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  1. Today
  2. Hello, please refer to our donation support system for help. :)) https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/support/
  3. For my understanding because I will be handling your report, are you reporting the staff member or appealing the ban? You used the staff reporting format but you're disputing the ban in the remarks section.
  4. +1 Not a bad application, but it could use it work in some aspects. Looking forward to see you progress as a GM.
  5. +1 Well done writing the app. Good player in game. Looking forward to what you can bring!
  6. NOOOOOO it cant be true on a real note glad to see you finally leave its better on this side :3 (you are 100% gay btw)
  7. Yesterday
  8. -1 Nooooooo come back. CHAT THIS IS UNREAL!
  9. i no no wanna

    1. Monkey_withagun


      paere your like a carton of milk thats already been drank but you swear you just bought it


    2. Monkey_withagun


      sorry meant to say king

  10. Gosh man, you've been around for ages but ever since I started playing have I seen you quite a bit. You were the one that trained me, helped me along when I needed it and were always great fun to play with, even if at times you did get a little too silly. I will definitely miss seeing you on the server, but I hope wherever you decide to go from here will treat you well. Rooting for you man, and thanks for all you've done for this place. It'll be a lot emptier without ya. God bless. :3
  11. no no no no no i loved playing with you man wether it was running that uhh one event... or just normally playing it has always been a pleasure i wish you well on your new journeys and yeah thats about it bai bai ):<
  12. We've had our differences, yeah. I've had my fair share of instigation towards you; and I'm sorry for that. But nonetheless, it was really fun being around you. The events, the basing and even just casual conversations with you will be remembered by all. Good luck out there.
  13. Glad I could get a good clip with ya before you headed out. Later Gator.
  14. Hello, I started Gmod DarkRP back in 2018 and I've spent quite a few on this server and was trying to retrieve my custom class but doesn't allow me and doesn't show the class is there. Need Help with this please I've spent about 60$ on the Class.
  15. It's sad to see you go bud. You were an amazing staff member and don't let anyone else tell you differently. You will be missed.
  16. You have good reasons listed in your paragraphs. I can vouch for the referral so +1 there. You meet all the requirements and seem good at interacting with the community on the server. +1
  17. My favorite, my sweet boy. I remember basing with u and Elon my first week on the server. You will be missed.
  18. RIP to my favorite gaybaiter. Best of luck in all that you do!
  19. I'll never forget when we ran into each other playing Battle Bit.
  20. im actually sad that ur leaving man, you'll always be my favorite lainpilled silly twink : (
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