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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


DarkRP Administration Team
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Everything posted by ChrisRid

  1. Neutral Something just seems a little bit off here. I'll do my best to summarise below: Your first and second paragraphs are vastly different in tone. Your first sounds like a lot of your own experiences on the server, and your second sounds very generic / robotic. On top of that, the grammar is different between the two paragraphs too. Did you write both of them yourself? Your steam profile is private (fair enough) but it looks new with only a couple of games, almost as though it's a throwaway? I could be wrong, but it seems odd... I don't remember seeing you around, not recently, and not 2 years ago when I was very active. Again, I could be wrong with that too I'm not going to mark you down with a -1 because the things you have said are all pretty good, but I'm hesitant to give a +1 at the moment for the reasons mentioned.
  2. I thought exactly the same thing seeing this Huge update! I think I've only played SWRP once previously before getting side-tracked, but this makes me want to check it out again
  3. Neutral I do see this as being useful, but I've personally always set my own timer to keep track of coolers / claimed printers, as that way I know I won't forget or miss a message in chat. My go-to was always Google's timer, back when I used to farm a lot. You can have multiple tabs for different timers, and just leave it ticking away in the background. I guess I'm pretty neutral on this one, it wouldn't be a bad thing to add a message, but I'd personally continue using my own timer (that's just my own personal preference).
  4. +1 This is what stands out to me the most, a true and genuine care for the server and its player-base. People join the staff team for various reasons, but out of all of them, this is undoubtedly the most valuable and leads to some of the best staff! I really like your application, and the reasons you've mentioned for wanting to join the staff team. You've been decent in my few encounters and I've seen you active every time I've been online recently. Most importantly, you're doing it for the right reasons too which can't be understated! You'll likely find that if you were to get accepted, others may join the team based on the way you have handled their reports, because they feel the same way you do - positivity is contagious! With that said, you mentioned that you have a couple of warns but you have left the field blank "Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details". Warns expire after a couple of weeks, and so in my personal opinion I've often said that it's better to wait for warns to clear before applying, so then you'd then have at least a couple of weeks without any issues, which isn't hard - but it can depend on what they are for in fairness as mistakes can happen. You can always edit your post to add those details and elaborate on the points? I don't see that you have any bans on record though, a clean record is really positive. People do often criticise applicants with low hours, unfortunately. I personally think that if you meet the minimum (which you do) then anything more is merely a bonus, the number of hours a player has doesn't always correlate to their performance. There's been some fantastic staff who've joined with low hours and done a superb job, in-fact sometimes a better job than staff with thousands of hours. The only benefit is experience which helps with uncommon issues, but the rest you'll have down in no time. I wish you the best of luck, Jeff
  5. Neutral On the one hand, I agree with @Chawhead that it's easy to make an 'un-raidable' base with just 35 props. In fact, most of my old dupes were built within this limit so I could paste them down anytime, low or high pop, without having to even think about it. During low-pop, I generally used the additional allowance for decoration. And of course the whole point of the limit is to protect the server performance. On the other hand though, I wonder how today's server performance compares to that of yesteryear, when the limit was originally set? If the servers of today (and hosts of today) would allow for a small increase to the prop limit without any issues, I can't see why not? Sometimes I've needed just an extra few props to make the base perfect (not that it would truly matter, but just to be exactly as I planned) and so a suggestion of a small increase to the lower-limit, from 35 to 40 props, would be awesome providing the server would be just as stable.
  6. I like the idea of the rope tool making a return, providing of course it doesn't cause a detriment to server performance. I remember back in the days in DarkRP, people would spend hours making some really neat artwork on their bases, with some exceptionally talented artists using this tool! Of course, there was also minges stringing it aimlessly around the streets too, just something to consider if it was brought back. But if it can work, I'd plus-one that part of this. As for hydraulics, wheels, etc - simple mistakes such as misjudging the distance to extend / contract can cause props to have a fit, causing a ton of collisions a second, and that's without considering malicious intent. So even if we lived in a perfect world where everyone used the tools as intended, I do still worry that may cause a problem, as others have said already.
  7. Congratulations everyone on this months promos! Shout-out to this months MVP's @busterbignut @TGC Tjizzle @Errol, you guys are absolutely smashing it with those points, it's awesome! It's been a manic January, but I'm looking forward to spending some more time with everyone this month, had some good laughs. It's also great to see a super positive team! Here's to another month, cheers
  8. +1 TDizz is a true OG and a generally great guy. Great working with you back on the Rust team, and he's a nifty DarkRP mod too! Best of luck mate
  9. +1 It would be awesome to update the pictures and descriptions, perhaps more people might donate too as a result
  10. I remember the first time I met you playing chess with the massive chess board, using props for the pieces. I think you also supervised my training the first time I joined the team some years ago! It's been a good laugh since then, and it's fair to say you've been a true veteran of the team! I wish you the best of luck for the future
  11. Hi there Tom1117 / BOBO-Kun / tic tace, Thank you for taking the time to make an appeal. In short, yes you are correct, but here's a full explanation: You were initially reported for mass random death match (MRDM). When I brought you and the reporter to the sit roof, the reporter said "He's just prop-blocked spawn, just ban him" to which you said "I'm going to go on my alt account and just come back" and "I'm just going to use a VPN and keep coming back". I confirmed you had indeed prop-blocked spawn, and so I put a ban request through in the in-game staff chat. The following video shows you saying these things as well as the prop-block spawn, which is what I ended up requesting a ban for (instead of going through the logs and excuses for the MRDM, given the ban length is the same). Following that report, a minute later I received another report for prop-block spawn, and upon teleporting to the reporter I see you again under the same name saying "Who prop-blocked spawn?" in the same voice, while moving one of the props. And so I requested a ban for ban evasion. See the video below of this taking place: However... as it has transpired, my initial ban request was not put through, but instead another moderator had reconnected you shortly after requesting the ban, and having only glanced at the chat seeing your name, it lead me to believe it had been put through. When I saw you'd returned, heard your voice, and saw you had prop-blocked spawn again (just as you said you would) I believed you were indeed being a blatant menace using an alt account as promised, however you were in-fact still on the same account given you had only been reconnected and not yet banned. I apologise for the mistake on my part, this is a good example of confirmation bias, where everything pointed at you ban evading despite the fact you actually were not, and if I had of taken a few more seconds to fully read the message in chat after putting your ban request through, I would have seen it said you had been reconnected and not banned. So with that in mind, your ban should be reduced to the initial period of 2 weeks. Please don't make it a hat-trick by prop-blocking spawn for a third time when you return though.
  12. +1 I think a small amount of XP for dumpster diving sounds like a reasonable idea. Just to let you know, CP's now get XP from the bank vault in the latest update post, giving a good alternative to basing for XP.
  13. The command deceleration was introduced a while back after a few were exploiting a (since patched) bug in the /makeshipment command, allowing the staff to monitor who may be up to no good - like adding a debug in a section of code to see when something is run. But as it was fixed and dealt with, the deceleration is now no longer needed
  14. Congratulations and happy New Year! A shout-out to the staff of the month Enzo, 1198 Toyota Corolla, eXg Lika, Busterbignut; you guys have enormous sit counts, and Busterbignut with 214 in 5 days! Truly awesome! It's been great catching up with a lot of you recently, and good to be back with you all once again I hope that 2024 brings everyone happiness, here's to a great start to the year! Cheers
  15. ChrisRid

