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About Trip

  • Birthday 05/28/2001

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  1. means so much bro. respect man. good luck where ever life takes you.
  2. in my opinion instead of just making another staff app you should've waited, played a bit on the server and make some personal changes, then try again at staff. You not being on, and applying again just seems like you dont care and you're just throwing this staff app to see what happens again.
  3. -1 I honestly haven't even really seen you on since your last staff app to top off what was said above ^^
  4. DENIED Even just damaging three or more people is still a mass RDM ban. Even consensual RDM with friends is still considered RDM. The fact that you stated you were damaging/killing people obviously tells me that you probably damaged way more than just three people. I understand maybe if you were playing with friends and you didnt understand its still RDM, but running around with +attack on is a good way to get yourself banned for mass. Especially after killing a manager with it. @Phantom @Ethan Please move and lock.
  5. DENIED Advertising is against the rules, you knew what you were doing. You wanted to see "what would happen" and you got your wish unfortunately. @Phantom @Ethan Please move and lock.
  6. DENIED You're experienced, you know what you were doing. You intentionally massed, and all for a 2 week break you wanted, and that alone will get you perma-banned. You could've done what any normal person would do, and just not get on the server if a break is needed. That type of toxicity and carelessness is not needed in the community thus a community ban. @Phantom @Ethan Please move and lock.
  7. Trip

    Ban Appel

    DENIED Appeals are not for apologies, next time please wait for staff to handle the situation instead of taking it into your own hands to kill them and deem it "fair" because vigilantism is still considered RDM. @Phantom @Ethan Please move and lock.
  8. -1 I've talked to you a couple times and you seem like a really nice guy, but I think you should build your reputation more around the server since you haven't been around very long.
  9. DENIED From the evidence provided from Draggy this is a blatant MassRDM. If you are killed/RDMed please /report in game so staff can properly handle the situation. Consensual RDM is still RDM, and Vigilantism is still RDM as well. @Phantom @Ethan Please move and lock.
  10. Trip


    DENIED Unfortunately you did not fix your appeal to the correct format within 24 hours. @Phantom @Ethan Please move and lock.
  11. Damn bro, miss those old 2GA days. Good luck with what you got going on bro.
  12. Just want to point out, dont know if this is coincidence or not but the server has been losing more and more pop everyday since this update. Theres only 19 people on not counting the ones AFK and its mid day...
  13. Im not a huge fan of the stamina being implemented. After experimenting in sims, duels, and war the combat is extremely dull and underwhelming. Its not the fast paced run and gun anymore. Instead I find myself jogging to objectives to conserve stamina, (You cant even make it to an Obj without stopping.) Once you get there its just sitting and waiting to gain stamina so you can go in to even have a chance at clearing. I also dont feel as mobile anymore. Jumping around corners and in combat isnt impossible but does not pay off if you are attempting to clear an objective because more than likely you will run out of stamina quickly and you will become an easy sitting target for others to just gun down with ease. I feel limited to what I can do, its not as nearly the same combat as before. Like I said, to me the combat is SUPER underwhelming for the price to pay with stamina. I dont think stamina is the way to go to suppress bhopping, I am actually a huge fan of the anti-bhop system we had on siberia. People worked together to boost eachother into objectives, and it was a huge helper getting onto objects you wouldnt be able to crouch jump onto originally, not only that it suppressed using the bhop to gain speed.
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