have 1 warn of META on the Garnet server, as I corrected someone’s IC grammar in OOC, which is only meta on the Garnet-rulesets, which was before I knew Garnet had special META-rules).

But what I believe the META-claim could have it source from, was an incident regarding the use of RU radio.
the scenario: I was doing Recon near US base, reporting everything I saw to the RU radio (pressing U), a group of SSO then came along, and kidnapped a US near my proximity, as I helped with the kidnap scenario, I kept informing the RU about the kidnap as a part of my recon (only the RU, not the US, not /comms, not OOC, ONLY the RU). I was later commented that I was doing meta – which is not true, which can be proofed by the actual Meta-rules and the Garnet Meta-Rules. I was simply doing IC recon, reporting anything related to MY character to the RU (and RU only) – which is, let me repeat, NOT considered META. I wasn’t even endangering the SSO mission, as no information was leaked (unless someone else inside the RU would deliver the information, in which THEY, let me repeat, the one who LEAKs the information about the SSO to the US, would be doing Meta / Failrp).

So, as you can see, the background information: meta-rules and garnet meta-rules, scenario etc., all states that I have NOT been doing META, which removes claim 1 (meta).

On to the next claim:

- Minge claims:

Okay, lets again describe the meaning of said claim, but this time we don’t need a half novel…
“Minge” comes from “mingebag”, which is basically a Gmod Noob/beginner by its original meaning (see link in “Proof”). But “minge”, as used on several roleplaying servers, is a person who doesn’t have the intent to roleplay and is just around to cause trouble or intentionally lower others RP experience (Military-RP ex: A recruit who runs around intentionally instead of being trained, a soldier who kills team-mates, interrupts DBs, and doing general FailRP linked to his character, etc.). – Here again with a Garnet-special rule: “A minge is someone a Higher up doesn’t like. <Stamped as a minge>”.

So… To quickly describe myself: I enjoy roleplay, I enjoy creating characters and making them unique, I am a veteran roleplayer and I see myself as an above average roleplayer which knowledge and performance to match said claim. – and if there is one thing, I highly try to avoid and discourage, is “minge” behavior, as it ruins the roleplay experience.

But for some reason, I have been stamped as a “minge” by the 2GA Officers, which I find weird due to previous information given – But I think I have an idea why, and it links to my “above average”-roleplaying behavior:

In the creation of my Russian Roleplay Character, “Viktor Vladikoff” a soldier of Russian military, a strong believer of the old communistic Russia and a very open person when it comes to his stereotypical Russian family. And of course, V. Vladikoff’s main trait: His Russian accented English.

I have a strong believe, that it is the Russian accent that has the 2GA higher-ups classify me as a “minge”, as some of them found it “annoying”.

This scenario is clearly highly fueled by the “garnet rule of Minge” as mentioned earlier, that if a higher up doesn’t like you, you are classified as a minge. But the scenario, when not the “garnet-special rule of minge” applies, is far from “minge”, by its rightful definition (lack of intent to roleplay), as the accent is a trait of the character created, specially applied to make the character more believably Russian.

By the fact that the entire character of V. Vladikoff and his traits is made to make a more complete roleplay experience, which is, by definition, the exact opposite of being a “minge” – which should clear out the second claim (minge).

Now on to the last, possibly known, issue on the list.

- Disrespect claims:

This issue can be referred to the “minge”-section and the “roleplay-focused” type of gameplay that I actively encourage. I seek to uphold the military codes as well as possible, here also obeying orders giving to me by my superiors, as long as it doesn’t contradict the sense and freedom of roleplay. So, having the issue of being disrespectful towards a higher up, is highly unlikely, as I would never be disrespectful towards superiors, nor lesser ranked soldiers, showing a professional attitude as far as possible.

The “disrespect” claims here, might be linked to the fact that I sometimes would disobey direct orders during wartimes. But all of these situations are filled with Roleplay purpose, and actually doing these commands would be able to be considered FailRP (ex: I was trapped in FAC during war, surrounded by US, and I was told to get back on point at Town, and I declined the order at the given time, as I would most likely have been killed, if I tried to exit my position at FAC – and actively not trying to keep yourself alive would be considered FailRP.

