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Everything posted by Dowsy

  1. Dowsy

    Report on Cameron

    Did you hold it how long a time then? Also, maybe share that evidence?
  2. Dowsy

    Report on Cameron

    what lmao, that picture in the report is not mine, its bishops. Had it been mine, I wouldve reported both copy and cameron a long time ago.
  3. Dowsy

    Report on Cameron

    I reported this due to the simple fact that it broke rules set up for staff to follow.
  4. Dowsy

    Report on Cameron

    So, your saying Bishop had basicaly held evidence of abuse for almost month? Thats quite odd. Yea, but the fact is you still used it. Just because its consensual and it was late at night does not make it ok to use it. You should have known better. Anyways, seen as you have decided to resign, I do no feel the need for this to be kept open anymore. @Phantom if possible, lock this thread
  5. Dowsy

    Report on Cameron

    Thing is that, by making a seperate report on cameron, it allows the copywrite situation to only focus on copywrite, and not take in Cameron's abuse
  6. What, I am not even in df though, hell I have not been in it for a long time. So my attidute =/= df's attidute How would that help? Like honestly how
  7. Yea sure, being helpfull was hard to begin with. Anyways, only way to change the system in a nonbiased way is to add a system where a person gets kciked instant if he has gotten a warn/blacklist/demote/etc with in the past week or so. Though even then it has some problems. Seen as we're in ts I feel like I dont need to respond to this
  8. Ok, what has to happen so that it happens?
  9. Who are you Reporting? [Administrator/Player] Your Name: Upland Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:63086692 Name of Reportee: @[GG] Admin | Cameron SteamID of Reportee: STEAM_0:1:83587811 What Happened?: So to put it shortly on Bishops report about Copy, some noticed that Cameron had also abused the slay command. Due to that and some lovely chats with Rauler, I decided to make this report so that this can be handeled seperately from Copy's report Proof or Evidence:
  10. Huh, seems kinda lackluster when compared to Vega, aka DF's equal.
  11. Dowsy

    SEAL Class Rework

    I would asume they held the opinion of "these weapons are bad" before bishop joined. Though again, unles they come forward I highly doubt that they hold this opinion.
  12. Dowsy

    SEAL Class Rework

    Well, why havent they suggested changes then?
  13. Dowsy

    SEAL Class Rework

    Stay on a faction at least like 2 weeks before making these kinda threads. Some guns can have somewhat of a learning curve with them. -1
  14. Edit: so basically he is judt copying a same ip (which is an invalid one) over and over again. So he does not have any ips.
  15. I truly hope Alex Jones pulls the short straw on his legal issues and is forced to close infowars.
  16. I mean, women did fight in some parts of the world during ww2, also is it really such a sin to include it? Plus about the disability thing, you do know they did have people such as Alexey Maresyev fought long after becoming disabeled.
  17. +1 For a timed blacklist, though a permanent bl for me at least is way too much of an overkill.
  18. I mean, I kinda wrote it at like the last minute, so it nothing going for it.
  19. Well, I would if I could, but since I cant really edit my posts, I can not do that.
  20. Yup, it gave a good insight into how you should interact with enlisted, though personally, I had learned stuff about enlisted long before I even joined the server. That said though looking back on when I made this, I do want to say that my guide should be taken with a grain of salt, as i can definetly see some half assed stuff in it myself that I have not yet come around fixing.
  21. I mean wetness itself is just a responce given to you by your skins neural sensors. Water itself is not "wet" as it is just a bunch molecules loosly connected to each other.
  22. I mean unless you can prove without a doubt that ww was your brother, I personally can not bring myself to +1 this.
  23. New memes I see, here is some of mine:
  24. +1 Fun guy to be around and overall knows his shit very well.
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