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  1. Denied You have quite the history on the server. I am a firm believer in the past not defining who you are, However the past does have consequences on the future. You were a young and you messed up. We get that. However we believe that bridges have to be repaired and we need to physically be shown you have changed and bettered yourself. It was a decision amongst the management team to add you to the Staff Blacklist. This may or may not end up being permanent, unfortunately 14 bans are too much to ignore and take a chance on. Here is what you can do to prove you have changed and how you can become a positive influence, 1. Take part in server discussions whether on our forums, Ingame, or in the Garnet Gaming Discord. 2. Avoid any further bans. 3. Show you genuinely care about the server, This is as simple as talking with new players, Showing them the ropes and just all around being a nice person to be around. 4. Simply being a positive influence on the server. I firmly believe if you are able to achieve all of these points, come say a years time you can prove you changed and begin what would be one of the best redemption stories in all of garnet. I wish you best of luck, but at the moment this application is denied, and you have been added to our staff blacklist
    5 points
  2. Heard what happened. SOOO cringe. I would have been livid. Anyways thanks for your help on the team. I never had issues. Ill Cya around in game!
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Some QoL bug fixes Bounty Hunter System Modified DarkRP to immediately remove a player's bounty when they are arrested (experimental fix, we'll see if it works) Disallowed Bounty Hunters with a bounty from suiciding to claim their own bounty Corrected code for giving out bounty payout to Bounty Hunters (it wiped the bounty first, then gave you 0 money) oopsssssss Police System Police Officers can no longer be arrested Police Officers can no longer make other Police Officers wanted Fixed bug where Police Officers did not get a payout for confiscating printers Administration Corrected Prop and Tool logs for all staff members Removed Lead Administrators & Senior Administrators from utilizing fspectate Disabled the ability to poop while spectating as an administrator
    1 point
  5. We will be adding a system like DRP where they will be able to buy certain weapons for like 2 hours of usage, or be able to be a droideka until death but none of them will be permanent. It would have no benefit on the economy, or on the server itself by these weapons being permanent.
    1 point
  6. Accepted Application wasn't required for this return at this time but anyways welcome back to the staff team! Do not use any commands or switch to staff on duty until you receive training by a Lead Mod+ and fee free to contact an Admin+ if you are having issues finding one! I see that you're ingame so I will set your rank.
    1 point
  7. +1 He's obviously fit for the position and super chill in game.
    1 point
  8. +1: Well known member of the community and a very dedicated former staff: Not much to say, the app speaks for itself. Good luck!
    1 point
  9. +1 Previous known staff member of community, nuff said.
    1 point
  10. +1 positive community feedback// nice application
    1 point
  11. +1 Interacted with you a few times in game. Very chill and cool person. Would definitely wanna see him on the team
    1 point
  12. +1, used to play with hoal a lot last year. good staff member and friendly person.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Hey buddy, I believe you may have not paid a whole lot of attention, but at the time of your last few arrests there was no mayor what-so-ever, and only the default laws applied. Being that this seems to be an entirely genuine mistake based off the fact you had no previous offenses, I will go ahead and unban you, but please be more mindful next time when a mayor leaves the server and/or gets demoted.
    1 point
  15. +1 but i have a few questions, will there be a take away to xp or will it be same amount say you claimed it normally. Also what if you raid someone claim there printer but it has the add on with it will it be taken off, the printer blown up or the money will still go in to there account. everything aside this looks to be a good addition of handled well.
    1 point
  16. no meme message to call them stupid or braindead? kinda sad good update though
    1 point
  17. There was no 1998 Toyota Corolla, it was doomed to fail tbh. All seriousness though, the driving was just terrible. I'd rather walk than drive a rubber banding car.
    1 point
  18. called it https://imgur.com/a/ZqPWW2J
    1 point
  19. DENIED This was already dealt with but here's a response. Like many other appeals, the end result is and will stay the same. It's your account and so your responsibility to keep it safe. Also, Mass RDMing while being a high-rank staff definitely didn't give a good image of the staff team for players in-game, even if it wasn't you behind the keyboard. The demotion as well as the ban will be staying.
    -1 points
  20. Oh look, you lurked the forums waiting for this didn't you. Glad you and your toxic community of a discord server is miles away from Garnet.
    -1 points
  21. Just set me to VIP already.
    -1 points
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