Also, a different scenario that caused Vladikoff issues, was during war and when using the radio, all the callouts started with “Vladikoff reporting:”. This was an active RP-implementation, here both to reinforce the translucency of who broadcasted the callout, and to actively avoid Meta-gaming (as, “in real life”, you would always call out who broadcasts, as you “IRL” doesn’t have a little side-note saying “Captain Frank: hello there”).

So, again, these two scenarios uphold the two rules I set earlier, which can be cooked down to this: Obey as long as it doesn’t break RP.

This clears up the Disrespect issue, and explains the possible “disobeying-issues”, that might be lingering.

This sums up the possible 3 claims (Meta-, Minge- and disrespect-claims) that might have been the cause of my blacklisting of 2GA.

But wait, there’s more.!:

As mentioned in the “short version”, I mentioned that this blacklist was fueled by personal dislike, and incompetence. This is mostly linked with how the entire scenario was handled – which was very poorly, to say the least.

The scenario that seemed to start this entire issue, was during a war: It was at the near end of a war, and I had obtained intel that comp was having issues with US squads, so I reported this in with the radio to the RU. My intel was later discovered to be incorrect, and I was blamed heavily and directly, by either Jim Trash or Yuriski (the issue in now several weeks old, so exact details are hazy), for causing the RU to have lost the war, which led to a bad eye being caught on me. In the next couple of wars, I was declined promotions, caused by my “bad performance”, which was understanding, as I accidentally gave the RU incorrect intel. But what I didn’t understand, was that in the future wars, I was also declined for promotions, and this stood on for a longer period. It was almost only a week later, that I was actively informed that my rank had been “frozen”, until the Higher ups had talked through this issue. The issue was much later discussed by the higher ups, and ZedDxeD had decided that It would result in a demotion (Demoted to SGT). “Okay, cool.. now I can actually start developing again” I thought to myself, just until the next war where was told that there is a cooldown on Demotions, just like there is on promotions – which makes sense. Again, I did my best during wars, as usual, being one of the most active people with callouts, as the main job of the Russian Recon jobs. And the day came when my demotion cooldown was up, and I would finally get to develop again – but no… Apparently, even though I had approx. a week where my rank was frozen AND a demotion, my rank was STILL frozen.! I was greatly confused about this, and asked an Officer about it, and the respond was “your rank will continuously be frozen, until you get better”, and I simply couldn’t believe my ears, as I was actively helping the RU forces, here applying to help with tryouts, and actually help with tryouts, be over the standards active in wars with frequent callouts. From here on out, I tried to make myself even more visible in the RU army, by taking every little job I could, to enhance my chances of lifting the frozen rank; here taking in support calls from kidnapping missions, being more visible during wars, applying for even more tryout assistance jobs etc.. This lasted for a couple more days, here having my rank frozen for over a week, until I was asked to meet Jesus after a war scenario – I here started to get PM’d about my blacklist, and people also wrote this in RU Radio, so I knew what was up, and after the war, Jesus, alongside a higher-up that could blacklist and admin Yax, I was blacklisted from the 2GA, and hereby also the entire Russian military and sub-regiments, for what basically is false claims and what seems like personal harassment, to say the least, here also seen on the very poor handling of this scenario, with week-long periods where no information was shared and nothing was actively done, to the closing action of me being TP’d to a Admin-sit with no detailed warning, for my Blacklist.

Now, I can sit here, as an Ex-Sgt of the RU army, against a high ranked ZedDxeD and just think the obvious: “People will most likely take the side of the high ranked officer, cuz’ they always do”, and just think that this is bullshit, mostly because, as stated earlier, these are all false claims, all based, on what I believe in personal dislike towards me. Sure, I can easily say that these are “false claims”, but I can also ensure all of you, there isn’t any proof, available of collecting, connecting this case towards me, due to the fact that I simply didn’t do them, as explained in the 3 claims (meta, minge and disrespect). I will be more than happy to receive actual evidence on these claims and go through them with admins and/or higherups to settle this issue.

So, this is my opinion on why I should be lifted off the blacklist from 2GA, here with statement, information and not the least REASONING, in which these claims lack severely, on the topic.

Thank you for your time.
- Viktor Vladikoff

Proof (Screenshots/Recordings):

https://imgur.com/a/sniIzYt (proof of ZedDxeD’s permanent blacklist from 2GA)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metagaming_(role-playing_games)

- http://gmod.wikia.com/wiki/MingeBag

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DENIED!(perms from Chris)

This format is only to be used for warn/ban appeals, not for a faction blacklist.

