Thank you for your application. After deliberation with the Human Resources Team, we have decided to tentatively accept your application and advance you on to the interview stage. Please ensure you have joined the GarnetGaming DarkRP Discord. A link to the discord can be found at the top of the page on the Navigation Bar.
Once in the Discord, please message anyone with the "HR Division" role, or any member of the Administration Team, with a few dates and times to coordinate your interview. Thank you again for the time and effort you put into your application. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Responses will still be accepted at this time. Thank you!
- Didn't read staff rules
- Bad paragraphs, wouldn't even call that 2 paragraphs
- Low amount of hours
- Never really seen you ingame, so i don't know much about you
- Active warn On this note, if you fix your app i might change it to a +1
- active warns
- Doesn't have 2 full paragraphs
- Interactions
- 1
I've had very few interactions with you outside of a sit room, and when I have seen you it was very brief but just judging by what I've seen with you I don't believe you've reached the right level of maturity which is need to be staff not saying that your immature just saying you haven't reached full maturity which is crucial in a role like staff. I would highly recommend that you redo your paragraphs and make sure they reach the minimum requirement. Goodluck!
Overall opinion: -1
-Did not meet minimum paragraph length/quantity
-Active warn
-Previous notes for diss in sit/FDA
Overall, your application seems rushed. Your paragraph is a long, run on sentence, and offers very little real insight about why YOU, and not anyone else. I am willing to change my opinion, but you would need to redo your paragraphs and actually read the staff rules. Also, what past experiences as staff have you had?
Something tells me you didn't read the staff rules like you said you did.
Also, your paragraph doesn't really seem like a paragraph, more like a run on sentence. You may want to focus on what you as an individual can contribute to the staff team, listing skills/qualities/traits are a start.
-1 until you fix those issues