After looking over your appeal and viewing what schyzo said it appears to be a miss understanding on his part. I've already had a conversation to him
about the situation. With that being said you will be unbanned as of 12:10 AM EST 1/5/25. I will link the community guidelines below for you to look at.
You should understand now that saying that word no matter the circumstance can lead to a ban. So please be mindful
Thank you for your appeal and we hope to see you in game!
After looking this over I have decided that this ban will remain.
It is about 6 months old now which is longer than the maximum time allowed on appealing a ban
You should have appealed after it happened originally.
Thank you for taking the time to make this report
Any appeal attempted on a ban that is older than 30 days will be automatically denied.
After reviewing the evidence I have determined that the ban was just
You ARDM multiple people totaling 4 times.
Each attempted kill (with one being a RDM) was on a different person so your story doesn't add up
Your ban will remain
Thank you for taking the time to make this report
Admins taking sit? Errol & Merk
Who are you reporting? PlayerYour in-game name: anorexic_texanYour SteamID ( name of reportee: GHoSt, marioSteamID of reportee ( GHoSt (STEAM_0:0:201882052), mario (STEAM_0:1:636491204)Date & Time of incident: 9:25pm Timezone: central What happened? (include any proof): 1st clip
2nd clip
3rd clip fail base
4th looking
I attempted to purchase a gun from Mario's store but found the price too high and decided not to proceed with the transaction. When I attempted to leave the premises multiple times, I was unable to exit due to the keypads restricting access. Once the transaction was no longer beneficial to the store owner, he instructed his security guard to kill me. Wanting both Individuals punished.
According to Garnet Gaming's server rules, scamming is defined as "promising something to someone and not following through," and it is strictly prohibited.
Garnet Gaming Forums
Engaging in scamming can lead to disciplinary actions, including bans. The specific duration of a ban for scamming is not explicitly stated in the rules and may vary depending on the severity of the offense and the discretion of the server staff. For instance, in a previous case, a player named "Dirty Scammer" had their ban appeal accepted, indicating that the server staff reviews each case individually.
Garnet Gaming Forums
chat log from sit:
Here are the extracted lines containing the words "merk," "Errol," or "anorexic_texan":
Errol: ok one sec
Errol: ok
Errol: So I'm a bit confused on where the "scam" here is, Texan
Errol: Did you pay him at all
Errol: Anyway
Kill: Comatose ate a load of merk's hot lead
anorexic_Texan: u locked to door though
anorexic_Texan: i couldnt leave
Errol: idk if I'd classify that as a "scam" but intentionally trapping you in their base isn't good
anorexic_Texan: u know what your doing.........
Errol: Here's my issue though, even if you claim you're not trapping
Errol: Then what about Texan?
Errol: Why did you just kill
anorexic_Texan: and if that deal dosnt benifit u u kill them
anorexic_Texan: maybe don't participate in a moral and ethically wrong tactics
anorexic_Texan: oh okay sure bud
Errol: They're just abusing KOS signs being non-specific, so I'm gonna say for now there isn't too much I can do
anorexic_Texan: shall we take it to forms or call in merk
Errol: lol
Errol: You could ask merk if you wish
anorexic_Texan: thats your call
Errol: One sec
Errol: Just a second opinion brother
anorexic_Texan: u see multiple attempts to leave in the second clip
anorexic_Texan: full story now
anorexic_Texan: theres two clips
anorexic_Texan: merk here
Errol: We got a bit of a dispute here regarding a KOS sign in this dude's store
Errol: Check this clip
anorexic_Texan: i decided not to buy from u due to price tried to leave, u decided to kill me when it didnt benifit u & scammed me
Errol: It wasn't a scam, I was concerned with you being not let out and just killed
Errol: I asked for you because I felt a bit off about that kind of thing
anorexic_Texan: yeah
anorexic_Texan: u have done it to 6+ people
Errol: He had the door closed and didn't really give him a chance to just leave, just told his security guard to murder him
Errol: I felt a bit off about it but I wanna know if that's in their prerogative to do
anorexic_Texan: merk here
Errol: For now merk's word is word
Errol: So I'll go ahead and return you