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Everything posted by Purpleblop

  1. Idk if this counts as a fast food 'place', but they have these food carts in Germany that sell döner, and it's really good. I had one like 3 years ago when I went there for a couple of weeks.
  2. Wtf? Using third person to see printers has been metagaming since 2016. How is this a problem? When I was staff, people would get warned for using thirdperson to see printers and warrant.
  3. *sound* Dwight, what are you doing?
  4. This is either a r/whooosh bait, or you're a retarded hypocrite. No other option. like seriously what the frick is this
  5. Ah, I forgot to put it in the video. Anyway, here is a screenshot taken from the raw footage. https://gyazo.com/839d19a30f8c735c21a338ed03cbf053 What did I leave out? I might've forgotten something. If my memory serves me, all you asked for was "the bits from kills 1 through 3." That is what i included.
  6. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]:Player Your in-game name:Jim the Scuba Diver Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:0:75400583 In-game name of reportee: Targets SteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/):I didn't think to get it; I thought that the sit would end all complications. Date & Time of incident:10/9/18, around 4:30 to 5:30 PM Timezone:EST What happened? (include any proof):I'm putting this out of the format box; it's very annoying to scroll to the side. I was an assassin. Targets was his custom job. I killed Targets three times and Targets came back three times. All three kills were because of hits. Targets propblocked off a hobo hut while building(no malicious intent in blocking it, but still kind of a dick move[and against the rules]). The kills and proof of propblock/improper KOS sign are in the video. Target's KOS sign had both "building- kos inactive" and "KOS inside(or whatever he had on there, I can't remember at the moment)" on it, and that is against the rules(see rule 25). In the sit, Targets claimed that having a building sign makes you "outside of RP" and thus immune to NLR. This is, by the rules, false; it only makes it so that you are immune to mugs and raids. It does not make you immune to hits and other types of RP(e.g. rape). Regardless of whether or not he mass NLR'd, he falls under a NITRP ban(four total mistakes[two NLRs that he accepts, the building sign thing, and the propblock]). It's not going to really matter, though. He said he would be going away or something for a week so the ban doesn't do anything. I think both outside of his base where he died, and right inside of his base 10 feet away, count as the death scene. The old NLR circles would have reached to where he was for the second kill anyway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA4PyEQehy0
  7. I think I remember you... Reese was white knighting you right?
  8. Yeah, +1 wtf is this mans doing
  9. ata kushi Also, good luck Garnet dont die on us, we need more maps ;^)
  10. no all i get is clear stuff but my mom tell me that it will go white when im older just like my hair remember that time riley posted a picture of his nut and it was clear as glass
  11. oh no, not another the screenies look good though, ngl
  12. Jesus Christ, what the fuck is your 2 paragraph section? I see two periods and one comma FOR THE WHOLE TWO PARAGRAPHS! Proofread your application before sending it; it helps to have good grammar. Neutral
  13. lmao this shit is hilarious but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST OVER 1500 WORDS?
  14. I remember your name but I don't remember your toxicity... idk fam good luck?
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