+ age
+ playtime
+ time to contribute
+/- interactions (never seen em)
+/- paragraphs (could get some more in there)
- didn't read staff rules
- bans on record
Overall if these things are changed ill give a +1 but for now imma have to be
-Echoz current Dark rp Moderator
Overall: -1
-Of the times that I have seen you, you have not caused many issues
-I have not seen much of you
-you failed to provide a SteamID
-you did not meet the minimum requirement for the paragraphs
-you did not read the staff rules (or brushed over them)
-overall the application seems rushed
-Rewrite the paragraph portions, keeping in mind the 2 paragraph minimum
-Provide your SteamID (request it in game or go to a steamid finder website and paste your steam profile URL)
I am more than happy to change my opinion, due to the majority of my negatives being format/missing info related. I will check back periodically and reevaluate in due time.
-1 +playtime -Didn't put steam ID
-Didn't read staff rules
I'm sorry to say that I'm giving you a -1 there are a few things that need fixed on this application. I have also never personally seen you around so I'm not sure how you act, or how you are in-game. My mind could be changed if these things are fixed. But as of right now I'm sticking with my answer.
I have spoke with you and seen you around i believe you deserve a chance it’s been 7 years since that last ban, a good +1
But please update your paragraphs