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    • @Gildarts @Gates can you belive this they have no idea what the true definition of a Garnet Orignial is. becuasue we would be mentioned lol and if we are being honest @Nutter is the only Garnet Original since he started the server
    • DENIED After reviewing your ban appeal, I've come to the conclusion that your ban will stay for the following reasons: You stated above that you threw a grenade into a crowd of people, damaging them. If you click on the link posted below, you will be directed to the DarkRP: Server Rules to where you will see it states (rule listed below). Now seeing that you did not kill them, you still made an attempt, which is called an attempt to random death match, which is where you attempted to commit random death match but feel short. Do not RDM. Random Death Match; Killing players with no RP reason. Disrespect, mic spam, or anything that would not result in damage being taken is not RP reasons to kill someone. Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.
    • UNDER REVIEW Thank you for your report. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your report. Please note: Withholding information, dishonesty, or otherwise attempting to portray anything outside of the facts, will result in a denial of your report and possible disciplinary action on your account. ACCEPTED PARTIALLY The reason this player report is partially accepted is due the fact if it is a low lever player I will have a talk to Matthew390 about the situation at hand and explain the rule he broke to ensure we do not duplicate this action in the future, but if it is a high level player he or she will recive a 1 day ban for Failrp+LTAP <harrisonmatthew390> will be <1 day ban>. Thank you once more for your report, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
    • Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: PlayerYour in-game name: eXg heart DsCYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:759952468In-game name of reportee: harrisonmatthew390SteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:608690824Date & Time of incident: 9/20/24Timezone: CDTWhat happened? (include any proof): i was raiding him and he proceeds to leave a few seconds after dying middle of the raid  https://streamable.com/mqvc7v (proof)
    • In-game name: booze McGee SteamID: 76561199593173771 Staff members in-game name: Gamingcarrot Staff members SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93460670 Date & Time of incident: 9:20 PM Timezone: EST Ban Reason: Attempted mass RDM (AMRDM) How long were you banned for?: 2 Weeks Proof of Ban: https://share.icloud.com/photos/099IIG3cOgGlEBr6NJZS8FzbQ   I was banned by an admin for tossing a grenade at a bunch of officers, wounding but not killing them. I do not think it to be fair, as neither officer was killed in the blast.
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