If you wish to be unblacklisted, you may talk to the general/leader of that faction.


Edited by Jasmin2nd
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You deadass used definitions to "prove" that you shouldn't have been blacklisted. 

I dunno, but from what I've seen from you, I wouldn't be surprised if the allegations against you are true. I know you have a history of being insubordinate and passive aggressive, which is what other 2GA have said about you.

On top of that, you spent however long to type all of this up, which doesn't prove anything except that you are pissed and can't come up with any physical evidence that you aren't a minge.

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19 minutes ago, Westwood said:

Admin supervising the blacklist: Yax

I didn't really "supervise" it but okay. I just brought you to an Officer so they could remove your whitelists.


Well this is extremely well written, you dodge the point quite often. You constantly /comms our plans, percentages, and kidnap statuses. IDK why you say they are false reports, because they certainly has justification. Ill now make certain comments.


25 minutes ago, Westwood said:

RU radio (pressing U)

You straight did this in comms. We asked you politely and you refused to stop. You are correct that it technically IS NOT META. But just because someone tells you something false does not mean its true. If any officer, higher ranked, or anyone in general asks you to stop leaking information in comms, you do it.

28 minutes ago, Westwood said:

which removes claim 1 (meta)

To my understanding, you do this often. Using comms to say what we are doing in war, saying %s etc... All of this is not even Meta as you used comms. But it COULD be FailRP and it is also just a reason to blacklist you if you did not stop.

30 minutes ago, Westwood said:

I enjoy roleplay, I enjoy creating characters and making them unique, I am a veteran roleplayer

I never, EVER saw you actually trying to play the game. I only saw you goof off and get yelled at by others. In wars, you would literally yell random shit like "2GA GO TO COMP" and try to throw people off.


33 minutes ago, Westwood said:

By the fact that the entire character of V. Vladikoff and his traits is made to make a more complete roleplay experience,

You SAYING you have the full intent to RP in a semi serious server is getting you no where.


34 minutes ago, Westwood said:

I sometimes would disobey direct orders during wartimes. But all of these situations are filled with Roleplay purpose

No. This is a straight no. You cannot break faction rules then say its due to RP.

35 minutes ago, Westwood said:

This clears up the Disrespect issue, and explains the possible “disobeying-issues”, that might be lingering.

Do you wanna talk about when you would literally go up to 2GA officers and do that Ugandan Knuckles clicking and spitting?

36 minutes ago, Westwood said:

handled – which was very poorly, to say the least.

What? I brought you to a sit to let you know why it was happening instead of just having them all removed. 


37 minutes ago, Westwood said:

rank had been “frozen”

AKA a Strike.

38 minutes ago, Westwood said:

for what basically is false claims and what seems like personal harassment

You can't bend the rules and do things out of order in the intent of "RP" and then be mad when people ask you to stop SEVERAL times.


39 minutes ago, Westwood said:

TP’d to a Admin-sit with no detailed warning, for my Blacklist.

As an AOD, it is not my job to do anything to interfere with the faction. It is not my choice, I don't give opinions IN A SIT.


40 minutes ago, Westwood said:

against a high ranked ZedDxeD

And to the final point. Zed is the leader of 2GA, and if he deems you someone who is disrespecting and bringing down the 2GA image, that is up to him. Proof has not been needed in the past, and he does not really need it. If all the officers and enlisted have problems with you, and you fail to stop, you are worthy of your blacklist.


Do not try to counter this with "bias" or "false". I have never interacted or approached you before, and let 2GA deal with their own faction. Second, do NOT try to make this an administrative issue and say "false". This is a faction level situation, and if Zed starts mass blacklisting THATS when it is an issue.



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- I didnt know where else to put these forms, as a "ban appeal" would seem as the closest to a "faction ban" (blacklist)
- And I would talk to ZedDxeD, but the issue here is, that He is rarely on at the same time as I, and if he were, I wouldnt be able to directly talk to him, as im blacklisted from every regiment that allowed entrance to the russian base (as i'm blacklisted from 2GA)

- Me, writing this smaller novel, doesn't show i'm "pissed", it shows that I had a lot to say, and a lot of information that had to be tranfered.
- definitions, statements and actual meaning of claims against me, is the only proof I can provide, as you cant prove that you didn't do something (ex. You can proof that you killed someone: with photos, video etc. . you can't proof that you DIDNT kill someone: "look... he is alive, I didn't kill him. am I free to go?") - so you dont really "prove" your innocence. As the american law system states "innocent until proven" - and I see no evidence towards my "deadass".

