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    • -1   Idling to get all the jobs doesn't sound like something that should be encouraged (and what this suggestion purports to implement)   Actually doing the jobs will net you enough XP to get far ahead: Deliveryman, Hobo, Meth Man (when you get this high), etc. And that is not to mention the fastest way to level up which is collecting from VIP printers, or farming for Totems around the map (while doing your Hobo or Deliverman job! You can even purchase a speed/jump boost)   Onto the VIP suggestion, one of the only things VIP still has going for it is that it has exclusive jobs which have guns attached to them, and improved raiding capabilities (which can be foregone with buying or being added to a Custom Class with these tools), and the improved vending machine perks. Removing the class exclusivity would make this offering much less of a consideration to donate to the server for. Another thing to note here, it is still to my knowledge allowed to trade Ingame RP$ for GG Store Credits, which is how many of the people I know got VIP. Yes, they have high playtime in order to do so but typically these are people that are actively playing the game, trading, printing, gambling, etc. to get to the amount needed. They were not "idle" and earning these perks... because if that's an option most people would just AFK for 100 hours before playing and start spreeing. Idling already earns you guns stronger than VIP is even able to access (Dlore, anyone?) and I'm pretty sure there's some kind of VIP exchanger NPC.
    • +1 I love the ideas and how thought out his application is and i think he would make a good addition to the gm team and cant wait to see how he does
    • In-game name: G7-SL EN-TE TCO SFC 9901 Brian Age:19 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): ySTEAM_0:0:196470793 Warns:0 Timezone: EST Playtime?: | G7-LS ENG TCO SFC 9901 Brian has played for 224:06:19. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] N/A Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] Was AGMD on Garnet MRP Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs]   I believe you should chose me over other applicants for a couple of reasons, firstly I'm going to start off worth my past experience being a GM for a Garnet serer(Military Roleplay). While I was a GM their I has able to move up and ranks and reach AGMD (Assistant Gamemaster Director). While being a AGMD I had to show leadership, communication, and learning skills to keep the Gamemaster team working together. I believe that I would be able to incorporate some of the event styles from MRP into SWRP but also add a twist. From playing on Star wars I can tell that the event style is very different but also manageable with people who know how to build and use the correct tools. With being on the side of a new player and just wanting to shoot droids and have fun, I believe I would be able to understand what the new players want and also what the older players are looking for.    I believe reason I should be chosen over others is my dedication, when I set my mind to something I work hard until its complete. Many people in my Battalion and other on the server can come to my side and defend me saying that I'm dedicated and hard working as a person. I would always try and find new ways to incorporate everyone into the event and build new building or event ideas to always try and spice thing up so its not always the same thing. Being dedicated doesn't just mean always working on something, it means finishing a task and improving on the task as you work. Lastly I would be involving reward and punishment into my events more often to give the players a higher stake in the event and make it mean something, rather then just go to Naboo and shoot droids. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details Nope How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I'm able to get on most days at night after work. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: The Gamemasters responsibilities are to involve and maintain engagement on all types of players during both high and low pop times. They also offer assistance with tryouts and trainings.  Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would try to contribute different ideas and viewpoints into the events rather then go find this terminal then attack this base location. I would try to bring other aspects into the event like giving the players a choice. Example might be if their objective is to capture the HVT then the CIS would not try so hard to stop the republic but if they capture him then the CIS would give them everything they have to get him back. I believe having this type of events is better for the roleplay rather then just a straight forward event where nothing is changing depending on how they act.   Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: I believe that adding a reward and punishment system into the events. Like I said above say you tell the troops they have 3 minutes to reach a terminal and disable the distress signal and they do make it and disable the distress single below 3 minutes then their wont be as many CIS reinforcements but on the other hand if they take longer then 3 minutes then they would have to deal with the CIS reinforcements which would be a lot harder. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]   Off World 1. A Distress Single was sent by the flight Commander of a republics transport ship. Once the 34th battle group arrived to the transport ship, they would realize that pirates would already have boarded and started disassembling the ship from the inside out. After dealing with all the pirates their would be a command console showing that a Escape Pod was ejected holding 3 life forms inside and the pod landing onto a planet. Their would be another console in the transport bay which would need to be hacked. Once hacked showed that the goods being transported was boxes of Beskar. After inspecting the boxes they found no beskar boxes.   