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Everything posted by UrdnotWrex

  1. Agreed, I always thought it was odd that Hobos could find knives but not low grade pistols through dumpster diving. Making it super low RNG would actually be pretty cool. And I don't really get the issue with introducing Tec-9's, especially since you can walk up to a gun dealer right now and buy a fully automatic Glock 18 with a super high fire rate. It doesn't have to be limited only to a hobo, and people with low accuracy would probably appreciate a semi-automatic pistol that's more forgiving to their bad aim. +1
  2. Could it be class-specific? E.g. giving a Hobo a higher prop limit than a base-able class? Often I enjoy making creative builds as a hobo and find the prop limit can be an issue. I don't know if it's even doable or practical, but an increased prop limit by say 5 or 10 props would certainly give a hobo more creative freedom to build (and something a VIP may want to buy).
  3. +1 big time for the loading screen, but -1 for music
  4. This feels like a "tell me your age without telling me your age" post lol. That said... Majora's Mask / Ocarina of Time (Favorite games of all time. I probably replay both every 1-2 years) Super Mario 64 GoldenEye 64 Donkey Kong 64 Star Fox 64 (DO A BARREL ROLL!) Super Smash Bros Melee SSX Tricky Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1-4 Star Wars Racer / Racer Revenge Mario Party Series Diddy Kong Racing Star Wars Rogue Squadron Super Mario Sunshine Wind Waker Soulcalibur 2-3 Simpsons Hit and Run Runescape (Old School baby!) And of course... Portal, GMod, TF2, Counter Strike 1.6/Source/CSGO, HL2, and pretty much any Valve game. I probably could name off sooooooo many more games, but these first came to my mind.
  5. +1 Glorbnob is a great dude with the maturity, hours and commitment that make a great staff member. I've never seen him cause an issue. Rooting for my fellow shark regular!
  6. dang it murph, half the reason I log in is to see you and your hospital and to spread awareness of DOG. See ya and stay in touch!
  7. Get those straight A's and see ya around
  8. Read application rules, update your /playtime, and heavily beef up your paragraphs (you only wrote 3 sentences). Make those fixes and spend more time among the community to meet people. -1
  9. UrdnotWrex

