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The Garnut
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Everything posted by Nutter

  1. This person received more support than anything else in this thread. Please explain your decision further
  2. He received more support than opposition (I know this is an old post now) but I'm confused to why this was denied? unlocked until a response is sent.
  3. Set your rank, moved to accepted!
  4. I can say that taking a look at our new staff roster, although only consisting of a literally 9 staff, I am extremely happy with it and think this is a great place to grow from https://garnetgaming.net/militaryrp/staff/ Thank you @Tesla for your thread, while I know your intentions weren't to be helpful/kind, your post ultimately turned to a large discussion that helped me move forward with MRP and was a learning experience. End of July, 2020 Promotions MVP Don > Head Moderator MVP (Great communication, lots of ideas, mature, and setting a great example to other users while only being a Trial Moderator - this MVP is also endorsed by Gythem) MVP Ozzy > Administrator MVP (Mature attitude, very communicative, brings good ideas my way and encourages me to be a better owner even when I am entirely unresponsive, I think you will most DEFINITELY help me turn MilitaryRP into a better server - also, endorsed by Phantom and Gythem) gythem > Head Administrator (Would have been an MVP due to all your efforts into communicating with me, constantly trying to better the server, however, I would like to see how you and Ozzy work as the new executive team before making an radical decisions!) Josh > Moderator (High acitivity, bounces ideas around, competent) Homast > Administrator (Very communicative, does not rise any issues, great ideas for Roleplay) Hydro > Moderator (Does everything that is expected out of a Moderator) Tesla > Head Moderator (was going to hold you back for a promotion period due to the nature of your toxic post, but at the end of the day, alot was learned from it. I hope to be able to work with you moving forward on better terms) Demotions CarheadJox > User (Resignation) Zachman > Trial Administrator (I'm sorry, but for the time being, I think you are not setting as good of an example as i'd like for other members of the server, if people would like to argue otherwise, please let me know - notably a report for hosting sims outside of base with 0 RP) Mark > User (Inactivity) Flak > User (Inactivity) Lala > User (Resignation) Dex > User (Gonezo ;'() Jim > User (mommy and daddy said Garnet bad) Duglas > User (Resignation) Extended Terms Promotion missed due to a lack of effort or LOAs Naitsir > Albeit competent, not very vocal, and reported to not be active in-game by Gythem. Feel free to argue this decision if found to be incorrect in the comments.
  5. Nutter


    I coded the grapple gun to the specifications of Anaxes. If you believe it needs tweaking, it would take me 5 seconds to do
  6. The crashes to the best of my knowledge were not even related to RPGs, but simply related to unbox. I would love to accept this suggestion, however, for the time being no new players will have an RPG
  7. Nutter