But as I mentioned in the Thread, I would be happy to go through any actual evidence, and not just words against words, towards this case - as lots of these "words" are made up nonsense.

- To make it clear, this isn't an attack on you, or anyone really, it was simply a statement that you were the admin being witness to this scenario (as a OOC administrator)
- I would use /comms when going on US only recon, such as spying over their base etc. But I never use /Comms when handling RU-specific issues, such as the SSO mission, and callouts during war. If I would do callouts with /comms during war, it would be because i'm using the Shotgun-class, which doesn't have a radio, but this class is almost never used.
- Using Comms could never be considered FailRP or META - unless the specific rules hereby are broken, which I gave information and definitions about that I didn't.
- During war, I never say direct commands, as you described with "2GA go to Comp". I only use radio for callouts and %, and whenever we are secure one place, I may suggest a switch to somewhere else that needs the help more, like so: "Town is clear, suggesting switch to Comp", or I would say where Im going, if Im commanded somewhere else specifically, for an example if i'm in an attack squad, "Going to Comp" - I would never command other 2GA or Russians to go somewhere using radio.
- In my understanding Server rules are over the priority of Faction rules, and the ruleset I commented with "obey if it doesn't break RP rules" would apply this idea.
ex: as the example I commented, with me being trapped in Fac - If I were to obey orders, it would have gotten me obviously killed, which would break FearRP/FailRP, as you should try to stay alive at all cost. so here it would be "Obey orders = Get killed", "Disobey orders = Survive" - and here to avoid FailRP, I should've tried to stay alive, as I did.
- I have no memory or idea why I would, and I would say that I never did, be going up to officers and "ugandan clicking and spitting". But as I said in the thread, please, provide me with evidence against this claim, and I will with pleasure send out an apology for this behavior.
- lastly:
"And to the final point. Zed is the leader of 2GA, and if he deems you someone who is disrespecting and bringing down the 2GA image, that is up to him. Proof has not been needed in the past, and he does not really need it. If all the officers and enlisted have problems with you, and you fail to stop, you are worthy of your blacklist. "
This is exacly what I was afraid would be commented, even for as well written and easily understandable this thread is, the side of Zed is obviously taken, as he is the "leader" of 2GA.

Again, Yax - to make it completely clear, as you seem attacked in your respons: This was NOT an ill comment to you, how you handled the situation, etc. The fact that your name is on this Thread, is purely to comment which administrative person was eyewitness to the situation.

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1. You could've DMed me to talk about the problem.

2. I am also on TeamSpeak or you can also contact one of my officers to inform me.

3. Making a solid post on forums instead of coming directly to me dosen't justify your actions.

4. Rank dosen't matter here (The "Leader" Position). As you are supposed to listen to officers/gens/etc. I am supposed to listen to High Position Staff Members.

5. I didn't gave you a final trial. Yes, that is my fault. But, when all my officers are coming to me. I have Enlisted reacting in a bad way against you and I have SSO Members complaining about your behavior. I think my actions are just.

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7 hours ago, Westwood said:

- I didnt know where else to put these forms, as a "ban appeal" would seem as the closest to a "faction ban" (blacklist)
- And I would talk to ZedDxeD, but the issue here is, that He is rarely on at the same time as I, and if he were, I wouldnt be able to directly talk to him, as im blacklisted from every regiment that allowed entrance to the russian base (as i'm blacklisted from 2GA)

Alright that fine if you didn't know where to put your BL appeal but also since it is a faction related post, you could post this here: http://garnetgaming.net/forums/index.php?/forum/24-factions-and-regiments/

And there are many different ways to communicate to a faction leader like others have said on the post.

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7 hours ago, Westwood said:

as you seem attacked in your respons

I did not feel attacked in anyway. I was just pointing out your errors. As a staff I'm pretty unbiased especially as I personally never interacted with you. Your responses just aren't true from what I have seen, and Zed has given his statement.

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I have seen all the messages, and I will no longer comment on this thread, instead, if need be, I will be redirecting all communication to the PMs. - feel free to PM me anything regarding this thread, questions, answers, etc.

May your days be forever filled with sweet honey and cold milk.

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