    Fat Kid

    +1 With a custom Garnet Gaming shirt too? That would be awesome lmao
  16. Neutral I do like the idea of having CCTV, but as others have said, I'm a bit concerned about the exploits that may result from it. I like AJ's idea of only allowing them to be placed / positioned using the tool gun which could prevent a lot of issues. But then there's the question of server performance, which is a worry. If these details could be cleared-up then I'd give it a +1 but I'll stay neutral for now.
  17. +1 Yea I totally agree, this makes sense
  18. +1 I like the suggestion, but if I'm honest, the part I find most interesting is the idea of having a secure trading system to protect both parties when trading high-value weapons. In the past, players have resorted to placing reports and having a staff member witness high-value transactions (I've seen a fair few). Even when both parties trust each other, they still worry about the weapon falling through the map or someone else raiding their base after dropping their M202 on the ground or whatever. I think just in general, a secure trading system is a great idea.
  19. ChrisRid


    +1 I like both of these suggestions. As Shank mentioned, having a quick command would allow for a quick reference, and they could also bind it if they wanted to - which is useful for both players and staff alike. People can still use the menu if they prefer of course, but I think a lot of people would like the idea of a quick command. And as Computer mentioned, it should only display staff who are active to give a true and accurate indication of who may be able to help. For staff this would make sure someone is always free, allowing them to check who else is active; and for players it means that if it's taking a minute or two for their report to be claimed, they can see only a couple of staff are actually active and handling reports (instead of showing maybe 8 staff online where 6 may be AFK) to handle expectations and avoid player frustration.
  20. +1 I thought it always used to show the rules when you joined on the MOTD, but you need to navigate to the F4 menu > info > rules, as it currently stands. I think for people who have played on pretty much any DarkRP server previously, this would be expected, but I've always liked the idea of making things as intuitive as possible for others and so I can get behind this idea.
  21. +1 I love the idea of adding an Agent 47 class for higher prestige players, and I think a SWEP like this strangle-wire would be the perfect addition: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1961791474
  22. -1 I do agree with the others on this. I like to scout the place out a bit, then advert when I think nobody is looking (and this may be because they left the front door unlocked and so I'd be standing in the 'lobby' area just inside of the base but before the fading doors). They already have to advert before cracking keypads, picking locks or killing anyone - so it's not as though they will get inside without adverting. I'm not sure I see much reason to enforce this rule, and enforcing it would be tricky as it would need clips to prove every case. If you're worried about people 'insiding' then just make sure they are in your party.
  23. @Jaz- Was the one who trained me during my previous time staffing. Sad to see you go mate, pop back from time to time and hopefully it would be cool to catch up and have a laugh All the best in the meantime
  24. Congratulations everyone! A big congratulations to @Merk and @Derpza on becoming manager, well deserved for both of you! And a shutout to the staff of the month @Enzo @Danny_The_Dog @1998Corolla those are some crazy sit counts! It's been awesome catching up with a lot of people recently and I'm glad to be back. We have some superb managers and a really positive team, even those who've just started are doing a brilliant job - it's great to see!
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