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Status Updates posted by Homast

  1. @NutterPlease for the love of god, Take Forums mod away from me. It's starting to spill into my actual emails and I haven't done anything round here for a long time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The King of Rohan

      The King of Rohan

      swear there was a option to turn off email notifications 

    3. PraetorDon


      With great power comes great responsibility!

    4. aidanpoppas123


      @eli_ cough cough zachman cough cough

  2. Not only does he have Garnet Chan Padoru, But he also has Ina Padoru.
    My Man... 🙂 

  3. Heya Jamari.

    I'm trying to cash in on the recent trend of posting onto your profile as well!
    Can I get reddit Karma?

    1. Theta2


      heres ur reddit karma

  4. Just wanted to come and say, You'd know that Suggestions are accepted Well before they're implemented, and update logs are done as well not too long before hand as well...

    Or at least, You should have given the fact you were a paid manager. 😏

    1. Chewy


      Haven't checked messages for a year apparently, but as a counter-point: your point hinges on my having been a paid manager.

      I was never once paid, nor have any of the Rust Managers after me been paid as they were told they would be. But yeah, the problem has definitely been the ownership and not the people hired by him.

  5. If my son looks anything like this, I'll be proud.

    That is if i ever manage to get laid lmao.

  6. I'm slowly noticing more and more Anime pfps on these forums.

    Very Nice.

  7. Scarecrow 2, Electric Boogaloo

  8. For every topic on forums, there are an approximate average of 9.5 replies on each topic.

    Ain't that neat?

    1. Theta2


      And they say the forums are dead

    2. WhiteBolt
    3. Ruko


      Didn't know it was that much.

  9. Korone is cool
    But so is Roboco
    Roboco - Hololive Fan Wiki

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Homast


      You're not exactly wrong there.
      But The 5th Genners are probably coolest.
      Especially Botan

    3. LalaDeviluke
    4. aleks


      smile and wave people

  10. Survival on Dome was the shit.
    I'm down to play MW3 Survival with people if y'all have MW3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vizii


      Yo let me re install that shit homast, I remember staying up till like 6am playing on dome and resistance. Always making it past round 20  

    3. Jared Cox

      Jared Cox

      I’m about to purchase MW3 so we can def play at some point

    4. Captainswag


      Resistance and Dome were cool, but I mean.. Underground was the best

  11. Uh Oh.... Quirky.....

  12. So Basically, I called it.

    New Age of MRP soon questionmark?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jared Cox

      Jared Cox

      June 2020: “The Great Migration of Garnet”

    3. Aparh


      You wrote questionmark then proceeded to still put a question mark🤔

  13. Here comes the Mass GG resignation v2.

    Losing a lot of big profile doods today.

    1. LalaDeviluke
    2. Cold Soldier

      Cold Soldier

      Sayanara dweebs!!!

    3. Homast


      No Zachman, I'm not leaving, Not yet I don't think

  14. Hey Rohan, Andreas has you beat in terms of spending 3k and not charging back.

    Man has spent easily 4k over 3 months lmao

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The King of Rohan

      The King of Rohan

      Question now is Did I beat the amount Andreas has spent when I use my bullshit cad to his usd


    3. Homast


      Andreas is actually Polish, So I think it's 3k Euros....

    4. Enigma


      If its 3k Euros your beat af

  15. So I found a clip of Regret.


  16. "If I was a good staff, I'd probably be T.Admin" same mood to this day.

  17. Watch Riot require you to use Vanguard to launch League of Legends or Heroes of Runterra soon enough. Need that backdoor software EVERYWHERE

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aparh


      @JimtheScubaDiver Other games that have same Kernel level anti cheats include all games that use EAC or BE so LOL, Blizzard, Epic games, Apex. ETC.

    3. Homast


      The problem though, is that those Kernel level anti cheats are only active when the game is.


    4. Aparh


      @Homast I get that, that's the main thing people are worried about. However, if you are truly worried there's an option to shut it down at any point. It just takes a restart of your computer ( this takes literally .5seconds) to boot it back up. The reasoning behind it launching on startup of your computer is to make it more difficult for it to be altered or messed with by a program ( hacks). 

  18. Petition to add Speedrunner tags for each game mode.

  19. Told my friends they should try to learn lua, cuz GMod communities always be needing devs, and since they're not doing it, I'm following in Fiers footsteps and learning on my own. Any tips?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Homast


      I'm not quite nearly that ready for making and learning gmod stuff, I still gotta familiarize myself with the very basics of the language.
      But Thank you for the tutorial suggestions, Once I do get to  actually learning more of the language, I'll delve into the shitstorm that is gmod specific things.
      Hopefully i can get going quicker than I did trying to learn python 2.7 and pygame and all that fun.

    3. Lark
  20. My dog's pretty sick rn and got me and my parents all sad and shit.
    Literally my dads best friend, and it's almost as though he's dying... 😞
    I need distractions until I can get him to the vet more than ever.

    1. Captainswag


      Homast, it’ll be ok, it’s a part of life, my cat has been sick for a good few weeks. He probably won’t last through the month. But I hope you know we as a community are here for you. Through hell and highwater

    2. Jared Cox

      Jared Cox

      If you need to talk to me I'm always available. ❤️


    3. Homast


      Update on the situation. Dog died early in the morning today, Currently laid out in the living room until animal services can come get him.
      This fucking sucks.

  21. Apparently, Paypal be so retarded that 10 USD sent to me isn't enough to buy the 10 Credits.
    Is this common?

  22. The Official return of the Devilluke family?
    God bless America on this holiest of weeks

    1. LalaDeviluke


      The return of the Deviluke family and I will be taking ova

    2. Medinator
    3. LalaDeviluke


      what chu mean Deviluke rocks 

  23. If someone could lose the day, Ya boi would have lost it today lmao

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