    Kill Baiters

    I agree with @ShankNinja but sort of for the opposite reason. If the person is intending to RDM you and missing, or even putting on a convincing enough act to make it appear as such, and you kill him in self defense while recording it, then I'd argue the opposite -- shooting them would seem justified and not RDM. But the burden would likely have to be on you to prove it if you get reported. Logs won't back you up, and on the surface it will look like RDM. Too much of a sticky and unnecessary effort for what likely is at best an edge case. Either way, fundamentally I have to -1 for this reason alone:
  10. Except this person was never invited into the main bank's party. They were only let in because it was reported and an admin said they had to be let into the bank. That's different than a security guard getting hired and breaking the owner's trust. This was intentionally exploited by the abuser creating a report.
  11. Description: Reduce the number of bankers allowed at any given time from 2 to 1. Reasoning: Due to the fact that there is only one bank that a banker is able to base at, it does not make sense to allow two bankers at any given time. Otherwise, people can exploit a loophole in the rules such that if an existing bank already is in use, a second player can become a banker and force themselves in. This was proven to be a tactic used just today where someone became a banker and blew up a 30+ printer bank. This is a repeatable exploit that anyone can abuse if a banker is already utilizing the bank. Additional Information: N/A
  12. I don't have much skin in the game since I'm just a player and don't know you well, but my only interaction with you was a few days ago and you were pretty darn toxic. You said something along the lines that I sounded like a "fat loser with a budget Walmart PC." I was amused by it, but I'm not too sure I like the idea of someone who makes that their first encounter also having the ability to ban me with a few keystrokes UPDATE: Changing to a +1 for the mere fact that Ba11ParkFrank has probably HOURS of effort into this app over the last few days and clearly cares about his impact on the community. Yeah, you're a bit immature and toxic bro and I still stand by my earlier statement, but work on fixing it and you'll be a stellar staff member. Rooting for your success in the future, don't let people down!
  13. Typo on my part, meant to say 20,000 Hz. Thanks for catching it.
  14. +1 Personally I'd consider going around blasting high pitch sounds that are meant to damage people's ears or speakers, especially to people at spawn as the load into the server for the first time, as griefing or trolling. High pitch frequency sounds above 70 dB or 20,000 Hz literally damage people's ears and it has no purpose other than to grief and disrupt other players. One of my good buddies growing up got tinnitus because of loud noises that burst eardrums. It's not something I believe should be treated lightly. https://journals.lww.com/otology-neurotology/Fulltext/2021/03000/Tinnitus_Is_Associated_With_Extended.5.aspx I'm unsure if a new rule is specifically needed, but I'd consider it under this rule: See below as an example of what I mean: (WARNING: LOUD HIGH PITCH SOUNDS) https://streamable.com/078efk
  15. Couldn't you theoretically just buy a door to a large room, put up KOS signs, and turn it into a kill zone? The problem I see with Hobos/DJ's setting it up is a lot of people will guaranteed abuse it: just place a "RDM zone" right next to spawn or town square, unleash the masses and watch as accidental RDMs, crossfires and mayhem pile up.
  16. Hope to see you back man, it's been fun having you around
  17. -1 Just blacklist people who act in bad faith and don't trade with them again. Hell, even tell everyone you know that they ought to not be trusted. No offense, but this is more of an issue where you weren't careful then him breaking a rule. Asshole behavior? Sure. But certainly preventable. Adding more nuanced rules will just cause more headaches.
  18. Damn it man, I hate seeing this post. I often look forward to logging in just so I could see you and say hello. Going to miss you bud, stay in touch!
  19. Gonna miss ya bud, I'll be sure to protect the egg in your honor
  20. Honestly without much context, those clips look designed to make Ballparkfrank appear bad out of a personal vendetta or grudge. However, poor behavior during sits, saying staff members are "pieces of shit" and saying "you need new staff, none of them are good" is not a great look. Since I trust some of your referrals, keeping you at NEUTRAL for the time being. EDIT: Changing to a -1 after seeing how you conduct yourself so far in this thread, and echoing what @ten10868 said in his latest post here:
  21. +1 The more I've interacted with John, the more he seemed genuine and good hearted. I want to give him a shot here. @Paso I've since talked with John after this and he made a big deal to apologize and promised to do better. He's been nothing but pleasant and I believe him. Let people grow from their mistakes, we all make them.
  22. +1 Your past experience is awesome which is a huge win in my opinion, and you seem to handle yourself well (at least based off your app). Plus if you can manage a 7 year old son, you can manage 7 year olds on the server
  23. -1 I definitely like where your head's at when it comes to clarifying the rules of engagement for a PD raid, but I don't think a new rule is really needed. People advertising "PD Raid" (at least in my experience) is already very commonplace today, and I'd argue it's up to the Police/Mayor to pay attention and communicate back to their force. Layering on new rules and extra hoops to jump through seem like it would causes more headaches than it would alleviate.
  24. Intent absolutely matters because the rule is all about avoiding a RP situation, and that's why I wanted to raise my concern/question here. If quickdoors are not allowed, then that's a different story and I agree -- punishment deserved and I'll learn from this. But your rationale would mean any quickdoor could be easily be turned into FDA. I could report anyone returning to their base if I manage to type /advert raid just before they make it inside using a quickdoor. Would the FDA trigger when you type /advert raid, or when I see you did? If it's the former, then I see an easy way to get people in trouble.
  25. I linked my full POV in the link under "What happened." Again, my report is not based on entering my base immediately after you advertising raid, I acknowledge that. My report is based on whether my intent qualifies as FDA -- I don't believe it did. And I disagree on your bolded point, since the action depends on the qualifier of "during an RP situation." I was not using a fading door to avoid you, and would otherwise be allowed to if it were not a raid (at least so I am told). A consensual RDM wouldn't be allowed under any sort of context.
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