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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by TheBigMike

  1. Rockets are worth millions for a reason. Butttttttt, I do agree with bringing back noclipped glass, which would nerf the rockets.
  2. +1 Lowkey he deserves it.
  3. Welp, guess its my time to shine. BIGMIKE FOR SA GUYS! On a real note, you the homie. Goodluck with what's ahead of you:)
  4. Prayers to the homie DUDE! Hope he gets better. And I hope you feel better too man
  5. I will be quitting darkrp and staffing FOREVER!!!!! MWHAHAHAH. And switching to the dark side, to be a minge. anyways here some cool peeps(active and not active) @Nice_Crutch @Ghostieee @Shin_Tsukimi @Fetn stupid femboy @WreckEM @ that one dude who plays fighting games decently @smileeface @ajbedhead @FlameSoul @ChrisRid @mexishark @PolarICE @compa mau @Papiraqi @Austin and everyone else (you will know who you are) @Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch @Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch@Nice_Crutch
  6. I don't recall seeing in game ever But by the looks of it seems like you're liked around the community And your app isn't have bad. Gonna give you a +1 hope to see you on the staff team!
  7. NOT MY WIFE WHY GOD WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Old Clip but IDGAF https://streamable.com/omo2ze
  9. Honestly +1 Awesome Paragraphs for a 13 year old. Who gives a fuck about hours anyways. You seem like a great fit Very Professional Hope to see you on staff team! (one thing though is you should be able to record. OBS, Shadowplay, Medal. There's a lot of clipping free software's out there) if you need help with that add me on discord (NotEmOh#8287)
  10. +1 stopped me from minging and taught me a few things. Great guy!
  11. TheBigMike


    bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Try reading the rules again! 3rd times the CHARM -1
  12. cool. i wonder who came up with the printer idea? cuz its a pretty cool idea ( )
  13. -1 good guy but shouldn't be breaking rules while having a staff app up
  14. My Pov: https://streamable.com/qfbpzo Crutchs Pov https://streamable.com/4lf7rj (PS. If this gets us banned or whatever that wouldnt be very pog)
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