Off World 2. Once the 34th battle group has regrouped on the base Anxaes they were sent out to recover the flight commander the 2 other officers that crash landed onto a planet inside of an escape pod. Once they arrived to the crashed pod they found the CIS surrounding the pod. After inspecting the pod they found 1 dead body that was identified as an flight officer and no Beskar boxes. After clearing out all the CIS in the area of the pod they hear an explosion's in the distance which led them to the CIS outpost. Inside the outpost their was a console and after hacking into the CIS radio found out the main CIS base location. Once they reached the CIS base they would have to clear out the base and reach a terminal to stop a TX droid from sending a distress single to the rest of the CIS troops on this planet. While searching for the Flight Commander and Flight Officer including the Beskar Boxes. From here they have 2 possible endings, 1 is if they reach the TX droid before a set time and kill him the CIS forces would not be as strong but if they fail to reach the TX droid before he sends out a distress single then the CIS forces would be even stronger. Once the 34th battle groups finds and rescues the 2 Prisoners' they exfil. Back on Anaxes CG askes both the Flight Commander and Flight Officer if they told the CIS anything. After sometime the CG find out the flight officer told the CIS where the beskar factory was located.   Off World 3. After learning that the CIS know the location to a Beskar factory and the fear they might be in danger the 34th republic were sent out to make sure the CIS don't get ahold of any Beskar. Once reaching the planet they come to find out that they are to late, the CIS have already attacked and took over the factory and took the factory manager hostage. While trying to retake the factory some clones inspect the fallen droids and realize that they have some Beskar armor attached to them. After relaying this to higher ups their orders were to take out any and all CIS forces inside the factory and to not let ANY escape. Realizing that they are loading Beskar boxes into their ships the 34th battle group must move fast to close the landing doors before the CIS take off with the Beskar. After reaching a terminal the ENG attempts hack. If he is able to hack the terminal fast enough to stop the CIS from escaping then their mission would be a success. The the Factory manager wouldn't over hear anything from the BX droid and he would only know they were here for the Beskar. BUT if the ENG fails to close the landing doors and the CIS do escape then the CIS would have stronger droids to turn the tide of the war. The factory manager would then over hear the TX droid before they escape saying that they are regrouping on the planet Anaxes.   On World 4. (this event depends on what happens with the event ^). With the CIS escaping the 34th battle group at the Beskar factory and learning about a secret base on anaxes, they send out the recon squad to find the base. While the recon team is looking for the base the CIS do a surprise attack on the republics base. The recon team would find a big compound of CIS tanks, bombers and more outside the factory and satellite dish. While the main force is dealing with the surprise attack they realize the droids look different and are taking for shots before being destroyed. After inspecting the droid body they realize that the CIS fused beskar to the droids armor. The CIS realizing they were out matched retreated to their own ground. Once the recon group regrouped with the main forth the 34th battle group moved to CIS Anaxes. Once they reach CIS Anaxes their mission was to blow up the factory which was producing beskar fused droids and to make sure no more CIS reinforcements were called for from the satellite tower. Once they were spotted the republic would have a set amount of time before the CIS would send for help. If the republic doesn't destroy the TX droid inside the satellite tower within that time then more CIS reinforcements would arrive but if they do take out the TX droid in that time then no more reinforcements would arrive. Once inside the factory the CIS would have stronger droids to protect the main terminal room. Once inside their mission was to blow up the entire factory to stop the production of beskar infused droids.   On World 5. A distress signal was sent out above Anaxes from a senator that said, "THE CIS are shooting our ship and we are going down on CIS Anaxes." The 34th battle group would move to CIS Anaxes and scout the area, finding a downed ship with CIS surrounding the ship. Once cleared out the ENG should check the Nav computer to see where the ship was coming from and going to. The scouts would have found a compound at the satellite with droids and tanks. Inside the tower would be more droids and at the top BX's and the Senator. The CIS would send reinforcements on the way back to LZ. 
    • I agree with @AlexConway. Your application is very well done and it seems like you have a great understanding of being a GM. I'll come back to this in around 2 weeks while you get acclimated with the server. As long as your activity and behavior is good, I see no reason preventing you from joining the GM team 🙂
    • i think it has something to do with the system labeled "skill issue"  in your gmod files! hope this helps, DM me on discord for any other tips 😀 ❤️
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