After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to deny your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Not Enough Time
Lack of community support
NOTE: Though you have the hours, due to being gone for a while and only being back quite recently I will say wait a bit until reapplying.
Thank you for the time and effort you took in writing your application. If you wish to reapply, please do so in 2 weeks.
I'm sure everyone who has bought a cc has faced this problem (unless they've only purchased one player model).. you cannot choose your CC player model due to the CC not being present under the custom classes menu, unless you were logged onto the server at the time of a restart. The only way to choose the player model you want is by typing kill in console, and you only have a 1/7 chance each time of getting the player model you want (assuming you have all 7 player models). A simple command like /(CC NAME) skeleton, /(CC NAME) Phoenix, /(CC NAME) Mercenary, etc. Thanks for your time!
As long as it's done in a way that's fun and engaging, I don't really mind the Bitcoin miners. Though unless they were amazing I probably wouldn't use them personally.
+1 anyway, though
I see where your heart is, but personally I don't really like the idea. At least for most of the low-level cop jobs. We already trust a level 9 basic CP with a free gun and arrest baton which they can minge with, imagine letting them also have building permissions? Maybe a couple of the higher level ones like Secret Service or Terminator or something, but not any cop job.