I'm not sure if it would ever be able to be moderated effectively, given you could just send the staff team your code and then just edit it again. . .
The blackjack game you see in-game however, is posted on this forums page if you can find it. I use it a lot, haven't looked at the source code but I believe it's public. However the source code being public means anyone could edit it and thus change the odds.
I 100% agree with you. I think this would definitely help the map feel less empty and maybe encourage more players to play those specific classes. For newer players as well since some may not know how to build things as well as more experience players, at least a building could help them at least with a base foundation that could help them with ideas on what to build. The only thing is would these classes be able to be raided since they are in a building, or would they be similar to the Cinema owner and be unraidable.
I personally don't really know the best way to respond to this, but I do know of people getting scammed gambling with blackjack, /roll, etc. I think since mostly newer players who have never played gmod, who don't know how a lot/anything about how these things work are more likely to get scammed and don't know that they are getting scammed (not saying this happens all the time, but you know it does/could happen), they could lose a lot or all of their money and not want to play anymore. I believe this should at least get looked into.