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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. I would if it wasn't for the fact I might not be able to do much of anything for a couple months. If everything i'm working through right now works out I could be back sooner than expected, but it's hard to say. I won't be gone forever though. I will most certainly be on sometimes.
  2. Well as much as I didn't want it to come to this it's going to have to happen. I have a lot of things going on personally and I barely have time to breathe lately, so I'm going to have to resign. I'll still be on from time to time, but the way it is now I would most likely end up being demoted for inactivity anyway. I hate to go, but it's better than just being another inactive staff member. Love ya'll, peace for now.
  3. +1 I thought your application was pretty well made and you have all the qualifications. I've seen you on a good bit. You have great activity. Hope to see you on the team man.
  4. -1 I think you're a good guy, but you have a lot of warns right now. Not only do you have a lot of warns, but if you reread the staff rules you might see something that you missed the first time. Other than that everything else is decent. I would say wait until your warns are gone, get some more hours, and get invested in the community some more.
  5. I'm not saying this is how you fix it, because I don't know everything, but I do have a couple suggestion you may or may not have already tried though. - Reinstall your Garry's Mod - Disable your addons - Reinstall your addons (if you disable them and that doesn't work then you could do this) - Put your Garry's Mod into windowed mode and try loading in. (Really only helpful if it's a poopoo PC) I had this problem a while back, but it was a little different than yours. I just reinstalled my Garry's Mod and it worked just fine after that. If you do uninstall your Garry's Mod I would suggest making a backup of your dupes that way you don't lose them. My issue wasn't exactly like yours, but these are just the general first things I try when something happens.
  6. +1 Mannnnnnn. Dope application it's pretty informative and on top of that your an extremely laid back and mature person. I've had nothing but awesome experience with you, and I feel like you would catch on to things pretty quickly. Your hours aren't bad and you have great activity so those hours will only go up. I'm sure you would be a great addition to the staff team.
  7. +1 I think this change would help the server in a lot of ways. It would help the economy all while making the job more important.
  8. Lotus


    -1 I do think maybe Assassin's could have something like this, but I don't think that hit men should. The reason I think this is because the selling jobs are already basically useless for anybody with permanent which is a good bit of people. Obviously they aren't entirely useless, but I do think making jobs that don't have the main objective of raiding buy these tools is a good thing. It brings more usefulness to seller jobs. The way it is now gun dealers aren't as needed as what they should be, so I don't see why we would make them even less needed by making them start with raiding tools. Sure they're allowed to raid with a hit, but if they do they should have to spend money on the tools. Assassin I don't think would be a bad idea since it's VIP, but they shouldn't get anything more than the basic lock pick and keypad cracker. This is only my opinion, but still I think if we were to do this it would just take away from dealer jobs and I don't think that would benefit the server.
  9. Congratulation on the promotions everyone. Good job.
  10. Lotus

    Count: staff app

    -1 All the reasons above I don't think there is need for any explanation.
  11. Lotus

    DJ Job

    +1 How could I not +1 the best suggestion ever made. There's nothing but good things that can come from this. It's just something that would be generally fun and mostly certainly bring more RP builds into the server that everyone will 100% enjoy and have a good time with.
  12. That's a fading door that is open and this is the incorrect format.
  13. I won't argue with you. I sent my proof of you blatantly prop minging,blocking, and propclimbing. Please refer to the screenshots I've already sent if you're confused. Higher ups will make their decision later.
  14. You shouldn't have to be asked every time to stop breaking the rules. As I said you knew what you were doing was wrong. You were already getting jailed and reconnected before you got banned.
  15. I know you were jailed for both of those things at one time. You were being asked to remove your stuff and you never did, not one time did you remove your stuff after being asked by not even just me but other staff members. If you're getting in trouble for something what makes you think you should do it even more? If you don't understand why you were banned maybe you should read the rules over a few times. You're high enough level you should know better. Before you started getting reported by Knoxx the first 2 boxes you made didn't even have an entrance. Even if they did you shouldn't be making his base harder to get into. You were literally harassing him.
  16. You got jailed for propclimbing into his base after you prop blocked his front door.
  17. I know that the appeal is still a little scuffed, but I'll go ahead and reply. Glowsticks was reconnect roughly 5 times, 4 times by other staff, and one time by me. He was warned multiple time to quit trying to prop block King Knoxx's base. On top of being reconnected multiple times he was also jailed for this. After he got unjailed he came back to Knoxx's base and continued to prop block his base, he was then reconnected for the last time, and then what did he do? He came back online and started blocking up Knoxx's base again. The images are for the most post just him building in front of Knoxx's Base. He kept building a box and then saying you could just jump over it to get in. Every time he was reconnected he logged on to build the box over and over and over again. No matter what we did he never stopped, and he was given more than enough chances. Almost all of the screenshots were taken after each re connection too. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2267919420 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2267919226 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1672484460228996494/E204EC83328555C2E719DDE4BBE693578215F4A3/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1672484460228996605/6189BF3CAB09A18561D3CCDE8ED7AAFEE35E11C4/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1672484460228996751/8BDDEF100000F8FEC18609F6B89E7C5BC474B5E https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1672484460228755269/0695A7E21C4111D9C300CDC0DBED3F767549B751/ The first two screenshots are mine showing him building the box, and this was after he was jailed. The other screenshots are of when he was being reconnected by staff and he kept coming back and building the box, and these are before he was even jailed for it. Then after he got jailed he still continued to do it.
  18. Man. Better hangout every now and then.
  19. @ourorigins You might want to use the correct format if you don't want the appeal to be denied. In-game name:SteamID (https://steamid.io/):Staff members in-game name:Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name):Date & Time of incident:Timezone:Ban Reason:How long were you banned for?:Proof of Ban:What happened? (include any proof):Why should your ban be removed?:
  20. +1 My man. Great application, great support from the community, and a good record to go with all those hours. I could go on and on about the reasons you should be staff, but they've already been stated by everyone else. I hope to see you on the team homie.
  21. Your health is important homie. See you when you get back.
  22. I don't really see the issue. 1. Explosives are expensive. 2. Explosives are easy to lose. 3. If you know how to make a base you won't have any issues with explosives. People that don't want to get raided usually make explosive proof bases with long range shoot holes to avoid nerve gas. If you practice your base building or buy a good dupe you shouldn't have an issue.
  23. +1 I'm sure it's fairly obvious, but you have amazing feedback from community and a good application.
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