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Copywrite Infragment™

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About Copywrite Infragment™

  • Birthday 11/14/1998

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  1. Ah okay, I'm following your train of thought here. The more dense maps would cause issues, that makes sense now. We're all in ts chatting about ideas lol
  2. That makes complete sense, I was just thinking the bunker from the US area where the DB and all the training area was outside and everything else (separate DB, Recruit room, recruit training room, maybe a war room) are under ground? Dunno. Just an idea
  3. I feel like this map would be a ton of fun, although a couple /suggestions?/ I have would be to try to make the RU base half underground half not, sort of like a CS desert like thing. And if the pathways you have to be able to get to objs were closed in, we could beta test it to see if they're too easy for choke points. Good shit tho my dude, keep kicking ass.
  4. oof, don't take this too harsh, -1. I've legit only interacted with you 2 times, both of them were relatively unpleasant. The first time was a while ago before we switched back off csdesert and you threw a hissy fit when someone said something you didn't agree with, the second one was less than a week ago, we were on teamspeak, (I don't remember who said it) Someone asked if you were 8 because you were acting like a child and being extremely whiny when you weren't able to "contribute" to the conversation, causing you to start crying. You then complained that because you couldn't be part of the conversation, you'd kill yourself. Not knowing if you were joking, we changed the conversation to suit your needs. This went on for 10-15 minutes until we got tired of having to walk on egg shells with what we were talking about, not wanting to "alienate" you. After that you got upset then got off. TL;DR I don't think you're fit for staff at the time being. I also don't find myself wanting to go out of my way to spend time with you on the server. If this is not the same person that was in the channel, I do apologize and would like you to message me personally so I can get a grasp on how you are.
  5. So the first time I come back to the forums after months and this is what I read. I'm not even a DRP guy but -1, that's almost 100% what bribing is lmao I'm hitting with -1 for my own opinion of you considering the fact that you've now shown that you don't care for the server, only to RDM your friends, just go join a sandbox server if you want to do that m8.
  6. uh, I'm not 100% sure, but it seems he's not ban evading? he was banned 4 times in 2017. Last I checked, this is 2018?
  7. No shit, that's actually one of the better maps i've seen. Gives me ksf_aircontrol vibes
  8. +1 He will follow the rules. In all seriousness, Read the format and the Staff rules. I won't link you them as it's supposed to be your job.
  9. "REEEEEEEEEEE PRONE SUCKS REMOVE IT!!!!!" then literally a month later "Bring back Prone, I feel like it'll help gameplay much more and help out some other bullshit that I'l too lazy to type!!!" People need to make up their minds ffs
  10. +1 fantastic idea. I feel like getting stuck in the spawn room is one of the biggest issues with the new map
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