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Everything posted by Tage

  1. Tage

    Staff Application

    Denied You may re-apply in 2 weeks (9/10/2023) @Shwade@Draco_Please lock and move to denied, thank you!
  2. Accepted! Welcome to the Staff team! @GhostRoadWill be training you with @Towelieee overseeing. Please Do Not use any commands in-game until you've been properly trained. @Draco_@Shwade Please lock and move!
  3. Accepted! Welcome to the Staff Team! @GhostRoad Will be training you with @Tageoverseeing. @Draco_ Please lock and move!
  4. +1 good person. i like him
  5. Denied You may re-apply in 2 weeks (8/31/2023) Due to recent behavioral issues, you have been denied. @Shwade@MrTooTooTPlease lock and move to Denied, Thank you!
  6. +1 I talk to you basically everyday, you're very mature and know your way around things. Good fit for staff (get more active on tali side tho) Good luck!
  7. -1 I've talked to you sometimes, but not enough to get to know you. I see you on a few times a day, but thats about it. Good luck tho
  8. Denied You may not dual staff on our server and a different server. @Shwade@MrTooTooTPlease lock and move to Denied, Thank you
  9. congrats to everybody promoted, especially high ranking staff promotions
  10. +1 i see u alot. personally idk who u are but your cool
  11. hard -1 1. i think you missed some questions on the format 2. you got warned for rdmx15 and then another warn right after 3. and u have 3 hours...
  12. Tage