    The read was completely fine. I'm all up for adding Climb Swep too, however, my thinking was to restrict it to ARC
  8. Crazy the amount of work produced by somebody who's been a part of the community for over a year and even denied payment for their managerial role. Thank you so much man!
  9. There's a reason we limit group sizes so severely. A clan of 20 players on a 60-100 user server is incredibly overwhelming. Denied I apologize, but you'd be better off finding another server as I literally cannot see myself accepting this in the future.
  10. I would say Homast has been pretty darn promising, but that's not the place to discuss that haha. On another note, Unboxing will unfortunately have to be removed from DarkRP as overflow crashes have been continuous since the re-implementation!
  11. Our server is pretty much as optimized as can be for the addons we chose to run. Anything that is to be added to the F4 would be console commands you can use yourself at any time Would have to figure out a new manager or competent admin who can refer me update patches in our hidden forums section.
  12. NOTE UNBOXING WILL BE REMOVED FROM GARNET DARKRP STARTING 8/3/2020 DUE TO CONSISTENT CRASHING. WHILE IT IS EXTREMELY UNFORTUNATE TO REMOVE THIS FUN FEATURE, IT HAS EFFECTIVELY BROUGHT US DOWN FROM BEING WELL WITHIN THE TOP 10 MOST POPULATED SERVERS, TO SPOT ~30-50 SINGLE HANDEDLY DUE TO CRASHES. Update had to be pushed back a week because of my vacation and having alot more issues to clear up prior, my apologies. Thank you @proggy and @DiegoZavier for your suggestions/bug reporting! Crack Manufacturer Level 56 Role Crack Ingredients Coca Plant - Water - Vitamin B12 Extraction time: North of 5 minutes, south of 10 Value: North of $1000, south of $5000 XP Ratio: 225% (75% higher than meth) Bad Batch Risk: 12.5% (62.5% lower than meth) Managerial Role Permission-set updated to view report count Permission updated to utilize /staffpromote all the way up to Trial Admin Drug Dealer Content Pack Content updated to eliminate errors that began a long while ago Cleared up bugs caused by the system Shipment & Singles Price Adjustments Marijuana Before: Single - 250, Shipment - 10,000 After: Single - 700, Shipment - 5,500 Mushrooms Before: Single - 250, Shipment - 25,000 After: Single - 1,500, Shipment - 12,500 LSD Before: Single - 250, Shipment - 50,000 After: Single - 2,250, Shipment - 20,000 PCP Before: Single - 250, Shipment - 35,000 After: Single - 3500, Shipment - 30,000 Cocaine Before: Single - 250, Shipment - 75,000 After: Single - 5000, Shipment - 45,000 Bath Salts Before: Single - 250, Shipment - 60,000 After: Single - 7500, Shipment - 60,000 Heroin Before: Single - 250, Shipment - 100,000 After: Single - 15,000, Shipment - 100,000 Inventories Removed the ability to inventory pick-up drugs Server Rules The following have been removed due to redundancy The following have been clarified due to genuine confusion Affected Rule: Revised Rule: Added Rule: F4 Menu As mentioned to me by Proggy, the rules section still reports the rules-set we had back in 2019, however, things have slightly changed since and roles have been added. Before: After: (please ignore the Quote linebreakers) Commands Tab Removed redacted option "Request Gun License" -incomplete, I was added an optimization row for better FPS-
  13. Hello Nut Gamers, i'm back in town and ready to roll some more contents onto the server, I took an entire week off where I didn't even check how well the servers are doing for the first time in a LONG TIIME and that was as refreshing as can be. I'm pumped to be back and tackle some of the issues with the servers. This time around I'll try to be more hands-on and potentially play the servers so long as harassment is kept to a minimum. Looking forward to seeing you guys!
  14. To the best of my knowledge, we had virtually 0 crashes when unbox wasn't installed on the server?
  15. Yes, I removed the disagree button. Once you hit purchase and money was taken from you, I'm not sure why you would ever just hit "disagree" but I have removed the option to.
  16. Yeah, this is something I've wanted for a long time, but my skills weren't up to par just yet. Your thread came out at a really great time where I was starting to experiment with things. (not a drug dealer) but since the process of Cocaine and Meth atleast in a video game aren't too different, it didn't take a whole lot of skill to make, but I'm looking forward to creating entirely new systems that require more attention for higher levels
  17. Appreciate the offer, but I would genuinely need DarkRP players.
  18. Atleast that's done. Would love to test it with some of you guys on the test server for stability!
  19. Thank you to @proggy and @DiegoZavier for contributing ideas towards this update! THIS UPDATE IS STILL INCOMPLETE DUE TO UNFORESEEN REAL-LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES. GOING TO GET TO IT ASAP. Cocaine Manufacturing Like making meth but with extra steps Level 56 class Similarly to the meth system, get your coca plant, water, and vitamin b12 in a pot Cook the mixture down for a period of time to extract/reduce the coke Finally, Sell to your local for a pretty hefty amount of cash Class Changes Civil Protection - Police Officers CPs can no longer use the command /placehit Staff On Duty Building abilities added back Rapist Penis elongated (range increased by 40%) Bank Robber Lockpick & Keypad Cracker added onto loadout Black Market Dealer Keypad crackers added into item pool Single Keypad Cracker - $3000 Shipment Keypad Crackers - $20000
  20. Without going into too much detail, I might not be leaving for those two weeks, as I may or may not be going through a breakup with my partner. Please try to be a bit calmer/more understanding. ty.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Enigma


      Baby I'm not leaving you ❤️ I know we had a argument today but it just makes us stronger.

    3. Nutter


      I genuinely don't need anybody to vent/talk to for now, but I appreciate it. It's just something that needs to happen at this point 😕 

    4. Nutter


      we'll see. I'm still updating the servers, so no worries.

  21. Putting aside the whole FFA sims situation which should've been common sense to not have people RDMing eachother right infront of US front gate, our server is struggling with its leadership as-is and we are in need of quality leaders. Why couldn't you contribute and how a fun event that'd engage people? is this video really a representation of the best you can fucking do? jeeshhhhh. dude really ran to US base to record RDM happening under an admin's supervision, yes.
  22. I most definitely will have to agree with the prior comments made on this thread. You've presented yourself as being genuinely concerned, when in reality, I could attribute a great deal of damage caused to SWRP to you (as can anybody who was active at the time), back when it began flocking month ago when you took the entirety of your clicky friend group. ( @Phantom would have a field day explaining how he feels about you) You seem to be constantly switching up between communities, giving them false/made up reasons as to why, notably when you left Garnet Gaming with the reason "I no longer have time and/or enjoy the community because things aren't the same" and literally that same day stating "I love this community, never change please!" - it's almost like you don't follow up with your own narrative. From there you went right to a community titled [TW]. Later IFN, and so on... each time you join, you follow the same procedure of being very friendly, promoting your YouTube channel for growth, and spiraling down to toxicity. At this point in time, I personally would be happy to keep you as a friend, but I ultimately agree with the decision to keep you off the Garnet servers.
  23. Yes, a boy did - as did everybody else. Corona hit pretty hard around that same week haha
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