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Everything posted by jaylen

  1. oh yea good luck cody you chill sorry i shouldve edited
  2. jaylen


    Don't hide what you said. Still even the new one is still disrespect. What you had said about jorts was disgusting man. Who cares if she doesn't like you. Be better then that.
  3. jaylen


    He never had said anything about a ban if you had read properly. It's an application cooldown.
  4. jaylen


    -1 | I've done this already just wanted to share you minging. If you become staff I can see you ruining experiences for players you aren't friends with
  5. why did you make two posts?
  6. -1 | I've had many bad interactions with you. I've had a time where you NLR'd 4 times in a raid and said I dont care when I told you. You started to tell me that I was annoying and shit. and everything that MinxX said shows more on my -1 reasoning.
  7. make sure you give respect to pop smoke when your there
  8. jaylen


    -1 you are affiliated with minges I can see you becoming bias. Landen isnt staff either you cant use him as a reccomendation.
  9. +1 | Cody's a pretty chill guy he has no warnings the only downside is that you can't record gmod videos. I can help you set up OBS if you'd like.
  10. carti be like "MoNDay.!" which monday? 2050 mondays?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peekay


      slatt ! +:) 

    3. Theta2


      How do  I cringe react

    4. jaylen


      @Theta2 sadly im not crng mann u cant do that 😠

  11. -1 | Your warn count is pretty high. I know you say people are getting warned left and right but those players are either known active minges or just people getting on to mess around. More effort should be added as well in my opinion.
  12. -1 | Dude you literally Ip grabbed and the proof is really good, and the fact on how you barely have much of an explanation for the unban.
  13. Yo lets be real here if you like tranzit you aren't a cod zombies fan 💀 

  14. +1 | Miller honestly is just great no words really describe how good he is. i hope you get it man.
  15. looking back on this. how dissapointed you must be when you played it. blood was trash
  16. Relaxing (Vacations usually are pretty relaxed)
  17. worse then a cringe react from garnet himself. in all seriousness though i am doing really bad rn im not gonna talk about it on a forums site learned that one from theta
  18. jaylen

    purge night?

    -1 | Purge RP servers died out a long time ago it wouldn't be the best to add it. it's basically just DRP anyways.
  19. jaylen

    Josh Ban Appeal

    I remember seeing Josh as ISI during CS Desert 2016, if that helps you in any way
  20. jaylen

    Josh Ban Appeal

    at least you have the balls to say that ^ unlike others. Anyways Josh you were a good person back then but your digging a hole for yourself and most likely wont get accepted until a ban wipe. -1 you fucked up.
  21. +1 | did awesome events in star wars rp, if he was that good in there he'll probably be even better here.
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