    Map Change/Ideas

    United States-sided idea (Tanks/Helicopters) 1. Looking into the new map, I want to bring some changes as we are bringing US and Tali Pilot jobs. There are no helipads for helicopters. I feel there should be parachutes added back since the pilot class is being added. It just makes more sense. I haven't fairly gotten to know the whereabouts in TaigaV3 but I don't think there are any spots to land a helicopter near objectives, hence why there should be parachutes for people to land on OBJ quicker. I don't think parachutes should be able to be shot down, but they may be able to shoot the person. The player in the parachute may zoom in and shoot, but the aim spread will be +80, as you're in the air. I tried to fly a helicopter in TaigaV3 and the skybox is not even 20 feet above the buildings in the US base. the building in Tali base touches the sky box. So the skybox will need to be raised to be able to fly aircraft on this map. 2. For the picture I put up, is where I feel like there should be placed a helipad, either remove the trees and place one there, or create stairs or another function to get on top of the roof for a helipad. At the edge of the helipad, there will be an NPC spawner. The NPC spawner will consist of 2 attack helicopters and 1 transport. The helicopters will be: MI-8AMTSH (Transport), AH-1Z (Attack), and AH-6A (Lower the ammo on the minigun) 3. Tanks included with Pilot class. I have tested every tank against every explosive weapon, even cars, helicopters that I put in #2, grenades, and the jihad bomb. Jihad bombs, explosive cars, and grenades do not affect the tanks one bit. The balanced tanks I feel are best for the server, are Leopard 2A7, and T-90MS. The reason is, Leopard is fast and also a hard hitter but, it can be destroyed in just a few hits with the right explosives. And T-90MS is slow, but a hard hitter, and can take good amounts of damage before exploding. There will be an NPC spawner located here: It will be in the corner where the trees are. The trees will just have to be removed and put a concrete there. Afghanistan-sided ideas (Explosive cars/Armored Cars) 1. More armored cars with guns need to be added. There's only 1 armored car with a gun. It's the INS1 Humvee, and it's okay, but there needs to be more. I was looking into more armored cars, and I found this pack with 3 armored cars: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2098339856&searchtext=simfphys+armored+cars I don't think it's a bad addition as we only have 1 armored car currently. The damage on all the cars needs to be upgraded as they do nothing to tanks or cars. When you shoot on this pack, the impact on any surface or vehicle is like a huge explosion, which would need to be fixed. 2. Explosive cars are fine with range, but it does need to be able to affect tanks and any other vehicle. I don't see any issues with it currently, but it not being able to damage tanks. ( I would have made something for planes, but I don't see planes being used very much in a small map as this, especially having no where to land.)
  13. Neutral I mean I am in teamspeak with you and others a lot so I get to know you and shit, but you're not really out there in the server. Get in different TS channels, play a little bit of Tali. Just get to know everybody, got other than that good luck.
  14. +1 I always see you active and doing things with enlisted and just being communicative with everybody. So I'd like to see you on the staff team, but beef the paragraphs up a little and you'll be good. Good luck
  15. +1 I see you alot on the server personally, and you have the education to do good on the server, so I feel like you'll be a good fit
  16. +1 He is extremely active, and just in general I feel like he will do tons of events each day. (beef the paragraphs up though)
  17. +1 He's professional with the things he does, I believe he is very capable of becoming a staff member, and he realizes that there's more to staff than taking sits. (by the way, you cant sethealth, jobs, or do portals unless you're a GM or you reach T. Admin+)
  18. Didn't ban you dude, I'm not even staff currently.
  19. In-game name: Tage/Zeus Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 16 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:567205559 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST Playtime? [minimum 100 hours, use /playtime in-game]: | 75R CWO Zeus has played for 1302:12:46. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: [YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Nelson, Shax, Reynolds, MrTootToot Past experiences as staff: [Optional] I was staff on Garnet as S. Mod a week ago, and a GM, and a Mod before that. How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] So, I made a huge mistake joining another MRP server and resigning as staff on Garnet. I feel like all I needed was a break from Garnet and just to be somewhere else for a few days, but after a while, I realized I wasn't apart of the other server. I feel more apart here on Garnet, more apart of the community and as the staff team. I have contributed tons of time to this role and apart of the server, and I again want to prove that I am perfect for this role and that I am really dedicated, without having any other server or issue get in the way. I am fully dedicated to Garnet and I believe I will be a great role model to others and a great staff member and express my strengths within the server. I have many strengths that I can provide within this server and many accomplishes as well. I have already devoted a bunch of time into this server and as staff, and I want to show that I am eligible to become an Admin. A few reasons why I am fit for this role is I'm mature, patient with others, a huge listening ear, respectful and responsible. I am extremely well-known on the server and I believe everybody knows that. I am on every single day, sometimes in the morning, then to night. Just today making this application, I've been on the server for 16+ hours, but I'd say 2/4 is afk hours. I love being apart of the community in Garnet and I wanna show that I am a great candidate for this position again. I will always have feedback on others opinions and or staff applications and I will never be bias during a sit, or replying to a staff application. I believe I am a great role model within this server and I believe I have already proven that. I am always on in the morning and I am always there to witness minginess behavior and or people breaking rules while other staff are asleep or off at their job. I am there to give them their consequences and tell them the rights and the wrongs. I believe I can benefit this server by bringing my responsibility and what I am able to bring to the table on this server. I can give many ideas/suggestions and opinions and different things that should or shouldn't be added to the server. I want to prove that I will not leave again for a different server, especially if we dislike that server and staff was restricted from playing it. I believe I am a great help to a lot of people in this community and I encourage people to play this game and show them this server is really a great server. When I was a S. Mod, which was like a week ago, I had a ton of sits. Most of them were training staff, although sits don't matter anymore, it was showing that I am always there and providing the correct punishments for people when there aren't much staff on. I was a role model for lower enlisted staff below my rank as they would always come to me for questions and I would provide them an answer for what question they had. Not only for staff but faction related, server related, etc. I can become a great leader and show great leadership and sportsmanship within the server. I feel like I have brought a great reputation on this server and I believe everybody can vouch for that. I do have some ups and downs with some people, but its not huge, and not with everybody. I motivate people and encourage people to do a lot of things, but obviously not bad things. I'm used for opinions if someone should be promoted or how well somebody does something. I can bring my skills and efforts to the table and show what I am capable of as a staff member and show that I am a very excellent and valuable staff member. Although I am still young, I can bring multiple suggestions and what I believe would be a great idea to implement into the server. I can strive beyond what a normal staff member can when doing their role. When I get an opinion in something, I want it to be an important say, if its like a suggestion, or another opinion for the server. I want to get at least up to Admin and stay at that rank for as long as possible. But I know this is a huge ask, but I am very curious if I can become an S. Mod again, as it wasn't too long of my resignation notice and I believe I was a great S. Mod even though all I did was sits, it showed I was there for most. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details: N/A Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes, a while ago, forgot times. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: A-lot of time everyday.
  20. +1 I interact with you a good amount, you do try to enforce rules with newer players and let them know right or wrong, although you do have a problem RDM'ing and minging a bunch. Definitely fix both of those and you're in good shape.
  21. +1 I have high standards for you because you have past experience, you are delta force colonel, and I have that feeling you'll do good as staff. Good luck
  22. Tage

    Cashxc's Staff App

    -1 Your recent actions have been pretty interesting, and I personally just don't believe you're ready for staff. I don't believe you have proven that you are ready and that you are committed to the server and the staff community. I don't believe you have really made a name for yourself in the community, try to make more of a name of yourself by reacting to posts, ingame content, and being around more players. Aswell as being active in teamspeak which I see you in there most of the time, discord, forums, etc. And another thing, I was told by Drax that he never said you could have his referral which is a bit odd as you put his name in your referral list. Plus, Drax is a Gamemaster, I wouldn't put gamemasters in your Staff application, it just doesn't add up. I can kinda understand Nelson's referral as he is head gamemaster, but is still a gamemaster.
  23. Neutral I don't have a lot of interactions with you, but personally, I don't know how you'll be on the staff team. I don't know if you'd be a good addition as I don't know how you will act, but I don't wanna say anything yet till I interact more with you ingame. And please beef those paragraphs up
  24. I'm only gonna +1 because I know how you'll be. But please, do fix the paragraphs and the format. But I know you'll always be there for people to help them in any way they need, you'll be there to hear their questions and etc. You'll be there to take multiple sits, etc. Good luck
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