In-game name: Gl1tchAge:28SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:570838644Warns: 0Timezone: Central Daylight TimePlaytime?: 625:23:18Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES]Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES] Referral(s): [3D Korn, HG Wub,raD Torq, FOUR BIG GUYS, GN Twisty the Twizzler, Sauce Ghostieee 3D] Past experiences as staff: [L.Mod for garnet gaming Dark RP] Why should we choose you over other applicants?
What's up boys and girls, well I'm back, It doesn't even feel like I left... That's a good thing and it feels great
2 Years ago I was a Mod for Dark Rp and I extremely enjoyed it, I'm doing better now so that's good. I think you should choose me
because in latent terms I was good at what I did. I'm extremely friendly but I get it done. I've never had a complaint and
have 0 strikes on my record. I already want to get back in and start helping. Garnet is the only server I play on and it feels like home
and I don't want it any other way. Being gone was hard but life is hard sometimes. Happy I was able to leave on good terms when I did have to go.
For the new faces I either haven't had a chance to run across or we just haven't met, I'm Gl1tch I'll be 29 Next year and I'm a gamer and always
will be, it sounds ridiculous But I just bought a whole new setup to get back into Garnet, so I'm dedicated so there's that. I can promise
a good ethic with no funny business. I have to be completely upfront about this, I want to be back on staff and enjoy it But I won't be
able to be as attentive as I was on my first run, and that's solely for mental health. People had my number and would call me at 7 am when I would just
be getting to bed because someone was prop spamming or Rdm'ing and I came every time, I can't be that into it, I do have a wifey now that lives with me so she needs to
have her time as well. Reasons you should choose me... I already know what I'm doing, I'm respectful and I do the job the correct way. Well I think that's all for
now, I hope to be back on the team soon, I'm itching to do some sits
Gl1tch ]
Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details
Haven't been banned or punished on any server in any way
Have you made any previous applications, If so when?:
Yea over 2 years ago as I was a mod here
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:
Id say about 10 hours a day, I don't have to work so I'm pretty free
If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?
Besides gaming and spending time with the wife or gaming with the wife I like to go the shooting range and bring my toys out every now and then.
Did you read the staff rules?: Gl1tch