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Everything posted by Jbhh

  1. Will there be a May the 4th update?
  2. -1, You may not staff on any other gaming community while staffing on Garnet. Also didn't even read the staff rules. Which seems so bizzare as apparently another server owner to not due the initial due dilligance of actually reading the staff rules.
  3. I disagree with all of this, This is something that is super easily enforced, We make people take down hobo shacks larger than a 6x6 every single day. We have a whole addendum to the rules for special areas you can build outside of the door. It is really easy to stack yourself twice for the two shoulder widths. This is a standard rule on some other servers. Lets be honest as well what type of loophole/misuse are we talking about? I really can't think of a single way that this could be misused. I also disagree we have unused possibilities. Look I build bases that are pretty creative I would like to think and I am running out of ideas that aren't just more of the same in a new spot. I have built in every single area that is unique or cool. This would open up tons of creative ideas. I do think that instead of doing shoulder widths it could be managed by block lengths i.e. can not be longer than a 1x3 extended out. Sorry if this came off as aggressive, I just think some players on this server are too stuck in the norms, Its a vanilla server where we aren't going to get massive content updates ever and doing small things like this motivates players to come back, and engage in the server more.
  4. Description: I am suggesting that We allow bases to be built up to two player model shoulder widths outside of the door. This is really easily enforced and prevents minge. Building is starting to get a little bit stale I think most people would tend to agree being able to build outside just enough to put an airlock opens up a lot of potentional for bases that dont have a lot of potential now. There is already people who do things similar to this with things like keypads in baskets outside or just full out airlocks but it still isn't allowed. The only concern is that it could lead to minging, but I don't believe this is true at all with the limit of 2 shoulder widths it is really easy to prevent anything crazy.
  5. +1 Never seen you in game but your application is pretty good. I think you are very articulate, display intelligence, as well as seem very mature. We could use some older players like you on the team!
  6. You were just accepted to the staff team despite a ban 2 weeks ago.
  7. -1. Too young without ever leaving an impression that you are mature on me. Paragraphs are not paragraphs. Did not read the staff rules.
  8. -1. All of my interactions with you have been pretty negative. I think you are way to inmature and have not displayed an ounce of maturity when around me at least. You constantly try to sneak into my base, I see you get reported frequently, and you were literally unbanned for a 2 week MRDM ban 2 weeks ago. I think you need a bit longer than 2 weeks to show that you are a good fit for the staff team. Even with good rec's I think your general behavior at least around me is not at all up to staff material. I also didn't ban you- WOHMI Did I just put it through.
  9. +1, Sureak would be a very good fit for our staff team. Super mature, doesn’t ever break rules, keeps his calm, and is active. I would have referred you :).
  10. Never seen you in game, didn't read the rules, application shows lack of maturity and effort. -1
  11. My custom class can not mug
  12. I lost 40 mil… no more rps for Hama
  13. The goal of the Server is Vanilla so having to add an add on for that would be out of question from my understanding. But if there was a way to stop minging I’d +1. But as it is we had cameras a long time ago and it was so so mingey.
  14. -1; the last thing I want is someone shoving a camera through my doors minging. Maybe I could be convinced for vip plus but even then I’m not down initially.
  15. Gupper was raiding your base he killed you, you came back within 3 minutes and killed him this is seconds after the over call. For no reason Kill logs show you dying and then Killing him shortly after the over call. Advert logs showing raid and over time shows you were in proximity and you admitted such- Damage logs to show it was not self defense- You never even discussed your second Kill that is displayed in the log which shows that you are just coming at this very dishonestly just evidence checking me which I always gather.
  16. Any chance for Keypad integration with the party system? I think this would get rid of so much FDA as well.
  17. Printer farmers like myself already make money hahaha. But I do agree Definetly no double money perk. It’s a cyclical cycle. I’d buy it every time in on new players couldn’t. I do like the idea of double xp though. +1- only for double xp and it should cost a lot of money. One thing though I think would be awesome @Nutteris to run double xp events during holidays or some weekends. This would function similar to cod or other games it would help boost server pop and give players something to look forward to.
  18. Lets gooo, so hyped for CityRP its unbelievable. Will all of my weapons and cc's transfer?
  19. I ran into after you had already damaged me on impact. You clearly hit myself and depot here. Logs show the rest.
  20. Huge -1 -Does not come close to the paragraph requirement. -The bullet points that are present are hyper-generic and do not distinguish you from anyone in a meaningful way. - you did not even read the staff rules.
  21. Neutral- pretty good app but I’ve only seen you on the past few days I would suggest you play a bit longer and get some more community reputation before being able to get my +1.
  22. Jbhh

    mayor cooldown

    -1, Half of the time on the server we dont even have a mayor, I would rather have an abhorrent mayor than no mayor its fun imo.
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